Where Next? Panel Discussion
Where Next?
A Discussion with Professionals in the Arts, Featuring
Adam Shirley
Adam earned his BFA from College of Creative Studies (1993) and his MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art (2010). He has exhibited in a number of group, two-person, and solo shows in Detroit, New York, The Netherlands, and Chicago, and has received a number of awards, including The Louis Comfort Tiffany Award.
Mark Zuzik
This BGSU Alumnus is the Manager, since 2016, of Donor Relations and Visitor Experience for the Pizzuti Collection, is a non-profit exhibition space in the Short North Arts district of Columbus, Ohio, dedicated to the presentation of contemporary art.
Wesley Taylor
Wesley Taylor is a graphic designer, fine artist, musician, and curator. He has spent many years "scene building" in the Detroit Hip Hop community by participating as both an emcee and graphic designer in the rap group, Athletic Mic League. He is co-founder of Emergence Media and co-founder of Talking Dolls Studio. Wesley holds a graduate degree in 2-D design from the Cranbrook Academy of Art and is Senior Assistant Professor of Art & Design at Lawrence Tech University. His solo work revolves around the promise of the future.

Updated: 03/29/2021 03:44PM