Emily Gilligan
Emily Gilligan
Description of Work
Gut Intention - 2022 - Acryla Gouache and Ink- Not For Sale
Artist's Statement
My art is a way for me to express how I feel on a day to day basis, without using words or my own voice. I have always had a hard time talking about myself and how I feel. Painting helps me to understand and process important emotions such as grief, anger, excitement, and fear. I have created a series of self portraits based on my day to day emotions and perceptions of myself. Colors, textures, and facial expressions are used to relay these feelings. These works are done with gouache and ink (Posca markers.) The portraits that I create are meant to show viewers what I am feeling and give them a small glimpse inside my head and how I see myself. These portraits act as a diary: something that I can return to and look back on to remind myself of my own personal growth.
For this project, I have tried to stay a bit more uniform with the pieces that I created. They all have one theme: myself. There are quite a few artists that I have researched that have gotten me to this point, however, one artist specifically stands out to me right now, especially with the work that I am currently creating. This artist is Susanna Coffey. She paints with very distinctive colors and uses a stunning composition that truly relays specific emotions to viewers. The way she uses marks and shapes in place of smooth, clean brush strokes is what gave me the validation and inspiration to complete this work– it is exactly what I want out of my work.
My portraits are bursting with color. They are made with swift but careful marks. The brighter and lighter the portrait is, the happier I must have felt in that moment. The darker, more subdued colors reflect my bad days or bad moods. They reflect myself, my heart, and the words that I cannot say.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (jnathan@bgsu.edu.)

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:27AM