Claire Tillman
Claire Tillman
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Purchase Prize Award
Description of Work
ΑΝΑΞ (Ánax- "The King of All"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ΑΠΗΜΙΟΣ (Apímios- "Averter of Evil"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $200
ΑΣΤΡΑΠΑΙΟΣ (Astrapaios- "Wielding Lightning"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΚΕΡΑΥΝΙΟΣ (Kærávnios- "Wielder of Thunderbolt"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $120
ΚΑΤΑΙΒΑΤΗΣ (Kataivátîs- "He Who Descends in Thunder and Lightning"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΚΡΑΤΑΙΒΑΤΗΣ (Krataivátis- "Walking in Strength"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $200
ΝΕΦΕΛΗΓΕΡΕΤΑ (Næphælîyærǽta- "Cloud-Gatherer"): Zeus Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $75
ΑΓΛΑΟΤΡΙΑΙΝΑ (Aglaotríaina- "He of the Bright Trident"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ΠΟΝΤΟΜΕΔΩΝ (Pontomǽdohn- "Lord of the Sea"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $120
ΑΛΙΔΟΥΠΟΣ (Alídoupos- "Sea-Resounding"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $200
ΚΥΑΝΟΧΑΙΤΗΣ (Kyanokhaitis- "Dark or Blue-Haired" like the Sea): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΚΥΜΟΘΑΛΗΣ (Kymothalís- "Abounding with Waves"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ (Poseidóhn- "Poseidon"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΣΕΙΣΙΧΘΩΝ (Seisíkhthohn- "Earth-Shaker"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ΝΥΜΦΑΓΕΤΗΣ (Nymphayǽtis- "Leader of the Nymphs"): Poseidon Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $75
ΑΔΑΜΑΣΤΟΣ (Adámastos- "Unconquerable"): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $200
ΠΑΣΙΑΝΑΞ (Pasiánax- "Universal King" Ruler of the Dead): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ΠΟΛΥΔΕΓΜΩΝ (Polydegmôn- "Host of Many"): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $200
ΝΕΚΡΟΔΕΓΜΩΝ (Nekrodegmôn- "Receiver of the Dead"): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ἍΙΔΗΣ (Aidis- "Hades" among the Greeks): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $175
ΠΟΛΥΣΗΜΑΝΤΩΡ ΑΙΔΩΝΕΥΣ (Polysêmantôr Aidonius- "Hades Ruler of Many"): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $150
ΟΡΚΟΣ (Órkos- "Oaths" Avenger of the Perjured): Hades Series - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $120
ΘΕ ΒΙΓ ΘΡΕΕ (The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades) - 2022 - Acrylic on Wood - $1,500
Artist's Statement
As an artist who is inspired by the world around me, it is a goal of mine to travel, exploring new cultures and artistic styles. This summer I will be visiting Italy and Greece in a study abroad experience. I have chosen these locations to visit first because of their astounding and legendary cultural influences. I am very interested in the history of these ancient civilizations. Roman and Greek cultures had similar religious myths, centered on Olympians, who all had special roles in creating the beauty of the world. These ancient peoples witnessed the same beauty I do; red rays surging across ocean waves at sunset, the flashing force of lightning as it stretches across the sky, thunder trembling the ground on which we stand, the blazing intensity of fire with its ability to equally save as to destroy. They knew that power such as this must have come from something otherworldly, God-like, and the Greek Gods were born. The “Big Three” are the three most powerful Greek Gods: Zeus- The God of Lightning, Thunder and Storms; Poseidon- The God of the Seas and all within it; and Hades- The God of Fire and the God of the Underworld. It is in our natural world that I find inspiration for my paintings, and all the beauty and power it encompasses. Three series are shown, each displaying the power of each Greek God and their element. Each series represents a conversation between me and the energy of the natural realm, while considering formal elements such as color, rhythm, movement, and texture to compose the finished piece. I am interested in the conventional and formal artistic components and processes that abstract art possesses. In particular, I am moved by the action embodied in Abstract Expressionism paintings. The fluid acrylic paint that surges across the canvas becomes a snapshot of a movement in time. Cells formed by the reaction of silicon oil ripple through the layers and bursts of pigment to generate texture across the paintings plane. I craft these works using an air compressor that moves the paint across the canvas. The paintings are varnished using a high-gloss medium, to result in an almost glasslike appearance. All works are unique, no piece will ever be alike. With a rudimentary concept of composition in mind prior to application, the rest of the creation process is improvisational. How the paint flows across the canvas motivates my next action. The work then, being so centered on spontaneity, procedure, and formal elements, exists as a remnant from a performance of sorts: a second, frozen in time, captured in the finished product. When assembled, the series of movements, compose a narrative of color, movement, and strength.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:36AM