'Navigate' Web App for Instructors

Navigate is BGSU's student success platform. Navigate unites students, administrators, advisors, faculty, and other staff in a collaborative network to improve student support.


How Does Navigate Help Me As An Instructor?

Navigate is the student success platform used by faculty, staff, and students at BGSU. As a member of the BGSU Teaching Community, you have access to Navigate via MyBGSU. Navigate is a powerful web platform that provides instructors with access to view information about students currently enrolled in their courses. Through the platform, instructors are able to understand their individual student demographics and their classroom demographics. As we know, knowledge is power, and having a deeper understanding of students empowers instructors to provide the appropriate support for students to achieve their learning goals! 

How To Use Navigate For Early-Alert / Progress Reporting

Instructors raise Early Alerts on students during the first 2-4 weeks of the semester. Early Alerts help students know how they are doing in targeted classes. If you are an instructor of one of these targeted courses, you will recieve an email during the Early Alert period with information on how to raise Early Alerts on your students. Raising an Early Alert on a student signifies to the student that, with assistance, they can remediate any barriers in their way so they can be successful in their course(s). 

Early Alerts:

  • Take place during the first 2-4 weeks of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Do not affect a student's academic record. 
  • Can help students stay on track.

Early Alert Instructions

How To Use Navigate For Office Hours

Faculty are encouraged to use Navigate to schedule their office hours. Not only is setting up your office hours in Navigate easy to do, but also students are familiar with this system as Navigate is used by advisors and tutors across campus to schedule meetings with students. Follow the instructions provided to set your availability.

Office Hours Instructions

Navigate Workshops

The CFE regularly schedules Navigate workshops at the beginning of the semester for faculty and instructors to learn how to use the Navigate system. To see the list of scheduled CFE Workshops, visit the Workshop Catalog page. To watch a video recording of the workshop, click on the link below.

Watch the Navigate Workshop Recording


All instructors can access Navigate via MyBGSU. 

Using Navigate is highly recommended across campus to help provide collaborative support for student success. Navigate gives you the ability to access information about students enrolled in your courses. You will have access to student information that assists you in understanding your classroom and student demographics. You can also see who is on a student's "Success Team" including advisors, tutors, and coaches. 

Additional Uses for Navigate:

  • Navigate is necessary to use when issuing an Alert for students throughout the semester and during the Early Alert period.
  • Instructors can utilize Navigate to set up their office hours which allows students to schedule appointments online with instructors. 

Students can utilize Navigate by downloading the app to their mobile phone or by utilizing the desktop version. Students can easily access the Navigate platform through their MyBGSU accounts. Navigate can help students gain quick access to support staff, information, and resources on campus.

  • Students can schedule advising appointments, meetings with faculty, and tutoring appointments through the Navigate web or desktop app.
  • Students can gain information about available resources and services on campus.
  • Students can view their class schedule and sync it with their smartphone calendar to help them stay on track.

All currently enrolled BGSU students have the same access and viewable information within the Navigate platform. However, graduate students do not use Navigate as robustly as undergraduate students do.

Early Alerts

Early Alerts typically take place during the first 2-4 weeks of fall and spring semesters. This process takes place early within the semester to try and help students become aware of any issues and start working towards getting back on track. Specific courses are targeted for Early Alerts during the reporting period as these courses are key for first-year students.


All instructors can raise an individual alert for a student at any point throughout the semester. The student will then be connected with a staff member who can help provide support and resources.

Rising Star Alert

If you raise this Early Alert on a student, this means that you think the student is on the right track in your course and is meeting all of the indicators of academic success. 

Critical Indicator Alert

If you believe that a student may be experiencing difficulties in your course, you can raise one of the following Critical Indicator Early Alerts: 

  • Poor class participation
  • Difficulty with remote or online learning
  • Difficulty with technology
  • Missing assignments
  • Poor academic performance
  • Inconsistent or poor attendance

Questions About Navigate?


Jaclyn Calderon


Kim Brooks

  • Position: Director, Student Success Analytics and Technologies
  • Email: kbrooks@bgsu.edu

Updated: 07/01/2024 10:25AM