The Statistics program is part of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the BGSU College of Arts and Sciences.

- mMinor Available
- BBachelors Available
- MinorMinor Available
- Bachelor'sBachelors Available
Statistics is the science of the collection, organization and interpretation of data. The statistics major provides a core curriculum in mathematics, an overview of the basic concepts of probability and statistical inference, and an introduction to the application of statistical methods to business, medicine, and science. A primary focus is the analysis of population characteristics by inference from a sample of the population.
Quality classroom experiences
Mathematics and statistics courses introduce new ways of thinking and develop discipline in carefully expressing these thoughts through problem solutions or carefully written arguments. Beginning with calculus, all mathematics courses are taught in small sections to ensure an appropriate level of personal attention. Students utilize various software tools that are available in the Math Science Computer Lab and in other computer labs across campus.
Stand Out in courses like
- Calculus & Analytic Geometry
- Linear Algebra
- Probability & Statistics
- Regression Analysis
Statistics majors begin with three semesters of calculus and a course in linear algebra. The curriculum also includes a two-semester sequence in probability and statistics and four electives in statistics and applied statistics. A variety of honors courses and seminars are offered with the possibility of writing an honors research thesis in order to graduate with departmental or university honors. It is possible for advanced students to earn a limited number of graduate credits during their senior year and complete a master’s degree in mathematics or statistics in one year beyond the bachelor’s degree.
Career opportunities in statistics, actuarial science, and data science continue to be abundant and consistently rank in the top five in career surveys.
Internships and Careers
Part-time employment is available for undergraduates as tutors in the Learning Commons and the Math Emporium, a computer learning center within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The National Science Foundation (NSF) offers undergraduate research opportunities through its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The BGSU Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship offers the possibility of summer research funding. There are also a number of scholarships available specifically for students who declare a major in mathematics or statistics.
Statistician is often one of the top rated jobs. Statistics majors can go on to graduate school in diverse fields such as mathematics and economics.
Go Far in your career
- Business
- Education
- Government
- Insurance
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Average Starting Salary & BGSU Placement Rate
$67,161* – Statistics graduates average starting salary according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers
83% of graduates report they're employed, in graduate school or starting a business within six months of graduation
The Statistics program is part of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the BGSU College of Arts and Sciences.
College of Arts and Sciences Admissions
Students interested in a statistics major should have four years of college preparatory mathematics in high school. While it is not necessary to take calculus in high school, the department offers an advanced placement program to receive credit for one or two calculus courses by taking the Advanced Placement Exam while in high school.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in statistics will be able to:
- Understand what mathematics and statistics are, how they are done, and how they relate to other disciplines;
- Use the language of mathematics and statistics to communicate basic ideas, techniques, and results;
- Objectively and critically evaluate information and assess performance using mathematical principles;
- Demonstrate appreciation for the beauty, utility, and impact of mathematics and statistics;
- Apply mathematical problem-solving techniques in novel situations;
- Use appropriate technology to attack a wide variety of mathematical tasks successfully.
Bowling Green State University [BGSU] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. BGSU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 01/01/1916. The most recent reaffirmation of accreditation was received in 2022-2023. Questions should be directed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
The statistics program will undergo Program/Cluster Review during the Academic Year 2019-20.
Bowling Green State University programs leading to licensure, certification and/or endorsement, whether delivered online, face-to-face or in a blended format, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.
Requirements for licensure, certification and/or endorsement eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. The statistics program does not lead to professional licensure.
* Job placement and salary information was compiled by the Office of Academic Assessment through the Graduation Survey from AY2015-2018. The data are gathered around the time of Commencement and a follow-up survey six months post Commencement. For the salary question, data for programs with fewer than fifteen responses are not included. Salaries for those programs are from the National Association of Colleges and Employers Summer 2019 Survey. For questions regarding the data, contact
Updated: 12/03/2024 02:53PM