Michael and Sara Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections

The Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections aims to provide a concierge service approach for every campus stakeholder involved in the process of preparing students to take action, make connections and feel career ready. We serve as the front door to BGSU for companies, the one-stop shop for career services and on-campus employment for students, and home to the University’s corporate partnerships.

#1 university in Ohio for career preparation

The Wall Street Journal

Career Expo Week | Kuhlin Career Hub BGSU Logo

February 12, 2025, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Bowen-Thompson Student Union

The Falcon Career Showcase is a one-day talent and recruiting showcase, bringing together BGSU students and company representatives from a wide range of industries offering co-ops, internships, and full-time roles. Students will have the chance to explore various career paths, ask questions, and gain a better understanding of what employers are looking for in candidates. For employers, the showcase offers an opportunity to share insights about their industry, meet potential future colleagues, and establish a presence on campus.

Registration is now open on Handshake!


For Students

  • Career Design Coaching

    The Career Design Coaching Team strives to engage, educate and empower our students by providing high-quality services in career development, planning and preparation, experiential learning and job attainment.
  • VMock

    Optimize your resume, practice your interview skills and craft an impressive elevator pitch all with instant feedback from an AI powered career readiness platform.
  • Student Employment Services

    Student Employment Services guides students through the process of finding on-campus work opportunities and connects campus employers with talented, qualified and motivated BGSU students.
SES Photo

For Industry

  • Corporate Partnerships and Connections

    We aim to foster corporate partnerships that drive mutual impact. Together, we can create opportunities that support organizational goals while enriching the BGSU campus community through meaningful collaboration and engagement.
Kuhlin Hub 2023

For Faculty

  • Forms and policy

    Access resources like the Class Assignment Form, Career Consultation Form, Speaker Request Form and the university’s On-Campus Recruiting Guidelines.
2022 Fall EXPO
BGSU Falcon Professional Network

A Network for Falcons, by Falcons

This networking platform, exclusive to BGSU, is a groundbreaking initiative that makes building connections between alumni, employer partners and current students more accessible than ever.

Signature Events

Discover opportunities with our career fairs and learn how students, alumni, and employers can get involved.

2022 Fall EXPO

Upcoming Events

Redefining Student Success

Michael and Sara Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections

225 Bowen-Thompson Student Union
Career Design: kuhlinhub@bgsu.edu
Student Employment Services: stuemp@bgsu.edu

About the Kuhlin Career Hub

Two people talking at a desk

About the Kuhlin Career Hub

The Kuhlin Career Hub is a place for students to engage in prototyping conversations that help them become career- and life-ready.

Life Design Journey of a Student

Every student has their own unique path. Life Design empowers you to create the college experience and career that is just right for you.

Meet the Team

Introducing the dedicated staff of the Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections!

Updated: 01/28/2025 01:56PM