Courtney Smith
Courtney Smith
Dominick and Elizabeth Labino Art and Technology Award Nominee
Description of Work
Space - 2022 - Interactive Installation - Not For Sale
Artist's Statement
This piece is made to represent how it feels to be unheard. Ever since my sexual assault experience, I feel nervous when approached by people I don’t know. I know others who struggle with people approaching them and invading space they put limits on. Limits of consent in this piece and in my life are represented by levels. Many people communicate comfort levels using color or other words. Green means things are good. Yellow is as if to say “I need a moment” or “Can we discuss?” Red means stop everything. Sometimes for survivors it is hard to say no. Especially to our current partners.
The piece I have created depicts a young woman. As the viewer steps closer to interact with the piece the woman becomes fearful and uncomfortable but is unable to say no. This piece strives to show to help someone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harrasment is to take a step back and give them personal space. By stepping closer the viewer is actively making a decision that causes the young woman more fear and pain. To step away, the viewer will have to realize they are the aggressor and consciously decide that they need to back away to help make room for her to feel comfortable.
To accomplish this piece consists of two pressure plates and a video element of a young woman. The use of pressure plates is meant to mimic the levels of consent. The woman is comfortable when no one is too close. If they do interact with the exhibit's first pressure plate she will become uncomfortable. The viewer will decide to stand there, step on to the closer pressure plate or back away. When the viewer thinks back on their experience they may feel the memory of doing this to someone or being in the woman's shoes. My goal is that participants gain a greater respect and understanding for sexual assault, thus resulting in a more consensual culture and society.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:35AM