Marriage and Divorce Rates

*Single year estimates charting marriage and divorce rates in the United States beginning in 2008 and updated annually using the American Community Survey.

Two videos featuring Wendy Manning and Krista Payne discussing their research on marriage and divorce.

link to YouTube site for video of Krista Payne and Wendy Manning on marriage/divorce rates
Marriage and Divorce in the U.S.
link to YouTube video on Divorce During Covid-19
Divorce During Covid-19
  • FP-24-11
    Divorce: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2022
  • FP-24-10
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2022
  • FP-24-09
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2022
  • FP-23-24
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022
  • FP-23-23
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022
  • FP-23-19
    Remarriage Rate, 2021
  • FP-23-18
    First Divorce Rate, 2021
  • FP-23-17
    First Marriage Rate, 2021
  • DV-23-01
    Baby Boomers' Union Transitions, 2021
  • FP-23-16
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2021
  • FP-22-26
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2021
  • FP-22-25
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2021
  • FP-22-12
    Marriage, Divorce, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.
  • FP-22-08
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2020
  • FP-22-07
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2020
  • FP-21-18
    The U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2019: Trends and Geographic Variation by Gender
  • FP-21-16
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2019
  • FP-21-10
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2019
  • FP-21-09
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2019
  • FP-20-25
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019
  • FP-20-24
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019
  • FP-20-22
    Divorce: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018
  • FP-20-21
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018
  • FP-20-13
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2018
  • FP-20-08
    The Geography of Marriage & Divorce: Rates by Quartile for the U.S.
  • FP-20-02
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2018
  • FP-20-01
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2018
  • FP-19-27
    Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Demographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-24
    Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-23
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-22
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-20
    Gray Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-19-17
    The Retreat from Remarriage, 1950-2017
  • FP-19-14
    Marriage by the Numbers
  • FP-19-13
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2017
  • FP-19-05
    Age Variation in the First Marriage Rate, 1990 & 2017
  • FP-18-21
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-18-20
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-18-17
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2016
  • FP-18-16
    Change in the U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2008 and 2016
  • FP-18-15
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2016
  • FP-18-14
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2016
  • FP-17-25
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2016
  • FP-17-24
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2016
  • FP-17-21
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2015
  • FP-17-20
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2015
  • FP-17-01
    Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015
  • FP-16-22
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015
  • FP-16-19
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2014
  • FP-16-18
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2014
  • FP-15-20
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-19
    Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-18
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-08
    The Remarriage Rate: Geographic Variation, 2013
  • FP-15-07
    The Role of Same-Sex Marriage in the Declining U.S. Marriage Rate
  • FP-14-19
    The Divorce Rate and the Great Recession
  • FP-14-18
    The Marriage Rate and the Great Recession
  • FP-14-17
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2013
  • FP-14-16
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990-2012
  • FP-14-15
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2013
  • FP-14-10
    Remarriage Rate in the U.S., 2012
  • FP-14-09
    First Divorce Rate, 2012
  • FP-14-08
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2012
  • FP-14-02
    Healthy Marriage Initiative Spending and U.S. Marriage & Divorce Rates, a State-level Analysis
  • FP-13-17
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990-2011
  • FP-13-14
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-13-13
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change
  • FP-13-11
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-13-04
    General Marriage Rate and General Divorce Rate, 2008: A Comparison of ACS & NVS Data
  • FP-12-21
    First Marriage vs. Remarriage in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-12-14
    Remarriage Rate in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-12-05
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990-2010
  • FP-11-12
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-11-09
    First Divorce Rate, 2010
  • FP-10-06
    First Divorces in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-10-05
    Rate of First Marriage in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-09-02
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-09-01
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2008

Updated: 07/22/2024 03:55PM