Center for Family and Demographic Research

Center for Family and Demographic Research

The Center for Family and Demographic Research is a proud affiliate of BGSU's campus and community.

The Center for Family & Demographic Research

The Center for Family and Demographic Research (CFDR) is a leading population center that provides infrastructure support and a stimulating intellectual environment to advance knowledge in four primary research areas: family demography, sexual and reproductive health, health disparities, and adolescent and young adult development. Bringing together faculty affiliates from a range of disciplines, the Center amplifies campus research capacity, mentors junior scholars, and fosters multidisciplinary collaborations that generate innovative population science.

Check out the CFDR appearances on the PAA 2024 program!

CFDR Grants

Monica Longmore, Wendy Manning, Peggy Giordano, Kei Nomaguchi, Gary Oates, & Krista Westrick-Payne
Adaptations to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Pre-Pandemic Continuity and Changes in Emotional Well-Being. NICHD

New Publications

Christopher Julian, Wendy Manning, & Krista Westrick-Payne. "Responses to Sexual and Gender Identity Measures in Population-Level Data by Birth Cohort: A Research Note." Demography


United States projected to follow Ohio in population declines

Wendy Manning notes that in terms of population,  traditionally Ohio mimics the rest of the nation and that the country's decline in its fertility rate mirrors what is happening in Ohio. Read the full story here.

orange and brown logo for the Center for Family and Demographic Research


Dr. Susan Brown, Director
Bowling Green State University
005 Williams Hall
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
Phone: 419-372-7279
Fax: 419-372-3179

Updated: 07/08/2024 10:04AM