WYMO Program
The annual "When You Move Out, Don't Throw It Out" (WYMO) program began at BGSU in 2002, and is a campus-wide reuse and waste-reduction initiative!
The purpose of the WYMO Program is to provide students with a place to donate their unwanted, still-usable items as they're moving out of apartments or residence halls, to prevent these items from getting sent to a landfill and to make those items avaliable to those who need and can use them.
Email us at greenbg@bgsu.edu.
WYMO Donation/Collection Box Locations:

All Residence Halls

Greek Townhouses

BTSU Lobby

ATTENTION: WYMO volunteers needed! We are seeking volunteers for April and May. It takes a large group of volunteers to make this program possible. A variety of shifts and volunteer positions will be available.
Items that students can donate includes:
- Clothing/shoes of any kind
- Non-perishable food (use up those extra falcon dollars to buy food to donate!)
- Personal items/toiletries
- Electronics and kitchen appliances
- Household items
- Books
- Games
- Sporting goods
- Small furniture
- Decorations/whatnots
- Cleaning/office supplies
- ANYTHING still usable that anyone who is moving out of their residence hall, Greek townhouse, or apartment is willing to donate!
WYMO has benefited multiple non-profits in the past including:
- Ashera's Garden
- Aurora Project
- BGSU Falcon Food Pantry
- BGSU Sustainability programs
- BG City Schools
- Better World Books
- Brown Bag Food Project
- CASA Program
- Children's Resource Center
- Clothesline
- Cocoon Shelter
- Cocoon Shelter Food Bank
- Defiance County Furniture Bank
- Easter Seals
- First Step Family Violence Intervention Center
- First United Methodist Church
- Food Recovery Network
- Fostoria Baptist Church
- Goodwill
- Habitat for Humanity
- Humane Society
- The Link
- Lutheran Home of Mercy
- Perrysburg Heights Community Association
- Salvation Army
- St. Aloysius Church
- St. Mark's Lutheran
- St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry
- St. Vincent DePaul Society
- Many individual groups and families in need
Collection by the Numbers:
- 2024 - 22,193 lbs
- 2023 - 21,248 lbs
- 2022 - 19,092 lbs
- 2021 - 19,247 lbs
- 2020 - Limited Collection*
- 2019 - 26,580 lbs
- 2018 - 23,800 lbs
- 2017 - 18,727 lbs
- 2016 - 17,591 lbs
- 2015 - 16,286 lbs
*A truncated collection took place in the Spring of 2020, which was impacted by early student departure due to COVID-19 and other issues. While all donations were distributed to local food pantries and nonprofits, no weights are available.
Updated: 10/22/2024 12:48PM