Sophia Llamas
Sophia Llamas
James W. Strong Graphic Design Studio Achievement Award
Description of Work
Plant Wise - 2022 - graphic design, publication, vinyl, paint - Not For Sale
Artist's Statement
Welcome to Plant Wise!
Plant Wise is a self-educational, interactive booklet chock-full of activities that make the process of introducing plant-based foods into everyday life enjoyable and inspiring. This booklet is the key to bridging the gap between preconceived ideas about vegan and vegetarianism and successfully incorporating plant-based options within one’s daily life. Inside users will find recipes, doodling spaces, weekly check sheets, activities to do with friends and family, challenges, and so much more, all of which are intended for users to complete at their own pace! These activities will guide users to choose plant-based options more frequently which leads to positive impacts on the environment as well as numerous health benefits.
Plant Wise utilizes journaling opportunities throughout as a self-reflective vehicle to give users an experience to look back on and aids in the retention of what they’ve learned! The act of physically hand-writing something down increases memorability and the ability to recall that information to others in the future, isn’t that cool? Design also plays a crucial role in the success of Plant Wise by fostering a positive experience for users while learning something new. Paying careful attention to color and typeface aesthetics engages users and results in heightened learning overall by encouraging engagement. Additionally, the creation of a booklet itself (as opposed to posters or a social media campaign) allows for the interactive components that make Plant Wise successful. Not only do the activities aid in learning, but the more interactive that the educational tools are, the more effective they become!
This gallery space is Plant Wise translated into an interactive exhibition experience. The methods of answering the following questions directly reflects the doodling opportunities, journaling spaces, and scrapbooking-type activities found within Plant Wise.
Completing Plant Wise, even just one activity, cultivates positive change for the planet and the body through exploring what plant-based options have to offer!
Link to Artist's Website:
Plant Wise Book Order Form:
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:29AM