Erin Czyznik
Erin Czyznik
The Complexity of a Dream
Description of Work
The Complexity of a Dream - 2022 - Adobe Premiere Pro, GoPro Hero 8, Canon M50 - Not For Sale
Artist's Statement
What do our dreams really mean? After reading “What do Dreams Do” by Sue Llewelyn, I have found that when we dream, our minds process the complex patterns we experience throughout our daily activities. These complex patterns are different scenarios that occur producing a similar effect. For example, if I were to experience the feeling of nausea, this could be provoked by a number of things; being in a car or on a boat, eating a certain type of food, drinking too much the night before, or riding a roller coaster. All these instances never happen at the same time. Our brains have a hard time connecting these issues so they try to further understand these instances through dreams. With all these bizarre aspects meshed together, they create the surrealism we experience within our dreams.
To produce a dream that follows this concept of complex patterns, I have chosen to focus on anxiety. Throughout this film, the viewer will see examples of different aspects of the multiple forms anxiety can take. These are depicted in small hints such as blue gloves and bandages, locked doors, negative feedback, and much more. Through the first person perspective, the viewer is placed Within the action, unable to change the course of the narrative like how most dreams occur. The distortion of the lens and blurriness of the resolution provokes a hazy understanding of who the surrounding people are as well as the events.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 03/20/2022 11:26AM