Production Studio

Photo description: An empty stool sits underneath 2 spotlights in the production studio

Students have access to a spacious Production Studio in room 1104, located on our first floor near the Integrated Studio.

The Production Studio is used by students currently enrolled in the School of Art for work documentation and school related projects. 

  • Various backdrops
  • Faux Gallery Wall
  • LED Lighting Stands
  • Fluorescent Lighting Stands
  • Professional Grade Tripods
  • Tethering Capabilities
  • Various Light Diffusing Techniques

Cameras can be rented from the Media Center

The Production Studio is only available for use after permission has been granted by the photo technician within the School of Art. You must be currently enrolled in a class in the School of Art to access this space. Students will complete a contract and a training session with the photo technician prior to use, after that a student is free to make use of the studio at any time of day by means of reserving the room. 

To reserve time in the Production Studio:

Visit the Media Center to reserve the Production Studio key. To declare the 2 hour time slot you will be using the space, please write your name and hours of use on the calendar located beside Room 1104's door in the hall. Make sure to checkout the key during open hours at the Media Center. You can find the Media Center hours here.

Updated: 01/14/2025 09:09AM