Center for Regional Development

About Us

The Center for Regional Development (CRD) partners with and convenes stakeholders from communities and organizations to enhance the economic vitality of Northwest Ohio. As an Economic Development Administration (EDA) University Center and a member of the State of Ohio Rural University Program, we are committed to sharing our economic and community development expertise and resources to help create a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economy in our region.

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Our Projects & Capabilities

Events & Continuing Education

State of the Region


Connected: Bridging the Digital Divide for an Inclusive Economy and Regional Resilience

March 11, 2024

See Full Details

Advancing Regional Talent

Worker & Robot

New advanced manufacturing continuing education courses

Free pilot courses | Summer 2024, 2025
Full program rollout | Summer 2026

For more information, please contact Ben Hooper at or (928) 458-3583

News & Updates

Updated: 07/19/2024 03:55PM