Professional Development Grants
Administrative staff may apply for a professional development grant to help cover the costs of a professional development opportunity. These grants can be used to supplement funding provided by the staff member’s department or other funding sources.
Grant applications are accepted and reviewed twice a year by the ASC Professional Development Committee. Please contact a current representative on the committee if you have any questions.
Application must be received by 5 p.m. EST.
Professional development that takes place between August and October:
Second Monday in October
Professional development that takes place between January and February:
Second Monday in February
Professional development that takes place between November and December:
Second Monday in December
Professional development that takes place between March and April:
Second Monday in April
Grant Application Qualifications and Criteria:
Applications will be accepted and may be used for up to $500 in grant funding per year to support workshop or seminar fees, conference registration and fees (e.g., travel and lodging expenses, per diem costs for transportation, meals, etc.), professional organization fees or membership and professional development resources (e.g., books, software, subscriptions, etc.)
Grant award decisions are based on the following criteria:
- Impact of the professional development opportunity on the applicant’s work and their ability to perform in their current role.
- Impact of the professional development opportunity on the work that the applicant’s department does.
- Impact of the professional development opportunity on the work that BGSU does and alignment with BGSU’s mission and goals.
- Priority will be given to applicants who were not awarded funding during the previous year.
Grant Restrictions and Guidelines:
- Applicants must be currently employed as administrative staff at Bowling Green State University.
- The professional development funding being requested must take place during the fiscal year that the grant is being awarded.
- Application to this grant does not mean that the request will be funded.
- Grant applicants may receive a maximum of $500 in grant funding per year.
- The committee reserves the right to award less than the requested amount to any applicant.
- Funding is not available for tuition premiums on executive-type classes.
- Funds are disbursed through Human Resources to a recipient’s department. Funds cannot be disbursed to an individual’s paycheck.
Grant Application Process
- Submit the Professional Development Grant Application by 5 p.m. on the deadline.
- The ASC Professional Development Committee will review grant applications within two weeks after the grant application deadline. The Committee may request additional information or justification about the professional development opportunity and its impact during this time.
- All grant applicants will be notified about the status of their grant application within one month after the grant application deadline.
- Grant Rubrics: In your application make sure to address the following topics which we will use in determining how to award funds (5 being high and 1 being low).

Updated: 09/18/2024 12:53PM