Faculty & Staff
- College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Art
- Faculty & Staff
Michael Arrigo
- Position: Professor, Graduate Coordinator
- Phone: 419-372-9320
- Email: marrigo@bgsu.edu
- Address: 104 FAC
John Balistreri
- Position: Professor, Area Head, Ceramics
- Phone: 419-372-7764
- Email: balistr@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1222 FAC
Janet Ballweg
- Position: Professor, Area Head, Printmaking, Division Chair, Studio
- Phone: 419-372-8515
- Email: jballwe@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1207 FAC
Barbara Bergstrom
- Position: Associate Professor, Division Chair, Art Education
- Phone: 419-372-7021
- Email: bjbergs@bgsu.edu
- Address: 124 FAC
Joan Brown
- Position: Adjunct Professor, First Year Program and Ceramics
- Email: bjoan@bgsu.edu
Andrea L. Cardinal
- Position: Assistant Professor, Graphic Design
- Email: andcard@bgsu.edu
Barb Carr
- Position: Secretary
- Phone: 419-372-2786
- Email: carrb@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1000 FAC
Shari Densel
- Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Art Education
- Email: sdensel@bgsu.edu
Marcelle Dupay
- Position: Teaching Professor, First Year Program
- Phone: 419-372-3896
- Email: mmdupay@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1014 FAC
Dena Eber
- Position: Professor, Digital Arts, Associate Director of the School of Art, Head of Photography
- Phone: 419-372-8526
- Email: deber@bgsu.edu
- Address: 123 FAC
Andrew Gilliatt
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Ceramics
- Email: agillia@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1220 FAC
Tina Gionis
- Position: Adjunct Professor, Digital Arts
- Email: kgionis@bgsu.edu
Diane Gladieux
- Position: Adjunct Professor, Art Education
- Phone: 419-372-2786
- Email: dgladie@bgsu.edu
- Address: 128 FAC
Mille Guldbeck
- Position: Professor, Area Head, Painting & Drawing
- Phone: 419-372-9319
- Email: guld@bgsu.edu
- Address: 116B FAC
Andrew Hershberger
- Position: Professor, Art History
- Pronouns: He/Him/His
- Phone: 419-372-2895
- Email: aehersh@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1020 FAC
Alli Hoag
- Position: Associate Professor, Area Head, Glass
- Phone: 419-372-7765
- Email: ahoag@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1212 FAC
Michelle Hoch-Henningsen
- Position: Adjunct Teaching Professor, Graphic Design
- Email: mhoch@bgsu.edu
Hope Hooper
- Position: Coordinator of Arts Admissions and Promotions
- Pronouns: she/her
- Phone: 419-372-0107
- Email: hhooper@bgsu.edu
- Address: Fine Arts Center, Office 1002
Xiaojun Huang
- Position: Assistant Professor, Graphic Design
- Email: xiaojh@bgsu.edu
- Address: 114 FAC
Christina Humble
- Position: Adjunct Professor, Digital Arts
- Email: chumble@bgsu.edu
Crystalyn Hutchens
- Position: Adjunct Professor
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Email: clhutch@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1000 FAC
Charles Kanwischer
- Position: Professor, Drawing, Director of the School of Art
- Phone: 419-372-9395
- Email: ckanwis@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1008 FAC
Lou Krueger [Emeritus]
- Position: Professor Emeritus, Photography
- Email: lkruege@bgsu.edu
Yusuf Lateef
- Position: Adjunct Professor, First Year Program
- Email: yalateef@bgsu.edu
Ruthy Light [Emerita]
- Position: Teaching Professor Emerita, Art History
- Email: ruthy@bgsu.edu
Peter Lusch
- Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Graphic Design
- Phone: 419-372-8374
- Email: plusch@bgsu.edu
- Address: 115 FAC
Ross Mazzupappa
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Photography & Printmaking
- Phone: 419-372-3891
- Email: rjmazzu@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1225 FAC
Andrea Middleton
- Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Art History
- Phone: 419-372-8952
- Email: andmidd@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1016 FAC
Klee Miller
- Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Digital Arts
- Phone: 419-372-0145
- Email: kleem@bgsu.edu
- Address: 118 C FAC
Bonnie Mitchell
- Position: Professor, Digital Arts
- Phone: 419-372-6055
- Email: bonniem@bgsu.edu
- Address: 109 FAC
Lisa Molnar
- Position: Senior Administrative Secretary
- Phone: 419-372-5529
- Email: lmolnar@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1000 FAC
Tom Muir
- Position: Distinguished Artist Professor, Area Head, Jewelry and Metals
- Phone: 419-372-8529
- Email: tmuir@bgsu.edu
- Address: 102 FAC
Joel O'Dorisio
- Position: Teaching Professor, Glass, Arts Village Director, Head of First Year Program
- Phone: 419-372-3537
- Email: joelo@bgsu.edu
Leigh-Ann Pahapill
- Position: Associate Professor, First Year Program
- Phone: 419-372-8952
- Email: pahapil@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1016 FAC
Kathleen Pahl
- Position: Adjunct Professor, First Year Program
- Email: kpahl@bgsu.edu
Clayton Peterson
- Position: Art Technician
- Phone: 419-372-2740
- Email: grant@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1231 FAC
Christopher Pickett
- Position: Adjunct Professor, First Year Program
- Email: copicke@bgsu.edu
Audrey Reeves Hilligoss
- Position: Assistant Professor, Art Education
- Phone: 419-372-9942
- Email: reeveam@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1018 FAC
Gordon Ricketts [Emeritus}
- Position: Teaching Professor Emeritus, Drawing & Painting
- Email: gordonr@bgsu.edu
Chloe Rose
- Position: Adjunct Professor
- Email: clrose@bgsu.edu
Katerina Ruedi Ray [Emerita]
- Position: Professor Emerita, Art History
- Email: krray@bgsu.edu
Marissa Saneholtz
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Jewelry & Metals
- Phone: 419-372-3891
- Email: msaneho@bgsu.edu
- Address: 103 FAC
Kelsey Scharf
- Position: Adjunct Professor, First Year Program and Painting
- Email: scharfk@bgsu.edu
Beth Sheets [Emerita]
- Position: Teaching Professor Emerita, Art Education
- Email: esheets@bgsu.edu
Rebecca Skinner Green
- Position: Associate Professor, Art History
- Phone: 419-372-8514
- Email: rlgreen@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1010 FAC
Anthony Smith
- Position: Art Technician
- Phone: 419-372-2742
- Email: mismith@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1114 FAC
Jenn Stucker
Position: Associate Professor, Division Chair, Graphic Design
Interim Associate Director AY 2021/2022 - Phone: 419-372-2160
- Email: jstuck@bgsu.edu
- Address: 106 FAC
Allie Terry-Fritsch
- Position: Professor, Division Chair, Art History
- Phone: 419-372-8533
- Email: alterry@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1012 FAC
Sarah Thomas
- Position: Photography/Digital Media Art Technician
- Phone: 419-372-6083
- Email: saraht@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1028 FAC
Charles Tucker
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Area Head, Sculpture
- Phone: 419-372-4193
- Email: cetucke@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1108 FAC
Jason Walton
- Position: Collaborative Arts Digital Technology Coordinator
- Pronouns: He/Him/His
- Phone: 419-372-8512
- Email: jasondw@bgsu.edu
- Address: 127 FAC
Kim Turner Waterfield
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Division Chair of Digital Arts
- Email: kwater@bgsu.edu
- Address: 108 FAC
Michelle Weber
- Position: Adjunct Professor, Art Education
- Email: maweber@bgsu.edu
Karen Wells
- Position: Accounting Specialist
- Phone: 419-372-8510
- Email: kswells@bgsu.edu
- Address: 1000 FAC
Lynn Whitney [Emerita]
- Position: Associate Professor Emerita, Photography
- Email: lynnhwh@bgsu.edu
Dennis Wojtkiewicz [Emeritus]
- Position: Professor, Drawing & Painting
- Email: dwojtki@bgsu.edu
Bart Woodstrup
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8511
- Email: woodbar@bgsu.edu
- Address: Room 126
Yamin Xu
- Position: Assistant Professor, Digital Arts
- Phone: 419-372-7599
- Email: yaminx@bgsu.edu
- Address: 116A FAC
Lori Young
- Position: Associate Professor, Graphic Design
- Phone: 419-372-7763
- Email: lyoung@bgsu.edu
- Address: 107 FAC
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Updated: 06/25/2024 12:35PM