Administrative Staff Awards

The Awards and Recognitions Committee is charged with the coordination and selection of awards to exceptional administrative staff who are nominated by their colleagues.

The Spirit of BG Award is continuous with applications accepted throughout the year. One winner is selected monthly and committee representatives and special guests personally present the recipients with their award.

The Dr. Michael R. Ferrari AwardNewcomer of the Year Award, Diversity and Belonging Award and BG Best Award are awarded annually. All nominees are invited to attend ASC’s annual reception where the winners are announced and presented with their award.


If you have questions about the awards criteria or confirmation of submission, please email the Awards and Recognitions Committee Co-Chairs Alaina Coe or Liz Lauck

Learn more about the ASC Awards and nominate a deserving administrative staff member:

In addition to these opportunities to recognize administrative staff, ASC encourages the campus community to nominate peers/colleagues for awards sponsored annually by these constituent groups:

Updated: 09/11/2024 01:16PM