Research Affiliates
The CFDR research affiliates come from a wide range of departments and schools: Ecnomics, Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy, Family and Consumer Sciences, Human Development and Family Studies, Criminal Justice Program, Gerontology, Applied Statistics and Operations Research, Psychology, and Sociology.
- Kelly Stamper Balistreri - Department of Sociology
- John H. Boman, Department of Sociology
- Margaret Zoller Booth - Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
- Susan Brown - Department of Sociology
- Yiwei Chen - Department of Psychology
- Amanda C. Cook - Department of Economics
- Eric M. Cooke - Criminal Justice Program
- Jennifer Copp - Florida State University
- Alfred DeMaris - Department of Sociology
- Stephen Demuth - Department of Sociology
- Meagan Docherty - Department of Psychology
- Eric Dubow - Department of Psychology
- Peggy Giordano - Department of Sociology
- Anna M. Hammersmith - Grand Valley State University
- Kara Joyner - University of Texas at San Antonio
- Samantha Kopf - Criminal Justice Program
- Danielle C. Kuhl - Department of Sociology
- I-Fen Lin - Department of Sociology
- Monica Longmore - Department of Sociology
- Annette Mahoney - Department of Psychology
- Wendy Manning - Department of Sociology
- Vivian J. Miller - Social Work
- Thomas J. Mowen - Department of Sociology
- Dara Musher-Eizenman - Department of Psychology
- Lauren Newmyer - Department of Sociology
- Kei Nomaguchi - Department of Sociology
- Kenneth I. Pargament - Department of Psychology
- Audrey Conway Roberts - Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
- Philip M. Stinson - Criminal Justice Program
- Raymond R. Swisher - University of Texas at San Antonio
- Carolyn Tompsett - Department of Psychology
- David F. Warner - University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Tara D. Warner - University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Adam M. Watkins - Criminal Justice Program
- Wendy Watson - Department of Human Services - Gerontology
- Krista Westrick-Payne - National Center for Family & Marriage Research
- Jordan Wilfong - Social Work
- Deadric T. Williams - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Jenjira J. Yahirun - Department of Sociology
- Zhenmei Zhang - Michigan State University
Updated: 03/05/2024 10:38AM