Thomas J. Mowen


  • Position: Associate Professor of Sociology
  • Phone: 419-372-2440
  • Email:

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2015

Dr. Mowen’s research interests include criminological theory, prisoner reentry, and punishment/policing/security on youth/family.  

Recent Publications:

Liu, L., Becker, P., & Mowen, T. J. (Forthcoming). “Social Support During Reentry: Family, Mentor, Religious, Parole Officer, and Social Service Roles.” Criminal Justice and Behavior.

Mowen, T. J., & Heitkamp, A. (Forthcoming). “The Label of Looks: Physical Attractiveness, Stigma, and Deviant Behavior.” Sociological Focus.

Liu, L., Mowen, T. J., Visher, C. A., & Sun, D. (Forthcoming). “Violent Victimization During Reentry: Prevalence, Triggers, and Impact on Mental Health.” Justice Quarterly (Online First)

Kopf, S., & Mowen, T. J. (Forthcoming). “Family Support, Family Incarceration, and Substance Use Among Adjudicated Youth Across Time.” American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Mowen, T. J., & Heitkamp, A. (Forthcoming). “The Anxiety of the Pandemic: Binge-Watching, Splurging, Sexting, Hooking Up, and Masturbating Among College Students.” Deviant Behavior. (Online First)

Heitkamp, A., Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2022). “Substance Use on Campus: Exploring the Implications of Paranormal Beliefs.” American Journal of Criminal Justice.  

Kopf, S., & Mowen, T. J. (2022). “Labeling and High-Risk Youth: The Influence of Arrest on Family Support.” Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 47: 330-351.

Mowen, T. J., Heitkamp, A., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2022). “Paranormal Activity: Self-Control Theory and Belief in the Paranormal.” Deviant Behavior. 43: 728-742.

Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., IV, Kopf, S., & Booth, M. Z. (2022). “Self-perceptions of Attractiveness and Offending.” Crime & Delinquency, 68(10), 1847-1875.  

Schweizer, V., & Mowen, T. J. (2022). “Discrimination and Risky Sexual Behavior, Substance Use, and Suicidality among Transgender Individuals.” Deviant Behavior, 43(3), 381-395.

Boman, J. H., IV, Smith, A. J., Saxe, J., Righetti, T., Rony, A., Fan, M., & Mowen, T. J. (2022). Carbon capture, employment, and coming home from prison. Deviant Behavior, 43: 79-90.

Mowen, T. J., Kopf, S., & Schroeder, R. D. (2021). “I Still Suck at Everything: The Generality of Failure and Future Arrest.” Forthcoming at Deviant Behavior, 42: 685-700.

Confer, L., Boman, J. H., IV, Pryor, C., Mowen, T. J., & Hemez, P. (2021). “Theft, Opioid Pills, Unemployment, and Insurance: A Longitudinal Analysis of American Counties in the Wake of the Opioids Crisis.” Journal of Drug Issues, 51: 504-517.

Mowen, T. J., & Fisher, B. W. (2021). “Youth Reentry from Prison and Family Violence Perpetration: The Salience of Family Dynamics.” Journal of Family Violence, 36, 51-62.

Wodahl, J., Mowen, T. J., & Garland, B. E. (2021). “The Effect of individual Characteristics and Supervision Experiences on the Perceived Quality of the Supervision Relationship.” Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(5), 523-545.  

Boman, J. H. IV, & Mowen, T. J. (2021). “Global Crime Trends During COVID-19.” Nature Human Behaviour 5: 821-822.

Confer, L., Boman, J. H., IV., Pryor, C., Mowen, T. J., & Hemez, P. (2021). “Theft, Opioid Pills, Unemployment, and Insurance: A Longitudinal Analysis of American Counties in the Wake of the Opioids Crisis.” Journal of Drug Issues 51: 504-517.

Mowen, T. J., & Fisher, B. W. (2021). “Youth Reentry from Prison and Family Violence Perpetration: The Salience of Family Dynamics.” Journal of Family Violence 36: 51-62.

Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., IV, & Schweitzer, K. (2020). “Strain and Depression Following Release from Prison: The Moderating Role of Social Support Mechanisms.” Deviant Behavior, 41: 750-764.

Homer, E., Fisher, B. W., & Mowen, T. J. (2020). “Examining the Moderating Role of Social Bonds in the Relationship between School Victimization and Educational Attainment.” Victims & Offenders, 15: 663-683.

Stansfield, R., Mowen, T. J., Napolitano, L., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2020). “Examining Change in Family Conflict and Family Violence After Release from Prison.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47: 668-687.

Hemez, P., Brent, J. J., & Mowen, T. J. (2020). “Exploring the “School-to-Prison Pipeline”: How School Suspensions Influence Incarceration during Young Adulthood.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 18: 235-255.

Bares, K. J., & Mowen, T. J. (2020). “Examining the Parole Officer as a Mechanism of Social Support during Reentry from Prison.” Crime & Delinquency, 66: 1023-1051.

Mowen, T. J., Brent, J. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2020). “The Effect of School Discipline on Offending Across Time.” Justice Quarterly, 37: 739-760.

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2020). “(Re)Recognizing the Multidimensional Roles of Family and Peers on Crime.” Sociology Compass 14(3): 1-13.

Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., IV, & Schweitzer, K. (2020). “Strain and Depression Following Release from Prison: The Moderating Role of Social Support Mechanisms.” Deviant Behavior. 41: 750-764. doi: full/10.1080/01639625.2019.1595372

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., & Castro, E. D. (2019). “The Relationship between Self-Control and Friendship Conflict: An Analysis of Friendship Pairs.” Crime & Delinquency 65: 1402-1421.

Pryor, C., Boman, J. H., IV, & Mowen, T. J. (2019). “A National Study of Sustained Use of Force Complaints in Law Enforcement Agencies.” Journal of Criminal Justice 64, 23-33.

Mowen, T. J., Bares, K. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). “Is Substance Use Treatment Actually ‘Treating’? The Effectiveness of Pre- and Post-Release Substance Abuse Programming Within the Reentry Process.” Criminal Justice Studies, 32(4), 371-385. doi: 10.1080/1478601X.2019.1664507

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., Wodahl. E. J., Miller, B. L., & Miller, J. M. (2019). “Responding to Substance-Use-Related Probation and Parole Violations: Are Enhanced Treatment Sanctions Preferable to Jail Sanctions?” Criminal Justice Studies, 32(4), 356-370.doi:10.1080/1478601X.2019.1664506

Mowen, T. J., Stansfield, R., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). “Family Matters: Moving Beyond “If” Family Support Matters to “Why” Family Support Matters during Reentry from Prison.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 56(4), 483-523. doi: 10.1177/0022427818820902

Stansfield, R. R., & Mowen, T. J. (2019). “Religious Involvement, Moral Community and Social Ecology: New Considerations in the Study of Religion and Reentry.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 35(3), 493-516.

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). “Do We Have It All Wrong? The Protective Roles of Peers and Criminogenic Risks from Family During Prison Reentry.” Crime & Delinquency, 65(5), 681-704. doi: 10.1177/0011128718800286

Mowen, T. J., & Freng, A. (2019). “Is More Necessarily Better? School Security and Perceptions of Safety among Students and Parents in the United States.” American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(3), 376-394.

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). “The Criminogenic Influence of Family on Substance Use During Reentry: A Life-Course Perspective on Between Individual Differences and Within Individual Changes.” Justice Quarterly, 36(5), 841-869.

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., & Higgins, G. (2019). “Social Learning, Self-Control, and Offending Specialization and Versatility among Friends.” American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(1), 3-22.

Boman, J. H., IV, Agnich, L., Miller, B. L., Stogner, J. M., & Mowen, T. J. (2019). “The ‘Other Side of the Fence’: A Learning- and Control-Based Investigation of the Relationship between Deviance and Friendship Quality.” Deviant Behavior, (40)12, 1553-1573. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1596451

Boman, J. H., IV, & Mowen, T. J. (2019). “Unpacking the Role of Conflict in Peer Relationships: Implications for Peer Deviance and Crime.” Deviant Behavior, 40(7), 882-895. doi: 610.1080/01639625.2018.1443779

Updated: 02/22/2024 11:08AM