Lanie Roper Music Education Grad 2022

Bachelor of Music (B.M.)

Music Education

Train to teach from the moment you walk through our doors! Our well-respected music education curriculum at Bowling Green State University is based in scholarship, musicianship and teaching, and is taught by the finest faculty in the field.

Our faculty will position you to live your passion in an academic environment defined by an average ACT score of over 26, and an unusually low faculty to undergraduate ratio of 6:1. As one of the largest and most versatile music education departments in the country, our students learn from conductors and master teachers in choral, classroom and instrumental pedagogy, and receive private instruction from our nearly 60 other teaching professionals and specialists.

Quality classroom experiences

The music education degree prepares students to earn licensure to teach elementary and secondary music in the areas of choral, instrumental band or orchestra, and general music through a blend of course, laboratory, and field experiences. A variety of teaching experiences are available through cooperative lab schools and community service learning programs under the direct guidance of faculty, leading up to the student teaching experience.

97% of Music Education graduates report they're employed, in graduate school or starting a business within six months of graduation.

(BGSU data compiled from students who completed the related questions on the graduation survey.)

Quick Facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

View Average Salaries


The student teaching internship occurs in the Northwest Ohio region, but students can also apply to distance student teach across the country. Our graduates hold teaching positions throughout Ohio and beyond. The past five Ohio Music Education Association Young Teacher of the Year awards have been given to BGSU music education graduates. Upon leaving BGSU, students secure teaching positions in schools across the country, enter graduate study, and work professionally in high-quality organizations.

Five choral ensembles, three concert bands, two jazz bands, marching band, a large philharmonic orchestra and multiple small ensembles provide numerous performance opportunities and are open to all students by audition.


Music Education students begin by completing music core courses (music theory, aural skills, music history). They also take techniques classes in each instrument and teaching area, followed by methods courses dedicated to teaching in their specific field of study (choral, instrumental, or classroom/general music). Students also spend time observing local teachers, participating in teaching experiences in the field and complete the degree with the student teaching experience.

Music Education class

Sample courses

  • Music Theory/Aural Skills
  • Instrumental/Vocal Techniques
  • Class Piano
  • Conducting
  • Applied Lessons
  • Performing Ensembles

College of Musical Arts Admissions

All students who wish to major or minor in music must audition before being accepted to the College of Musical Arts. Students first apply to the University, then select that they want to be a music major. They then must submit an Audition Reservation Form to schedule their audition date. More information about applying.  

In the College of Musical Arts we believe that success is based on both musical and academic ability. While your audition is the primary consideration in your application for admission, your academic portfolio is also of great importance. This includes ACT or SAT scores, high school GPA, and your background and experiences in music.

Although the College of Musical Arts has no official test score requirements, we have found that acceptance into the CMA, and academic success in music classes is most likely to be achieved by students with ACT scores of 22 or higher (1030 SAT). The average student ACT score in the College of Musical Arts is currently 26 (1190 SAT).

Updated: 08/07/2024 02:23PM