Falcon Tuition Guarantee 2020-2021 Cohort

The Falcon Tuition Guarantee

The Falcon Tuition Guarantee (FTG) provides all main campus, undergraduate, first time students and their families the certainty that tuition, room and board, out-of-state surcharge, special purpose fees, and course and class fees will not increase over the four academic years at BGSU. The Falcon Tuition Guarantee provides transparency and predictability about the cost of attending BGSU.

All tuition and fees are approved by the University’s Board of Trustees. Any questions regarding these rates may be directed to the Office of the Bursar at 419-372-2815.

Falcon Tuition Guarantee 2020-2021 Instructional and Non-Resident Fee Rates 

(All courses taken for audit are charged the same rates as those taken for credit.)
(All students are assessed the Instructional Fee per credit hour and Non‐Residents of Ohio are assessed an additional Non‐Resident Fee per credit hour.)

Falcon Tuition Guarantee 2020-2021 General Fee Rates

The general fee is a mandatory fee assessed to all Main campus and Firelands campus students. Students paying the maximum are entitled to attend free, or at a reduced admission fee, most campus activities and athletic activities (student section – subject to seating limitations). Students paying less than the maximum are entitled to attend a limited number of activities.

These fees also support the Bowen‐Thompson Student Union, intramural sports, and other student services, activities and related capital projects.

Students registered for full time hours are also entitled to full use privileges at the Rec Center and Perry Field House. Part time students must pay the difference between the general fee rate assessed and the full time rate in order to qualify for full use privileges. This is paid directly to the Rec Center. For more information, please contact the Rec Center at (419)372‐2000.

Falcon Tuition Guarantee 2020-2021 Rates by Semester
Ohio Resident
1 Credit
12-18 Credits

  *Excess Credit Fee $200 per credit hour 19 +

Main Campus Winter Session
Ohio Resident
1 Credit
6 Credits

A maximum of 6 credit hours allowed unless approved through the Program Coordinator or Chair/Director.

Undergraduate Pre RAAM and RAAM Program FY 2021
Ohio Resident
1 Credit
12-18 Credits

  *Excess Credit Fee $200 per credit hour 19 +

Other Fees

ACT Test – American College Testing Program‐$26.50
Admission Fee – Graduate ‐ $15.00 (assessed to all first time graduate students)
AERT Hourly Instructional Fee 
PC ATD Simulator-$115.00 per credit hour
Private, Commercial & Instrument Flight$68.00 per credit hour
Private, Commercial & Instrument Ground-$68.00 per credit hour
Multiengine Flight-$68.00 per credit hour
Simulator Instruction-$68.00 per credit hour
Aircraft/Simulator Hourly Rates 
Piper Warrior/Archer (single engine aircraft)-$206.00 per credit hour
Multiengine Aircraft-$364.00 per credit hour
Cessna 152-$129.00 per credit hour
Application Fee
 – Graduate ‐‐ $45.00 Domestic and $75.00 International (non‐refundable) to be paid when application for admission to grad school is submitted.
Application Fee – Undergraduate ‐‐ $45.00 Domestic and $75.00 International (non‐refundable) to be paid when application for admission is submitted.
BG1 Card –New/Replacements (Students/Faculty/Staff) ‐ $25.00 per card
Career Services Fee – Supports the operations/utilization of the Career Development Center for all students. Fees are assessed as follows: 
            Freshmen/Sophomores – $3.80 per credit hour
            Juniors/Seniors ‐ $5.90 per credit hour
            Graduate - $3.00 Per credit hour
            Firelands Freshmen/Sophomores – $2.50 per credit hour
            Firelands Juniors/Seniors ‐ $3.50 per credit hour

CLEP Program (College Level Examination Program) ‐ $90.00
Course Fees – vary by course. Any international course fees for Study Abroad Programs, please check with International Programs and Partnerships.
Course Revalidation ‐ $25.00 for each course revalidation. Courses older than seven years (at the master’s level) and ten years (at the doctoral level) may not be revalidated. Revalidation forms are available in the Graduate College office or on their website at www.bgsu.edu/gradcoll/documents/index.html.
Counseling Center Fee – Supports the operations/utilization of the Counseling Center for all students. Fees are assessed as follows:

            Freshmen ‐ $.67 per credit hour
            Sophomores ‐ $1.08 per credit hour
            Juniors ‐ $1.00 per credit hour
            Seniors ‐ $.83 per credit hour
            Graduate ‐ $.89 per credit hour

Credit by Examination ‐ $80.00 per special examination
Dissertation Fee (ProQuest) ‐ $25.00 for registration of a claim for U.S. copyright for a dissertation/thesis
Duplicate Diploma ‐ $30.00
EDHD Program GoReact Software Fee - $46.00/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.
EDHD Program Live Text Fee - This fee will grant access to the Live Text portal, an assessment and portfolio management system that will be used throughout your career. This is a one-time fee based on academic level:

            Freshman - $133.00
            Sophomore - $133.00
            Junior - $115.00
            Senior - $90.00
            Graduate - $90.00

Employer Reimbursement Application Fee ‐ $75.00/semester
Extended Payment Plan Enrollment Fee – $100.00 (10 Monthly Installments)
FLY Program Fee ‐ $2,500.00/semester – An intensive, individualized academic support program for students with various levels of learning differences tailored to the needs of each student.
Graduation Fee ‐ $35.00
Graduate Services Fee (Main Campus Only) – $16.00 per credit hour. Assessed up to 9 hours. Supports the operations of the Graduate College.
Green Fee (optional fee) ‐ $5.00/semester ‐The Student Green Fund is a pool of money which is available to fund BGSU students on green and environmental projects on campus. Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
HDFS Child Development (Enrollment Fee) – Fall/Spring ‐ $720.00/semester –Summer ‐ $320.00
HHS-Graduate Clinical Mental Health & School Counseling Programs GoReact Software Fee - $46.99/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.
HHS-Graduate Curriculum & Teaching Program GoReact Software Fee - $46.99/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.Independent Study Fee ‐ $15.00
Installment Payment Plan Enrollment Fee ‐ $35.00/semester for Fall/Spring (4 monthly installments) and $25.00/semester for Summer (3 monthly installments). Enrollment is completed on line each semester. Installment Payment Plan Late Fee ‐ A 1.5% of the unpaid balance will be assessed for each partial or full payment made after the due date of each installment payment and every subsequent month in which the account remains delinquent.
International Student Orientation Fee ‐ $100.00/semester
International Student Service Fee ‐ $50.00/semester
Late Payment Fee ‐ $100.00 may be assessed to those students who have not paid their student account balance in full or are not current on an installment payment plan by the first day of each semester.
Late Registration Fee – a late registration fee may be assessed to any student who registers after the first day of the semester as follows: $25.00 from the 8th day of the semester through the 14th $50.00 from the 15th day of the semester through the 44th $75.00 from the 45th day of the semester and thereafter.
Legal Fee‐ (optional fee) ‐ A $13.00/semester fee assessed to all main campus students. Payment of this fee gives students access to legal counsel. Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
Library Courtesy Card ‐ $25.00 – Any Ohio resident may apply for a courtesy card for borrowing privileges at the University Libraries. Please ask at the circulation desk of Jerome or Fireland’s Libraries for an application.
Library Processing Fee (Lost Book) ‐ $36.00
Master of Athletic Training Program Fee - $675.00
Matriculation Fee ‐ $100.00 onetime fee assessed to all first time, Main/Distance/eCampus, undergraduate, degree seeking students.
Miller Analogies Test ‐ $50.00 this exam tests ability through 100 analogies. Administered for entrance into Graduate School.
Music Fees ‐ College of Musical Arts also has special fees for certain types of instruction. These fees include:

                Advanced Audio Recording Techniques (MUCT 437) – $30.00
                Applied Music Fee ‐ $150.00 per credit hour for 15, half hour lessons ‐ $300.00 per credit hour for 15, one                        hour lessons
                Audio Recording Techniques (MUCT 436) ‐ $30.00
                Class Harp ‐ $22.50 per credit hour
                Class Piano (MuED 150, 151, 154) ‐ $22.50 per credit hour
                Instrument Repair Class (MuED 402) ‐ $20.00
                Music Equipment Usage Fee ‐ $75.00 per semester (fall/spring); $50.00 per semester (summer)
                Music Technology Lab Fee ‐ $30.00 per semester
                Para Voice ‐ $45.00 for two credit hours
                Student Teaching (MuED 497) ‐ $5.00 per credit hour

Nursing Program Fee - $200.00/semester - Covers books, supplies, licensing fees and proctoring software for secure quizzes and testing. 
     Electronic Text-Nurse Think - $233.00/semester
     Electronic Text-Think Life and Nurse Think - $219.00/semester 
Parking Permits – Students must register their vehicles and purchase a permit through the MyBGSU portal. For additional information, please visit www.bgsu.edu/parking or contact Parking Services at (419)372‐2776, or email to parking@bgsu.edu.

Main Campus:  Annual permit ‐ $135.00
                        Semester permit ‐ $83.00                      

Faculty/Staff: Annual permit ‐ $145.00
                              Academic year permit (August‐May) ‐ $125.00
                              Fall/Spring/Summer permit ‐ $83.00/semester   


Payroll Withholding by Court Order ‐ .75% or $2.00 minimum – Transactions mandated by the courts.
Perkins Late Fees – 1st and 2nd month delinquent – 15% of installment ‐ 3rd month delinquent until AG placement ‐$20.00
Registration Fee ‐ $8.00 assessed each semester when registered for classes
Return Check Fee ‐ $30.00 assessed per check returned item.
School of Art Usage Fee – Fall/Spring semesters ‐ $110.00/semester Summer semester ‐ $30.00/semester
Service Charges ‐ Service charges will be assessed at 1.5% of the past due balance, and each month thereafter, until the account is brought current.
Short Term Extension Plans (STEP) Application Fee ‐ $75.00 per extension. Military no charge.
Special Student Facility Fee (Stroh Fee) ‐ $5.00 a credit hour with a maximum of $60.00/semester. Supports the new Convocation Center. This fee was approved by the student body through a campus‐wide vote. This fee is assessed in the fall and spring semesters only.
Stop Payment – $25.00 Bank Charge.
Student Health Insurance – Mandatory for all domestic students (undergrad and grad) taking eight or more credit hours on main campus, and all international students, taking one or more credit hours. Students must provide proof of health insurance coverage by completing an on‐line waiver. This waiver must be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester. Failure to complete this, or not meeting the minimum basic coverage, will result in the enrollment into the University’s sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan. All international students must come into the Student Insurance Office to complete a waiver or enroll in the plan. Emails from the Student Insurance Office are sent to all students until this requirement is complete.

        Plan 1 (Annual $500.00 Deductible Individual)
                        Fall Semester ‐ $932.00
                        Spring Semester ‐ $1,477.00

Student Media Fee (optional fee)
 ‐ A $9.00/semester fee assessed to all main campus students. Supports student media operations at BGSU (BG News, BG 24, and Other Web Based Outlets). Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
Tech/Materials Fee EDHD ‐ $15.00/semester for all Education and Human Development Majors
Technology Fee‐Supports the academic and personal use of technology on campus – including software, hardware, and infrastructure. Assessed per credit hour by College Office as follows:
Main Campus/eCampus/Distance Campus
       Academic Enhancement/Undecided ‐ $8.50
       Arts and Sciences ‐ $11.00
       Business Administration ‐ $13.50
       Education and Human Development ‐ $13.50
       Guest Student ‐ $8.50
       Health and Human Services ‐ $9.00
       Musical Arts ‐ $9.50
       Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering ‐ $13.50

       Graduate ‐ $13.00

Firelands Campus
        Freshman & Sophomore – $4.50
        Junior & Senior ‐ $5.00

Theater/Film Usage Fee – Fall/Spring semesters ‐ $60.00/semester
              Summer semester ‐ $15.00
Thesis Fee‐Binding/Microfilming ‐ $20.00
Upper Division Class Fee – Assessed at $12.50 per credit hour for any 3000‐4999 course level taken within the Schmidthorst College of Business and the College of Technology

Residence Hall Rates

2020-2021 Residence Hall Rates Multiple Occupancy
per Semester
Single Occupancy per Semester Super Single per Semester Triple Occupancy per Semester
Apartments N/A
$4125.00 N/A N/A
Centennial Hall $3,525.00 $4,125.00
N/A $2,525.00
Conklin Hall $3,325.00 N/A
Falcon Heights
$3,525.00 $4,125.00 N/A $2,525.00
Founders Hall $3,325.00 $3,925.00 $4,025.00 N/A
Greek Village
$3,525.00 $4,125.00 N/A N/A
Kohl Hall $3,025.00 N/A
Kreischer Quadrangle $3,025.00 N/A
McDonald $3,025.00 $3,625.00 N/A N/A
Offenhauer East & West Halls
$3,325.00 $3,925.00 N/A $2,325.00

A housing pre‐payment of $200 is required and applied toward the first semester of occupancy. Room and meal plan fees will be placed on the student's account. Acceptance of the housing and dining service application‐contract offered by the University automatically binds the student to the University's residence hall rules and regulations.

Learning Communities

Arts Village Community (Fall/Spring Only) Arts Village is an extraordinary learning community for students. The community offers on-site classes specifically geared toward art students, collaborative projects, activities and social events.

Open to students in any major, the Arts Village involves exploring all aspects of the arts and sharing views with one another and faculty of various disciplines.

1st Year Arts Village Community $200.00/Semester
2nd Year Arts Village Community $200.00/Semester
3rd & 4th Year Arts Village Community $75.00/Semester

Business District Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Business District is a learning community where business students live and interact with each other. First-year students can join once they have been admitted to BGSU and have made their initial housing payment. The Business District is designed to help students succeed in their personal, professional and academic lives and provide a sense of community.

1st Year Business District Community $200.00/Semester
2nd Year Business District Community $200.00/Semester
3rd & 4th Year Business District Community $75.00/Semester

Educator in Context and Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Educators in Context and Community (ECCO) learning community is for all educations majors that want to distinguish themselves from the thousands of graduating teachers who annually enter a highly competitive job market. ECCO is considered to be one of the most progressive and promising teacher preparation programs in the country.

1st Year Educator in Context and Community Learning Community   $300.00/semester
2nd Year Educator in Context and Community Learning Community
3rd & 4th Educator in Context and Community Year Learning Community

Forensic Science Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Forensic Science Learning Community is for any student who has been accepted and enrolled in the BGSU Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science degree program. The community is designed to offer students a targeted support network to improve classroom learning and academic success, as well as provide unique opportunities beyond the classroom to investigate the ‘real world’ of forensic science.

1st Year Forensic Science Learning Community   $200.00/semester
2nd Year Forensic Science Learning Community
3rd & 4th Forensic Science Year Learning Community

Global Village Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Global Village Learning Community consist of international and American students, all majors and all have a sincere interest in meeting and learning about people from other countries and cultures. Residents are paired with students of different cultural backgrounds and share a living space. This unique and dynamic community is fueled by cross-cultural conversation, fun times, friendship and moments of discovery.

1st Year Global Village Learning Community   $200.00/semester
2nd Year Global Village Learning Community
3rd & 4th Year Global Village Learning Community

Health, Wellness and You Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Health, Wellness and You Learning Community is for first-year students who are entering health professions. Through this learning community, you’ll become a researcher on your own health patterns and learn strategies for improving your self-care. You’ll be involved in cutting edge research with health and wellness experts. You’ll also contribute to designing important programs that will make our campus healthier for future Falcons.

1st Year Health, Wellness and You Learning Community   $200.00/semester
2nd Year Health, Wellness and You Learning Community $200.00/semester
3rd & 4th Year Health, Wellness and You Learning Community

Honors Learning Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Honors Learning Community (HLC) is a place of residence for those who wish to pursue great conversation and big ideas with others. It’s an open atmosphere of students who are interested in all things a University can provide. From art to business, music to philosophy, dance to chemistry, and creative writing to math. This cosmos of passionate and learned students wish to excel through mentorship, guidance, discovery, adventure and conversation.

1st & 2nd Year Honors Learning Community
3rd & 4th Year Honors Learning Community $75.00/Semester

Honors Scholars (Fall/Spring Only) The mission of Honors Scholars is to provide a challenging intellectual experience for a small group of exceptionally achievement-oriented Honors students who are wanting to grow as citizens and realize the wisdom of pursuing that growth through studying critical thinking and moral development. Many Honors Scholars members have obtained awards and recognition for their work. Participating in Honors Scholars events prepares students to obtain admission at top-level schools after they leave BGSU and to qualify for highly competitive jobs.

1st -  4th Year Honors Scholars (Non-Residental Community)
1st -  4th Year Honors Scholars (Non-Residental Community/Non Travel) $125.00/Semester

La Comunidad (Fall/Spring Only) La Comunidad is a community for all students who are passionate for the Spanish-speaking world. Whether you are majoring or minoring in Spanish or just want to enhance your college experience, this is the place for you.

1st Year La Comunidad Learning Community $125.00/semester
2nd Year La Comunidad Learning Community
3rd & 4th Year La Comunidad Learning Community

La Maison Française (Fall/Spring Only) La Maison Française is a community where students of any major interested in French can live and be surrounded by the language and cultures of the Francophone world. Located in Kohl Hall, La Maison Française is designed to house up to 12 undergraduate male and female students who have had at least two years of high school French or FREN 1020 at BGSU. The Faculty Director has an on-site office and several French classes are offered in Kohl Hall classrooms.

1st Year La Maison Francaise $125.00/semester
2nd Year La Maison Francaise $125.00/semester
3rd & 4th Year La Maison Francaise $75.00/semester

The Natural and Health Science Residential Community (Fall/Spring Only) The Natural and Health Science Residential Community (NHSRC) includes students who are majoring in a variety of science, health and pre-professional programs. Students who live in the NHSRC say the academic support they receive is a significant advantage when it comes to gaining admission to health-related programs with highly competitive entrance requirements. NHSRC is a place where students share information and ideas with others who have the same interests and goals, including dedicated faculty who help you both in and out of class.

1st Year Health Science Residential Community Fee
2nd Year Health Science Residential Community Fee
3rd Year Healthy Science Residential Community Fee

SEARCH (Fall/Spring Only) SEARCH is a dynamic learning community designed to be a home away from home for undergraduate students from all majors, backgrounds, and beliefs who are interested in the exploration of big questions, leadership development, social justice, and close friendships.  This one-of-a-kind SEARCH experience will include participation in optional extra-curricular activities, weekly discussions, and energizing mentoring relationships as part of their overall educational experience at BGSU.

1st -  4th Year SEARCH
HOUSING FORFEITURE SCHEDULE for Full Academic Year Agreement, (Fall Only Agreement‐ if approved), Full Academic Year Agreement with breaks and 12 Month Agreement (after initial 2020‐2021 occupancy):
Fall Semester
The University will retain a forfeiture according to the following schedule:
On or before May 1, 2020 No Forfeiture
May 2, 2020-August 30, 2020 $200.00
August 31, 2020-September 6, 2020 10% of Housing Rate
September 7, 2020-September 13, 2020 20% of Housing Rate
September 14, 2020-September 20, 2020 40% of Housing Rate
September 21, 2020-September 27, 2020 60% Housing Rate
On or after September 28, 2020 Full Forfeiture of Housing Rate
Spring Semester
On or before December 1, 2020 No Forfeiture
December 2, 2020 – January 31, 2021 $200
February 1, 2021 – February 7, 2021 10% of Housing Rate for Spring Semester
February 8, 2021 – February 14, 2021 20% of Housing Rate for Spring Semester
February 15, 2021 – February 21, 2021 40% of Housing Rate for Spring Semester
February 22, 2021 – February 28, 2021 60% of Housing Rate for Spring Semester
On or after March 1, 2021 Full Forfeiture of Housing Rate for Spring Semester

Meal Plan Options

2020-2021 Meal Plans and Rates
Bronze $1,806.00
Silver $2,149.00
Gold $2,332.00
To choose the right plan for you, please visit the BGSU Dining web page for more information.

Undergraduate Tuition Guarantee Cohort Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees

Revised 6/25/20

Credit hours Instructional Fee General Fee Total Fees Ohio Resident Non Resident Fee Total Fees Non Resident
1 432.60 35.55 503.70 332.85 836.55
2 865.20 71.10 1,007.40 665.70 1,673.10
3 1,297.80 106.65 1,511.10 998.55 2,509.65
4 1,730.40 142.20 2,014.80 1,331.40 3,346.20
5 2,163.00 177.75 2,518.50 1,664.25 4,182.75
6 2,595.60 213.3 3,022.20 1,997.10 5,019.30
7 3,028.20 248.85 3,525.90 2,329.95 5,855.85
8 3,460.80 284.40 4,029.60 2,662.80 6,692.40
9 3,893.40 319.95 4,533.30 2,995.65 7,528.95
10 4,326.00 355.50 5,037.00 3,328.50 8,365.50
11 4,758.60 391.05 5,540.70 3,661.35 9,202.05
12-18 5,191.20 426.60 6,044.40 3,994.20 10,038.60

Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 +

Undergraduate Tuition Guarantee Cohort Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees (Winter Session)

Revised 6/25/20

Credit hours Instructional Fee General Fee Total Fees Ohio Resident Non Resident Fee Total Fees Non Resident
1 432.60 16.10 448.70 332.85 781.55
2 865.20 32.20 897.40 665.70 1,563.10
3 1,297.80 48.30 1,346.10 998.55 2,344.65
4 1,730.40 64.40 1,794.80 1,331.40 3,126.20
5 2,163.00 80.50 2,243.50 1,664.25 3,907.75
6 2,595.60 96.60 2,692.20 1,997.10 4,689.30

A maximum of 6 credit hours allowed unless approved through the Program Coordinator or Chair/Director.

Undergraduate Pre RAAM and RAAM Program FY 2021
Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees

Credit hours Instructional Fee General Fee Total Fees Ohio Resident Non Resident Fee Total Fees Non Resident
1 432.60 35.55 468.15 332.85 801.00
2 865.20 71.10 936.30 665.70 1,602.00
3 1,297.80 106.65 1,404.45 998.55 2,403.00
4 1,730.40 142.20 1,872.60 1,331.40 3,204.00
5 2,163.00 177.75 2,340.75 1,664.25 4,005.00
6 2,595.60 213.30 2,808.90 1,997.10 4,806.00
7 3,028.20 248.85 3,277.05 2,329.95 5,607.00
8 3,460.80 284.40 3,745.20 2,662.80 6,408.00
9 3,893.40 319.95 4,213.35 2,995.65 7,209.00
10 4,326.00 355.50 4,681.50 3,328.50 8,010.00
11 4,758.60 391.05 5,149.65 3,661.35 8,811.00
12-18 5,191.20 426.60 5,617.80 3,994.20 9,612.00

Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 +

Course and Class Fees

College of Arts and Science 
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
A&S ABR 4200 $5.00/CrHr
A&S ABR 4280 $5.00/CrHr
A&S ABR 4360 $850.00
A&S ART 1010 $10.00
A&S ART 1020 $15.00
A&S ART 1030 $15.00
A&S ART 1120 $25.00
A&S ART 4000 $23.00
A&S ART 4700 Varies
A&S ART 5860 $60.00
A&S ART 6860 Varies
A&S ART 6930 $15.00
A&S ART 1010R $25.00
A&S ART 1030A $15.00
A&S ART 1120A $25.00
A&S ARTC 2210 $25.00
A&S ARTC 3000 $50.00
A&S ARTC 3100 $80.00
A&S ARTC 3110 $25.00
A&S ARTC 3120 $50.00
A&S ARTC 3310 $25.00
A&S ARTC 3440 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4000 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 4090 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4130 $25.00
A&S ARTC 4140 $60.00
A&S ARTC 4180 $60.00
A&S ARTC 4230 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4240 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4250 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4330 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4410 $50.00
A&S ARTC 4420 $60.00
A&S ARTC 4430 $60.00
A&S ARTC 4440 $60.00
A&S ARTC 4700 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5000 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5030 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5130 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5230 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5330 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 5860 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 6130 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 6230 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTC 6330 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTD 2010 $30.00
A&S ARTD 2020 $30.00
A&S ARTD 3010 $30.00
A&S ARTD 3040 $30.00
A&S ARTD 3050 $30.00
A&S ARTD 3060 $30.00
A&S ARTD 4030 $30.00
A&S ARTD 4050 $30.00
A&S ARTD 4060 $45.00
A&S ARTD 4080 $30.00
A&S ARTE 2450 $15.00
A&S ARTE 2520 $30.00
A&S ARTE 3520 $30.00
A&S ARTE 3820 $30.00
A&S ARTE 4070 $30.00
A&S ARTE 4520 $30.00
A&S ARTE 4920 $40.00
A&S ARTE 4920 $5.00/CrHr
A&S ARTE 4970 $40.00
A&S ARTE 4970 $5.00/CrHr
A&S ARTH 2900 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3170 $27.00
A&S ARTH 3190 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3630 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3650 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3670 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3710 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3730 $25.00
A&S ARTH 3750 $25.00
A&S ARTH 4150 $35.00
A&S ARTH 4350 $25.00
A&S ARTH 4750 $25.00
A&S ARTH 4800 $3,800.00
A&S ARTH 4900 $25.00
A&S ARTH 5150 $35.00
A&S ARTS 2110 $35.00
A&S ARTS 2210 $20.00
A&S ARTS 2310 $53.00
A&S ARTS 2410 $60.00
A&S ARTS 2610 $250.00
A&S ARTS 2710 $65.00
A&S ARTS 2810 $100.00
A&S ARTS 2910 $150.00
A&S ARTS 3130 $20.00
A&S ARTS 3240 $35.00
A&S ARTS 3320 $100.00
A&S ARTS 3330 $100.00
A&S ARTS 3340 $100.00
A&S ARTS 3350 $100.00
A&S ARTS 3420 $75.00
A&S ARTS 3430 $75.00
A&S ARTS 3620 $200.00
A&S ARTS 3630 $200.00
A&S ARTS 3720 $65.00
A&S ARTS 3730 $65.00
A&S ARTS 3820 $50.00
A&S ARTS 3830 $100.00
A&S ARTS 3920 $75.00
A&S ARTS 3931 $200.00
A&S ARTS 4000 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTS 4010 $20.00/CrHr
A&S ARTS 4240 $25.00
A&S ARTS 4280 $30.00
A&S ARTS 4350 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4360 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4380 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4440 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4480 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4630 $200.00
A&S ARTS 4640 $200.00
A&S ARTS 4680 $200.00
A&S ARTS 4740 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4750 $50.00
A&S ARTS 4760 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4780 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4800 $975.00
A&S ARTS 4840 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4850 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4880 $100.00
A&S ARTS 4940 $75.00
A&S ARTS 4950 $150.00
A&S ARTS 4980 $150.00
A&S ARTS 5110 $30.00
A&S ARTS 5310 $100.00
A&S ARTS 5410 $65.00
A&S ARTS 5610 $175.00
A&S ARTS 5710 $25.00/CrHr
A&S ARTS 5810 $100.00
A&S ARTS 5910 $125.00
A&S ARTS 6120 $30.00
A&S ARTS 6320 $100.00
A&S ARTS 6420 $65.00
A&S ARTS 6620 $175.00
A&S ARTS 6720 $25.00/CrHr
A&S ARTS 6820 $50.00
A&S ARTS 6920 $125.00
A&S ARTS 4800A $975.00
A&S AS 1050M $250 / Summer
A&S AS 3000X $10.00
A&S AS 3950X $25.00
A&S AS 5860X $25.00
A&S ASTR 2010 $3.00
A&S ASTR 2120 $3.00
A&S ASTR 3090 $5.00
A&S BIOL 1010 $15.00
A&S BIOL 1040 $15.00
A&S BIOL 2040 $30.00
A&S BIOL 2050 $30.00
A&S BIOL 3130 $25.00
A&S BIOL 3150 $25.00
A&S BIOL 3310 $35.00
A&S BIOL 3320 $35.00
A&S BIOL 3430 $25.00
A&S BIOL 3520 $20.00
A&S BIOL 3700 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4010 $15.00/CrHr
A&S BIOL 4050 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4060 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4070 $75.00
A&S BIOL 4110 $20.00
A&S BIOL 4140 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4200 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4220 $20.00
A&S BIOL 4250 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4270 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4350 $15.00
A&S BIOL 4370 $65.00
A&S BIOL 4380 $60.00
A&S BIOL 4460 $75.00
A&S BIOL 4720 $50.00
A&S BIOL 4730 $35.00
A&S BIOL 4750 $650.00
A&S BIOL 4760 $35.00
A&S BIOL 4770 $35.00
A&S BIOL 5030 $25.00
A&S BIOL 5080 $30.00
A&S BIOL 5150 $75.00
A&S BIOL 5170 $60.00
A&S BIOL 5190 $30.00
A&S BIOL 5210 $20.00
A&S BIOL 5270 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5310 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5390 $20.00
A&S BIOL 5410 $20.00
A&S BIOL 5430 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5460 $75.00
A&S BIOL 5510 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5530 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5570 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5590 $50.00
A&S BIOL 5610 $35.00
A&S BIOL 5630 $35.00
A&S BIOL 5650 $35.00
A&S BIOL 5670 $15.00
A&S BIOL 5690 $15.00
A&S BIOL 6030 $15.00
A&S BIOL 6110 $75.00
A&S BIOL 6430 $15.00
A&S BIOL 6450 $75.00
A&S BIOL 7450 $15.00
A&S CHEM 1100 $30.00
A&S CHEM 1240 $30.00
A&S CHEM 1280 $30.00
A&S CHEM 1350 $30.00
A&S CHEM 1380 $30.00
A&S CHEM 2010 $35.00
A&S CHEM 3060 $45.00
A&S CHEM 3090 $45.00
A&S CHEM 3410 $45.00
A&S CHEM 3450 $45.00
A&S CHEM 3460 $45.00
A&S CHEM 3630 $50.00
A&S CHEM 4070 $45.00
A&S CHEM 4080 $45.00
A&S CHEM 4460 $45.00
A&S CHEM 5460 $45.00
A&S COMM 1990 $100.00
A&S COMM 3990 $100.00
A&S DANC 1150 $9.00
A&S DANC 1200 $9.00
A&S DANC 2150 $9.00
A&S DANC 2200 $9.00
A&S DANC 3160 $9.00
A&S ENG 6330 $3.00
A&S ENVH 1050 $10.00
A&S ENVS 1010 $10.00
A&S ENVS 3100 $30.00
A&S ENVS 4020 $10.00
A&S ENVS 4120 $10.00
A&S ENVS 4150 $15.00
A&S ENVS 4930 $1,400.00
A&S FREN 4440 $15.00
A&S GEOG 2130 $10.00
A&S GEOG 3210 $15.00
A&S GEOG 4220 $15.00
A&S GEOL 1040 $15.00
A&S GEOL 1050 $15.00
A&S GEOL 2150 $6.00
A&S GEOL 2500 $4,500.00
A&S GEOL 4930 $1,250.00
A&S GEOL 4940 $1,250.00
A&S GEOL 6930 $1,250.00
A&S ITAL 2610 $15.00
A&S JOUR 2000 $6.50
A&S JOUR 2010 $6.50
A&S JOUR 2500 $25.50
A&S JOUR 2550 $25.50
A&S JOUR 3100 $20.00
A&S JOUR 3150 $30.00
A&S JOUR 3200 $16.50
A&S JOUR 3250 $25.50
A&S JOUR 3300 $20.00
A&S JOUR 3450 $10.00
A&S JOUR 3550 $25.50
A&S JOUR 4100 $20.00
A&S JOUR 4200 $25.50
A&S JOUR 4300 $20.00
A&S MATH 1190 $140.00
A&S MATH 1210 $140.00
A&S MATH 1220 $140.00
A&S MATH 0900X $140.00
A&S MATH 0950X $140.00
A&S MATH 0990X $140.00
A&S MATS 1000 $5.00
A&S MC 5640 $40.00
A&S MDIA 1991 $15.00
A&S MDIA 1992 $10.00
A&S MDIA 1993 $10.00
A&S MDIA 2610 $30.00
A&S MDIA 2620 $30.00
A&S MDIA 3630 $30.00
A&S MDIA 3640 $30.00
A&S MDIA 3680 $15.00
A&S MDIA 4640 $40.00
A&S MDIA 4680 $30.00
A&S MDIA 4912 $30.00
A&S MDIA 4913 $30.00
A&S PHYS 1010 $5.00
A&S PHYS 2010 $10.00
A&S PHYS 2020 $10.00
A&S PHYS 2110 $8.00
A&S PHYS 2120 $8.00
A&S PHYS 3110 $8.00
A&S PHYS 3120 $8.00
A&S POLS 3700 $650.00
A&S POPC 2500 $10.00
A&S POPC 3500 $10.00
A&S POPC 3900 $5.00
A&S PSYC 3280 $15.00
A&S PSYC 3330 $15.00
A&S ROCS 2000 $15.00
A&S SPAN 6270 $15.00
A&S SPAN 4890X $15.00
A&S TCOM 2500 $30.00
A&S THFM 1610 $10.00
A&S THFM 2550 $125.00
A&S THFM 2560 $105.00
A&S THFM 3550 $125.00
College of Academic Enhancement
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
BGSU UNIV 1310 $30.00
College of Business Administration
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
CBA BA 2030 $15.00
CBA BA 3800 $15.00
CBA BIZX 1100 $15.00
CBA BIZX 2200 $15.00
CBA BIZX 3300 $15.00
CBA CHNG 7001 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7003 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7004 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7005 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7006 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7007 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7008 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7052 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7053 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7054 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7055 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7800 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7870 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7980 150% of in-state fees
CBA CHNG 7990 150% of in-state fees
CBA ECON 6000P 35% of in-state fees
CBA ECON 6000X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ECON 6010X 150% of in-state fees
CBA GBA 6910 $20.00
CBA GBA 6720X 150% of in-state fees
CBA GBA 6820X 150% of in-state fees
CBA GBA 6860X 150% of in-state fees
CBA GBA 6910X 150% of in-state fees
CBA IS 2000 $15.00
CBA IS 4050 $12.00
CBA MBA 5050 $12.00
CBA MBA 6010 $21.00
CBA MBA 6020 $21.00
CBA MBA 6000P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6010P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6020P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6030P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6040P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6050P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6050X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6060P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6060X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6070P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6070X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6080P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6090P 35% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6100X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6200X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6510X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6520X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6540X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6580X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6590X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6620X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6800X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6860X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MBA 6910X 150% of in-state fees
CBA MKT 2010 $15.00
CBA MKT 3000 $15.00
CBA ORGD 6010X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6015X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6020X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6030X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6040X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6050X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6060X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6065X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6070X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6080X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6090X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6320X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6860X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6870X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6910X 150% of in-state fees
CBA ORGD 6990X 150% of in-state fees
CBA STAT 6000X 150% of in-state fees
CBA STAT 6010P 35% of in-state fees
CBA STAT 6010X 150% of in-state fees
CBA STAT 6050X 150% of in-state fees
College of Musical Arts
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
CMA MUCT 4360 $30.00
CMA MUCT 4370 $30.00
CMA MUCT 4440 $30.00
CMA MUCT 4450 $30.00
CMA MUCT 4460 $30.00
CMA MUCT 4470 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5360 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5370 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5440 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5450 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5460 $30.00
CMA MUCT 5470 $30.00
CMA MUED 1500 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 1510 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 1540 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 1560 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 1570 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 2500 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 2510 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 2520 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 2560 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 2570 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUED 4020 $20.00
CMA MUED 5020 $20.00
CMA MUS 7000 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 1950 $22.50/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2210 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2310 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2320 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2330 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2340 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2350 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2410 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2420 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2430 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2440 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2450 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2460 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2470 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2480 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2490 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2550 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2560 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2600 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2610 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2620 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2630 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2690 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2720 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2810 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2820 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2830 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2840 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2850 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 2860 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4210 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4310 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4320 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4330 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4340 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4350 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4410 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4420 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4430 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4440 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4450 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4460 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4470 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4480 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4490 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4550 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4560 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4600 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4610 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4620 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4630 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4690 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4720 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4810 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4820 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4830 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4840 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4850 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4860 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5210 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5230 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5240 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5250 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5260 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5270 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5280 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5310 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5320 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5330 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5350 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5360 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5410 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5420 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5430 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5440 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5450 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5460 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5470 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5480 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5550 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5560 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5600 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5610 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5620 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5630 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5670 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5690 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5720 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 5730 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6210 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6230 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6240 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6250 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6260 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6270 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6280 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6310 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6320 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6330 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6350 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6360 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6410 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6420 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6430 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6440 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6450 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6460 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6470 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6480 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6550 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6560 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6600 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6610 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6620 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6630 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6690 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6720 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6730 $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 4700X $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
CMA MUSP 6860X $150.00/$300.00/CrHr
College of Education and Human Development 
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
EDHD ACEN 1000 $10.00
EDHD BUSE 4970 $300.00
EDHD BUSE 4970 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD COUN 6740 $36.00
EDHD COUN 6855 $40.00
EDHD EDFI 6890 $100.00
EDHD EDIS 3040 $5.00
EDHD EDIS 3050 $5.00
EDHD EDIS 4420 $20.00
EDHD EDIS 4450 $5.00
EDHD EDIS 4730 $5.00
EDHD EDIS 4920 $300.00
EDHD EDIS 4920 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EDIS 6890 $10.00
EDHD EDIS 6890 $300.00
EDHD EDTL 2010 $75.00
EDHD EDTL 2300 $10.00
EDHD EDTL 2502 $38.00
EDHD EDTL 2503 $38.00
EDHD EDTL 2504 $38.00
EDHD EDTL 2505 $38.00
EDHD EDTL 2710 $75.00
EDHD EDTL 2740 $75.00
EDHD EDTL 2750 $75.00
EDHD EDTL 2760 $75.00
EDHD EDTL 3021 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 3400 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 3421 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 4460 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 4470 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 4480 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 4490 $5.00
EDHD EDTL 4670 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4710 $20.00
EDHD EDTL 4740 $20.00
EDHD EDTL 4750 $20.00
EDHD EDTL 4760 $20.00
EDHD EDTL 4810 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4840 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4850 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4860 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4890 $15.00
EDHD EDTL 4910 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EDTL 4920 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EDTL 4970 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EDTL 6240 $50.00
EDHD EDTL 6890 $300.00
EDHD EDTL 6890 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EDTL 2010C $75.00
EDHD EDWF 4220 $40.00
EDHD EIEC 3100 $25.00
EDHD EIEC 3150 $15.00
EDHD EIEC 3310 $5.00
EDHD EIEC 3320 $5.00
EDHD EIEC 3330 $5.00
EDHD EIEC 3340 $5.00
EDHD EIEC 4800 $25.00
EDHD EIEC 4900 $300.00
EDHD EIEC 4900 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD EIEC  3130 $5.00
EDHD EIEC  3300 $5.00
EDHD EXSC 2030 $50.00
EDHD EXSC 2100 $40.00
EDHD EXSC 2300 $10.00
EDHD EXSC 3120 $40.00
EDHD EXSC 3450 $20.00
EDHD EXSC 3600 $35.00
EDHD EXSC 3610 $50.00
EDHD EXSC 3700 $25.00
EDHD EXSC 3870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD EXSC 4140 $40.00
EDHD EXSC 4160 $40.00
EDHD EXSC 4230 $25.00
EDHD EXSC 4290 $15.00
EDHD EXSC 4870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD EXSC 4890 $45.00
EDHD FMPD 2400 $40.00
EDHD FMPD 2510 $25.00
EDHD FMPD 2810 $10.00
EDHD FMPD 3120 $15.00
EDHD FMPD 3130 $25.00
EDHD FMPD 3510 $30.00
EDHD FMPD 4020 $15.00
EDHD FMPD 4140 $30.00
EDHD FMPD 4510 $15.00
EDHD HDFS 4910 $300.00
EDHD HDFS 4910 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD HMSL 6160 $50.00
EDHD HMSL 6170 $7.00
EDHD HMSL 6180 $35.00
EDHD HMSL 6190 $15.00
EDHD ID 1170 $25.00
EDHD ID 2190 $50.00
EDHD ID 3030 $10.00
EDHD ID 3190 $50.00
EDHD ID 3290 $50.00
EDHD ID 3450 $25.00
EDHD ID 3800 $50.00
EDHD ID 4060 $10.00
EDHD ID 4170 $50.00
EDHD ID 4190 $50.00
EDHD KNS 2040 $25.00
EDHD KNS 2070 $8.00
EDHD KNS 2090 $37.00
EDHD KNS 2180 $5.00
EDHD KNS 3130 $10.00
EDHD KNS 3140 $5.00
EDHD KNS 3150 $5.00
EDHD KNS 3220 $10.00
EDHD KNS 4970 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD MUED 4970 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD PEG 2110 $50.00
EDHD PEG 2180 $15.00
EDHD PEG 2460 $22.00
EDHD PEG 2470 $37.00
EDHD PEG 2480 $42.00
EDHD PEG 2530 $20.00
EDHD PEG 2780 $10.00
EDHD PEG 2800 $5.00
EDHD PEG 2810 $5.00
EDHD PEG 2820 $5.00
EDHD PEHE 2240 $92.00
EDHD PEHE 2420 $6.00
EDHD PEHE 4020 $10.00
EDHD PEHE 4320 $22.00
EDHD PEHE 4920 $300.00
EDHD PEHE 4920 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD PEHE 4921 $300.00
EDHD PEHE 4921 $5.00/CrHr
EDHD SM 3870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD SM 4870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD SM 4890 $45.00
EDHD THEM 3870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD THEM 4870 $3.00/CrHr
EDHD THEM 4880 $45.00
Firelands Campus
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
FIRE AHTH-FIRE 0950 $10.00
FIRE AHTH-FIRE 1300 $25.00
FIRE AHTH-FIRE 1310 $5.00
FIRE ARTS-FIRE 2110 $30.00
FIRE ARTS-FIRE 2310 $10.00
FIRE ARTS-FIRE 3130 $30.00
FIRE ARTS-FIRE 3820 $40.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 1010 $10.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 1040 $15.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 2040 $20.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 2050 $20.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 3130 $25.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 3150 $20.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 3310 $20.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 3320 $20.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 3520 $25.00
FIRE BIOL-FIRE 4070 $75.00
FIRE BUSE-FIRE 2610 $5.00
FIRE BUSE-FIRE 2620 $5.00
FIRE CHEM-FIRE 1100 $30.00
FIRE CHEM-FIRE 1240 $30.00
FIRE CHEM-FIRE 1280 $30.00
FIRE CHEM-FIRE 3410 $45.00
FIRE CHEM-FIRE 3460 $45.00
FIRE DESN-FIRE 2050 $15.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 1910 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 2400 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 2410 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 2470 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 2490 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 3000 $22.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 3100 $10.00
FIRE ECET-FIRE 3490 $25.00
FIRE ECT-FIRE 2440 $5.00
FIRE ECT-FIRE 2450 $5.00
FIRE ECT-FIRE 2480 $10.00
FIRE ECT-FIRE 2500 $10.00
FIRE EDTL-FIRE 6890 $300.00
FIRE EIEC-FIRE 3100 $25.00
FIRE EIEC-FIRE 3300 $25.00
FIRE EIEC-FIRE 4900 $300.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 1100 $5.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 2100 $5.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 2200 $40.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 2300 $34.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 2400 $30.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 3000 $40.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 3200 $60.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 3400 $30.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 3450 $35.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 4280 $16.00
FIRE ENGT-FIRE 4380 $40.00
FIRE GEOL-FIRE 1040 $6.00
FIRE GEOL-FIRE 1050 $6.00
FIRE GEOL-FIRE 2150 $6.00
FIRE IS-FIRE 2000 $10.00
FIRE MATH-FIRE 1190 $140.00
FIRE MATH-FIRE 1220 $140.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4010 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4120 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4200 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4230 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4270 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4330 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4340 $30.00
FIRE NURS-FIRE 4510 $30.00
FIRE PEG-FIRE 2110 $60.00
FIRE PHYS-FIRE 1010 $5.00
FIRE PHYS-FIRE 2010 $8.00
FIRE PHYS-FIRE 2020 $8.00
FIRE PHYS-FIRE 2110 $8.00
FIRE PHYS-FIRE 2120 $8.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 1810 $52.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 1820 $52.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 1830 $52.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 2810 $52.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 2820 $52.00
FIRE RADT-FIRE 2830 $52.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 1200 $9.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 1210 $8.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 2030 $80.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 2210 $8.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 2810 $172.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 3400 $120.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 3510 $10.00
FIRE RESP-FIRE 4800 $52.00
FIRE UNIV-FIRE 1290 $9.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 1030 $15.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 2080 $50.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 2680 $21.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 2820 $21.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3040 $26.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3080 $31.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3090 $34.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3100 $56.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3660 $26.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3820 $28.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 3860 $56.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4560 $31.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4600 $56.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4650 $28.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4670 $26.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4690 $16.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 4820 $26.00
FIRE VCT-FIRE 5660 $26.00
College of Health and Human Services
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
HHS CDIS 4210 $30.00
HHS CDIS 6970 $300.00
HHS FN 2100 $50.00
HHS FN 2120 $60.00
HHS FN 3100 $10.00
HHS FN 3260 $50.00
HHS FN 4310 $50.00
HHS FN 4420 $45.00
HHS FN 5310 $50.00
HHS FN 6200 $1,000.00
HHS FN 6210 $500.00
HHS FN 6220 $500.00
HHS GERO 4930 $135.00
HHS GERO 6860 $135.00
HHS MLS 3100 $50.00
HHS MLS 4120 $50.00
HHS MLS 4140 $50.00
HHS MLS 4220 $50.00
HHS MLS 4230 $50.00
HHS MLS 4320 $50.00
HHS MLS 4340 $50.00
HHS MLS 4350 $50.00
HHS MLS 4420 $50.00
HHS MLS 4510 $50.00
HHS MLS 4800 $50.00
HHS MLS 4920 $250.00
HHS NURS 3040 $30.00
HHS NURS 3040 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3040 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 3060 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3060 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 3070 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3070 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 3080 $30.00
HHS NURS 3080 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3080 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 3150 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3150 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 3190 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3190 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 3280 $30.00
HHS NURS 3280 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3280 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 3290 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3290 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 3300 $30.00
HHS NURS 3300 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3300 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 3400 $30.00
HHS NURS 3400 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3400 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 3540 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 3540 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4050 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4050 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4080 $30.00
HHS NURS 4080 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4130 $30.00
HHS NURS 4130 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4130 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4160 $30.00
HHS NURS 4170 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4180 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4240 $30.00
HHS NURS 4240 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4240 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4260 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4260 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4270 $30.00
HHS NURS 4270 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4270 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4280 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4290 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4290 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4310 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4310 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4320 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4320 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4330 $30.00
HHS NURS 4330 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4330 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4340 $30.00
HHS NURS 4340 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4340 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4350 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4350 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4360 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4360 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4390 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4390 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4510 $30.00
HHS NURS 4510 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4510 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4600 $30.00
HHS NURS 4600 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4620 $30.00
HHS NURS 4620 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4620 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4700 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4710 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4710 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS 4720 $30.00
HHS NURS 4720 $50.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS 4760 $13.00/CrHr
HHS NURS 4760 $50.00/CH
HHS NURS  3017 $250.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  3117 $250.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  3127 $150.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  3417 $250.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  3437 $150.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  3617 $150.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  4017 $250.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  4027 $150.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  4217 $150.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  4317 $250.00/Credit Hour
HHS NURS  4327 $150.00/Credit Hour
College of Technology
College Subject  Course Number  Fee
TECH AERT 099 $1,030.00
TECH AERT 2220 $8,420.00
TECH AERT 2230 $8,600.00
TECH AERT 2810 $14,500.00
TECH AERT 2820 $14,400.00
TECH AERT 3220 $8,790.00
TECH AERT 3230 $14,650.00
TECH AERT 3240 $10,300.00
TECH AERT 3250 $16,300.00
TECH AERT 3300 $2,650.00
TECH AERT 4070 $9,550.00
TECH AERT 4420 $9,860.00
TECH AERT 4430 $7,650.00
TECH AERT 4440 $6,120.00
TECH AERT 4450 $4,500.00
TECH AERT 4460 $5,180.00
TECH AERT 4470 $6,180.00
TECH AERT 4690 $4,800.00
TECH AERT 4820 $3,160.00
TECH ARCH 1050 $18.00
TECH ARCH 2050 $15.00
TECH ARCH 2220 $78.00
TECH ARCH 3210 $96.00
TECH ARCH 3220 $96.00
TECH ARCH 3360 $36.00
TECH ARCH 3370 $15.00
TECH ARCH 3720 $35.00
TECH ARCH 4210 $96.00
TECH ARCH 4220 $96.00
TECH ARCH 6210 $303.75
TECH ARCH 6220 $303.75
TECH ARCH 6310 $303.75
TECH ARCH 6320 $303.75
TECH CONS 1010 $46.00
TECH CONS 2350 $35.00
TECH CONS 2590 $36.00
TECH CONS 3060 $10.00
TECH CONS 3180 $14.00
TECH CONS 3350 $30.00
TECH CONS 3360 $10.00
TECH CONS 3370 $30.00
TECH CONS 3590 $36.00
TECH CONS 4110 $15.00
TECH CONS 4350 $10.00
TECH CONS 4370 $10.00
TECH CONS 4420 $17.00
TECH CONS 4470 $30.00
TECH CONS 4590 $10.00
TECH CONS 4700 $205.00
TECH CONS 5470 $30.00
TECH CONS 6420 $17.00
TECH DESN 5040 $14.00
TECH ECET 1910 $45.00
TECH ECET 1960 $35.00
TECH ECET 2400 $70.00
TECH ECET 2410 $15.00
TECH ECET 2490 $25.00
TECH ECET 3000 $15.00
TECH ECET 3100 $11.00
TECH ECET 3410 $25.00
TECH ECET 3440 $15.00
TECH ECET 3490 $25.00
TECH ECET 3570 $11.00
TECH ECET 3860 $25.00
TECH ECET 4410 $25.00
TECH ECET 4450 $15.00
TECH ECET 4530 $25.00
TECH ECET 4860 $15.00
TECH ECET 4950 $14.00
TECH ECT 5410 $25.00
TECH ECT 5430 $25.00
TECH ECT 5530 $25.00
TECH ECT 5860 $15.00
TECH ENGT 1010 $11.00
TECH ENGT 1020 $50.00
TECH ENGT 2150 $20.00
TECH ENGT 2200 $175.00
TECH ENGT 2300 $100.00
TECH ENGT 2500 $40.00
TECH ENGT 3200 $150.00
TECH ENGT 3400 $40.00
TECH ENGT 3450 $90.00
TECH ENGT 3500 $30.00
TECH ENGT 4000 $100.00
TECH ENGT 4280 $16.00
TECH ENGT 4500 $14.00
TECH ROBO 1010 $63.00
TECH ROBO 4500 $14.00
TECH TE 4470 $36.00
TECH TE 4530 $45.00
TECH TE 4620 $10.00
TECH TECH 2230 $60.00
TECH TECH 6020 $27.00
TECH TECH 6040 $100.00
TECH TECH 6280 $16.00
TECH VCT 1030 $25.00
TECH VCT 1040 $26.00
TECH VCT 2040 $16.00
TECH VCT 2080 $55.00
TECH VCT 2680 $21.00
TECH VCT 2820 $46.00
TECH VCT 3040 $26.00
TECH VCT 3080 $31.00
TECH VCT 3090 $34.00
TECH VCT 3100 $61.00
TECH VCT 3660 $16.00
TECH VCT 3690 $21.00
TECH VCT 3820 $46.00
TECH VCT 3860 $56.00
TECH VCT 4560 $41.00
TECH VCT 4600 $20.00
TECH VCT 4650 $46.00
TECH VCT 4670 $26.00
TECH VCT 4690 $16.00
TECH VCT 4820 $16.00
TECH VCT 4840 $35.00
TECH VCT 5660 $26.00

Updated: 07/03/2024 11:14AM