
The Photography area within the Studio Division offers students the opportunity to discover a way of seeing that serves them in their search for personal vision. Students are taught to observe the world more closely, to appreciate its nuances, ironies, and contradictions using both film- based and digital tools. Through the photographic medium, students develop a viewpoint from which to make informed and passionate choices.
Our curriculum emphasizes proficiency in analog and digital production. At the introductory level, students are introduced to 35 mm film cameras, darkroom printing fundamentals and photographic history. They develop critical thinking skills through critiques, and are introduced to contemporary trends through slide lectures. At the intermediate and advanced levels, students are offered a selection of courses to further deepen their technical skills and awareness of contemporary practice. Students explore color film, digital output, medium and large format film cameras, and alternative processes. With this broad base, students find their way to subject and the means by which that subject is best expressed. Weekly discussions, technical demonstrations, critiques, visiting artists, lectures, and field trips challenge and support students’ ongoing research that culminates in the production of a body of work for their capstone, the BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition.
Some of the graduates of our program continue to develop their vision and apply their photographic artistic skills to the commercial market. Many others successfully apply to competitive graduate programs across the country to expand their studio practice, and purse careers in higher education.
The 2-D Artist's Association (2-DAA) has been recently organized to advance the study and promotion of two-dimensional artists and their work. Field trips, visiting artists, workshops, and common cause issues are all part of the agenda. All students in drawing, painting, and print are encouraged to participate.
Toledo Friends of Photography
Toledo Friends of Photography is a dedicated group of art photographers and professionals who are committed to promoting fine art photography in the northern Ohio region.
Society for Photographic Education
Students have the opportunity to become involved and possibly become members of the Society for Photographic Education. This organization sponsors annual conferences at the national level.
Midwest Society for Photographic Education is a regional organization that students may choose to get involve with.
The photography facility is comprised of a spacious enlarging room, photography studio, computer lab, and general classroom equipped with the tools to fulfill the student's needs when producing work- both analog and digital.
For more information, visit the Photography Lab facilities page.
Photography Club
Photo Club's mission is to enhance the learning experience of photo students specifically. In addition they extend their presence beyond the School of Art to other departments who have a keen interest in fine art photography. They raise money by exhibiting and selling work, operating bake sales, and participating in ArtsX among other things. The fundraising that they do goes to bringing in visiting artists, allowing them to be able to afford equipment, and to attend conferences/trips. In the past Photo Club has gone to New Orleans, Philadelphi and Chicago. Students have also visited cities like Orlando for a photographic educators conference. Photo Club brought in visiting artist Jess Dugan, a successful photographer of transgender people. On top of all of this the members of Photo Club like to do community building such as watching films together and planning print exchanges between one another.

- Richard Benson
- Barbara Bosworth
- Jess Dugan
- Nancy Hellebrand
- David Hilliard
- Joe Johnson
- Billie Mantle
- Nicholas Nixon
- Judith Joy Ross
- Mark Steinmetz
- Joel Sternfeld

Speaking Of Exhibition, 2017
Community Projects allows students to interact and team up with individuals from Wood Lane. Wood Lane is an organization that provides services for individuals with developmental disabilities. The course allows students to develop their communication skills, as well as their photography skills while also building a special relationship with the person they are photographing. The work has been displayed in the Toledo Museum of Art and shows the friendships and connections made between the partners and their surroundings. For more information about community projects, click here.
Updated: 09/27/2024 09:26AM