
We offer a complete series of courses leading to a bachelor's degree (with or without teaching certification) in French. Our diverse course offerings embrace all aspects of language, literature, and culture: reading, conversation, composition, language for business purposes, civilization, phonetics, stylistics, methods of language teaching, audiovisual techniques, film, and the opportunity for study abroad. Click here for program highlights.
Everything has been figured out, except how to live. --Jean-Paul Sartre
Wurzburger Scholarship Application Information and FAQ
1. Wurzburger Memorial Scholarship for French Studies: For students who declare a French major, minor or applied minor, or a major in World Language Education in French. Renewable for up to four years as long as recipients reapply and continue to meet eligibility criteria.
- Incoming students must show exceptional academic performance, as evidenced by a minimum 3.00 high school GPA and have completed the level of French 4 in high school.
- Current BGSU students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in French courses, a 3.0 GPA overall, and a major, double major, or minor in French .
- Residency or participation in the French Learning Community is a plus.
2. Wurzburger Memorial Scholarship for Education Abroad: For members of the French Learning Community to study abroad in a French-language program. This scholarship can be used during the summer, fall and/or spring semester while the student is enrolled in a French-language study abroad program. Non-renewable.
- Resident or participant in good standing of the French Learning Community -
Verification that student has applied and been selected to a French-language study abroad program. The number of scholarships awarded and the amount of each will be determined by the spendable balance each year. Recipients will be selected by the Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in French are expected to be able to:
- Write, listen, and converse proficiently about French and Francophone literary works, movements, and genres about the civilizations of France and the Francophone world;
- Master reading comprehension, terminology, and basic research tools appropriate to literary and cultural analysis;
- Demonstrate language proficiency through standardized examinations;
- Engage in rational, civil discourse in a manner respectful of others and the cultural diversity of the Francophone world.
Accreditation and/or Program/Cluster Review
Bowling Green State University [BGSU] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. BGSU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 01/01/1916. The most recent reaffirmation of accreditation was received in 2022 - 2023. Questions should be directed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
The French program went through Program/Cluster Review during the Academic Year 2016-17.
Professional Licensure (If applicable)
Bowling Green State University programs leading to licensure, certification and/or endorsement, whether delivered online, face-to-face or in a blended format, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.
Requirements for licensure, certification and/or endorsement eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. The French program does not lead to professional licensure.
Gainful Employment (If applicable)
Under the Higher Education Act Title IV disclosure requirements, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.
The French program is not a recognized occupation that requires a Gainful Employment disclosure.
Updated: 12/03/2024 02:39PM