
List Items

This error shows there are List Item (LI) element tags nested without a parent List (L) tag. You will need to ensure that all List Item (LI) elements are nested in a parent List (L) tag.

To fix this error:

  1. Right-click on the error element and select "Show in Tags Panel".
  2. In the Tags Panel the list element is highlighted in gray indicating the error.
  3. The <LI> element will be nested in something other than a <L> tag (example shows "<Sect>")
    1.  Non List Item element with a List Item nested in it
  4. Drag and drop the <LI> items to instead be nested under the <L> tag
    1. Before:Non List Item element with a List Item nested in it After: Non List Item with List Item nested in it dragged to be under L tag
  5. Now delete the empty non-LI tag (Right-click and select "Delete").
  6. Right-click on the error heading and select "Check Again". Only the error elements that have not been resolved will show.

List tags must have the following structure:

  • List (L) tag: This is the parent tag the whole list is nested in
  • List Item (LI) tag: Each list item is an LI tag and is nested in the L tag
  • Label (Lbl) tag: For some documents, the "dot" or number indicating a list item is listed as an Lbl tag and is nested in the LI tag
  • List Item Body (LBody): This is where the list item's text is nested in the LI tag


  • Only <LI> tags can be nested in an <L> tag
  • Only <Lbl> and <LBody> tags can be nested in <LI> tags

Lbl and LBody

This error shows there are parent List Item (LI) tags with item elements nested in them that are not Label (Lbl) or List Item Body (LBody) element tags. Label and List Item Body tags are the only type of tags that can be nested in a parent List Item tag.

To fix this error:

  1. Right-click on the error element and select "Show in Tags Panel".
  2. In the Tags Panel the list element is highlighted in gray indicating the error.
  3. There will be content tags other than <Lbl> or <LBody> tags nested in the <LI> tag.
  4. If these other elements contain content and should not be a list item, drag and drop them outside the <L> tag.
    1. Before:  Non Lbl or LBody in LI tag After: Non Lbl or LBody in LI moved
  5. If these other elements do not contain content, just delete them (Right-click and select "Delete").
  6. If these other elements contain content and should be nested as an <Lbl> or <LBody> tag within the <LI> tag:
    1. Right-click on the <LI> parent tag and select "New Tag".
    2. In the New Tag window, select "Label" (for the "dot" or number) or "List Item Body" (the text).
    3. Select "OK".
    4. Move the content to be nested within the new appropriate tag just created.
    5. Example: Non Lbl or LBody in LI but should be After: Non Lbl or LBody in LI but should be and is moved
  7. Right-click on the error heading and select "Check Again". Only the error elements that have not been resolved will show.

Updated: 10/20/2022 10:42AM