Neala Atkinson
Neala Atkinson
Description of Work
Sprout: Groundwork for Mental Well-Being - 2021 - Digital, Botanicals - Not For Sale
Artist's Statement
Taking care of plants requires everyday care and attention, and eventually results in growth—big or small. This is true for us as well; instilling beneficial habits into your everyday life can benefit your mental well-being over time. Having enough time every day to take care of your mental health is something we all deserve. Take a Sprout Kit and invest some time into caring for it. Once you notice growth in your plant, reflect on the time that has passed and acknowledge the growth in yourself.
Sprout is a resource for those who aim to develop a practice for managing their mental well-being. Much like caring for a plant, caring for your mental health requires time and effort and Sprout uses plants to help you build healthy groundwork. Furthermore, we seek to spark a thought-provoking conversation about the ways we care for ourselves. We aim to provide a comforting community for people who struggle to meet their needs, and help them build a practice to grow, much like our beloved plants.
Link to Artist's Website:
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:24AM