Undergraduate Program

The courses you will take to earn a major or minor in sociology provide a unique foundation for a wide range of careers. Sociology has practical applications in human services, social policy, not-for-profit and government sectors, small businesses and large corporations, as well as academic institutions. Sociology courses develop a variety of analytical and problem-solving skills. Competence in quantitative analysis and critical thinking are important components of the sociology degree, providing skills that today's employers are seeking. Students in sociology are critical consumers of information. They have unique insight into human diversity and understanding social problems, making sociology a relevant pre-professional degree for a broad range of fields. We invite you to explore our web pages, and contact us to schedule a visit or advising appointment. We look forward to meeting with you and sharing our excitement about a degree in sociology!
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in sociology are expected to:
- Apply a sociological perspective, built upon an understanding of basic sociological constructs and theories, to various areas of social life;
- Explicate the diverse ways in which sociologists gather, interpret, and evaluate data;
- Articulate sociologically informed opinions and arguments concerning social and behavioral phenomena, and critically read and understand sociological argument;
- Describe the similarities and dissimilarities of behaviors, attitudes, values, beliefs, and opinions across populations and subpopulations.
For more information about the undergraduate program in sociology, click the following links...
Teaching Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies
Margaret Weinberger
Department of Sociology
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403 419-372-3907
Updated: 02/23/2021 02:59PM