Danielle Kuhl


  • Position: Associate Professor of Sociology and Chair of Sociology
  • Phone: 419-372 -7264
  • Email: dckuhl@bgsu.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2007

Dr. Payne's research focuses primarily on juvenile delinquency and other risky behaviors of youths. Recent research highlights her interests in adolescents' social networks and the influence of peers on delinquency, as well as neighborhood effects on youth violence (other-oriented violence as well as self-oriented violence, or suicidal behavior). A recent focus of her research investigates the effects of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage, immigrant concentration, residential instability, and other population characteristics on youth anti- and pro-social behaviors. This research examines, in particular, differences in neighborhood effects and processes for youths who live in different geographical locations; specifically, it compares neighborhood effects for adolescents across urban, suburban, and rural areas. Future research will examine the influence of changing neighborhood environments on violence as persons transition from adolescence into young adulthood.

Recent Publications:

Avery, E. E., Hermsen, J. M., & Kuhl, D. C. (Authors listed alphabetically) (2021). Toward a better understanding of perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion in rural and urban places. Social Indicators Research 157:523-541.

Kuhl, D. C., & Burrington, L. A. (2020). Heavy episodic drinking in early adulthood: How parents’ education contextualizes the effects of college status. Sociological Focus, 53, 29-52.

Warner, T. D., Warner, D. F., & Kuhl, D. C. (2017). Cut to the quick: The consequences of youth violent victimization for the timing of dating debut and first union formation. American Sociological Review, 82, 1241-1271.

Ziegler, J. A., Kuhl, D. C., Swisher, R. R., & Chavez, J. M. (2017). Parenthood residency status and criminal desistance across neighborhood contexts. Deviant Behavior, 38, 17-33. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2016.1189758 NIHMSID: 806387

Kuhl, D. C., Chavez, J. M., Swisher, R. R., & Wilczak, A. (2016). Social class, family formation, and delinquency in early adulthood. Sociological Perspectives, 59(2), 345-367. doi: 10.1177/0731121415586635. PMCID: PMC4941958

Krieg, A. R., & Kuhl, D. C. (2016). Race, adolescent drinking, and the neighborhood context of exposure. Deviant Behavior, 37, 615-633. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2015.1060804. NIHMSID: 804339

Kuhl, D. C., Warner, D. F., & Warner, T. D. (2015). Intimate partner violence risk among victims of youth violence: Are early unions bad, beneficial, or benign?. Criminology, 53(3), 427-456. doi: 10.1111/1745-9125.12075. PMCID: PMC4578714

Copp, J. E., Kuhl, D. C., Giordano, P. C., Longmore, M. A., & Manning, W. D. (2015). Intimate partner violence in neighborhood context: The roles of structural disadvantage,subjective disorder, and emotional distress. Social Science Research, 53, 59-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2015.05.001 PMCID: PMC4509556

Bjornstrom, E. E., & Kuhl, D. C. (2014). A different look at the epidemiological paradox: Self-rated health, perceived social cohesion, and neighborhood immigrant context. Social Science & Medicine, 120, 118-125. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.09.015

Updated: 02/22/2024 11:02AM