Allison Howard
Allison Howard
James W. Strong Outstanding Senior Award
Tom and Jane Vanden Eynden Art Education Award
Description of Work
The Walls Saw It All - 2021 - Screenprint, Speedball water-based acrylic ink, Stonehenge paper - Not for Sale
Artist's Statement
My work addresses personal life-altering experiences that I express visually through broader themes such as loss, grief, and even anger. These experiences focus primarily on the loss of my mother while dealing with her struggles of alcoholism. While my struggle was personal, I believe aspects of it can be shared through broad themes that others can relate to. Not everyone has dealt directly with a death or an addiction, but we all deal with these common emotions in relation to other types of struggles at some point in our lives. My artwork serves as therapy for myself, while also bridging my perspective to others. I would like for my side, as well as theirs, to be seen and recognized in the art I create, even if we never personally talk or meet.
These ideas are presented through the printmaking medium. I use printmaking because it is so process-driven, which means that I spend a lot of time with my images, deconstructing and reconstructing them in multiple orientations and layers. That gives me the opportunity to really examine them. Looking at my images so intently, from multiple perspectives, helps me face and deal with the content head on, physically and psychologically. So, while I am working to create a visual resolution, there is also an emotional resolution at work.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/19/2021 06:30PM