Faculty Credentials
Responsibilities for Faculty Credentialing
In addition to the responsibilities required by the Office of Human Resources, Bowling Green State University (BGSU) is required to evaluate perspective and current faculty credentials for Higher Learning Commission (HLC) compliance.
The Search Committee and Search Committee Chair will:
Understand and follow BGSU policy regarding the search, selection and hiring process which includes but not limited to:
o Screening of applicants, credential evaluations, reference evaluations, and conference-call interview
o Ranking of candidates
o Request to interview Rationale memo
o Finalist campus interviews
Ensure accurate and complete documentation for/from each candidate.
Faculty applicants/Prospective faculty members are responsible for providing BGSU with all of the required documentation needed to verify their credentials which includes, but is not limited to:
Official Transcript(s) of highest degree earned/conferred. If the highest degree is not directly related to the course being taught, an official transcript of the relevant graduate degree and discipline must be submitted. The institution will follow the HLC guidelines detailed in Assumed Practice B.2. Faculty Roles and Qualifications to use academic credentials as the primary mechanism to ascertain minimal faculty qualifications. However, in some cases, Tested Experience along with supporting documentation will be used to determine qualifications. Only transcripts from an accredited college or university will be accepted for credentialing faculty members. Faculty members with earned degrees from colleges and universities outside of the United States that are in another language other than English must submit a certified translated transcript(s) as these transcripts must be evaluated for equivalency. In the event the faculty applicant/prospective faculty member is in the final stages of completing the required degree, that is, (ABD), a one year contract may be issued with the stipulation that the contract may be terminated should the candidate not complete the degree. However, in the meantime, the faculty applicant/prospective faculty member must do the following:
o Provide the official transcript of the highest degree attained to date
o Obtain the pending degree by the deadline specified in the faculty contract, and
o Provide the official transcript of the pending degree
Failure to obtain the pending degree by the deadline specified in the contract may result in the termination of the faculty member. Failure to provide the official transcript may result in immediate termination or non-renewal. HR will enter information into the HCM Educational Record. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will also monitor these faculty hires to ensure that official transcripts with terminal degrees are in the Office of the Provost and that a CIP code is assigned accordingly. Note: the cost to obtain official transcripts and copies of licenses and certifications is the responsibility of the prospective faculty member.
Cover Letter, detailing research and teaching interests. The cover letter must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources as part of the application process.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume must be current at the time of application and detail teaching and work experience, certifications, licenses, awards, recognitions, evidence of applied scholarships within the field, profession, discipline (including clinical experience), etc. The CV or resume must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources as part of the application process.
Certifications and/or Licenses must be submitted by faculty members who are teaching in disciplines that require licensure and/or certifications. These credentials must be submitted and maintained in the hiring department, Provost Office and/or the Office of Human Resources. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to not only acquire and maintain appropriate licensure and/or certification but also to provide the most updated documentation of such licensure and/or certification in a timely manner.
Verification of work experiences related to teaching (as needed): If the faculty applicant/prospective faculty member is qualified to teach based on alternate credentials, that individual must provide, when requested, satisfactory documentation for all criteria used to meet the alternate credentialing requirements. A CV or resume is not sufficient documentation for credentialing a faculty member.
Official transcripts: It is the faculty member’s responsibility to be sure that, if hired in anticipation of, but prior to having fulfilled all requirements of a particular degree (such as a Ph.D.) the faculty member must provide the official transcript during the time outlined in the contract with the University.
Copies of appropriate licenses and certifications: It is the faculty member’s responsibility teaching in the discipline that require licensure and/or certifications to update documentation with the Office of the Provost and and/or Human Resources in a timely manner.
Verification of work experience related to teaching (as needed): If the faculty member teaching assignment changes and/or the faculty member is teaching a course that is no longer in his/her discipline, a Tested Experience Faculty Qualification Form will be necessary to credential the faculty member for teaching the course(s).
The College Dean and Program Chair/Director have the following credentialing responsibilities:
Ensure course information is complete each semester in CSS (PeopleSoft) as soon as possible and no later than the 15th day of each semester. It is very important to complete this information in a timely manner, as it is used for faculty qualification, and credentialing. To be compliant and meet HLC accreditation guidelines for highly qualified faculty, we have to know who are teaching each course. All course sections, including lectures, labs, discussions, individual studies, recitation, self-paced course, etc., must have an instructor of record identified.
Review and approve the position description which includes the minimum credentials as part of the recruitment workflow. Verify and validate the faculty member’s credentials to be sure that they meet the requirements as stated on the job description. Credentials must be consistent with BGSU policy and must meet HLC accreditation guidelines to determine highly qualified faculty. Oversight of the faculty credentials teaching in the College Credit Plus (CCP) Program are documented in the CCP Credentialing Policy and is under the purview of the Director of Pre-College Programs and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Complete and submit Tested Experience Faculty Qualification (TEQ) form (as appropriate), if the discipline conferred on the transcript does not directly relate to the course being taught. The TEQ form will be used for undergraduate and graduate faculty of record and must explicitly address how the faculty member’s real-world experience is relevant to the discipline in which the faculty member would be teaching, compared to an individual who has a graduate degree in the appropriate discipline. The College Dean or Program Chair/Director will be asked to complete the TEQ form and submit the following supporting documentation to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness:
o Memo of Intent signed by College Dean or Program Chair/Director
o Official transcripts and CV or Resume (if not already on file)
o Teaching assignments, including, course level(s) and course name(s)
o Identify if any General Education course(s) will be taught
o Academic Credentials to include:
· Work experience within the field, profession, discipline (including clinical experience)
· Certifications, licenses, awards, and recognitions within the field, profession, discipline
· Evidence of applied scholarship
In some instances, it may be necessary for the faculty candidate to submit evidence of a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the teaching discipline. If appropriate certifications, licenses, etc. are required to teach specific course. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will review the submitted documentation for compliance. If needed, OIE will contact the department for outstanding suporting documentation.
The Office of the Provost is will have the following responsibilities in the credentialing process:
Review and approval of the Tested Experience Faculty Qualification Form
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will have the following credentialing responsibilities:
Enter CIP code assigned into HCM and update CSS instructor/advisor table.
Review faculty credentials for compliance with HLC as well as information in HCM (PeopleSoft) and The HireTouch system.
Request additional information from the College Dean and/or Program Chair/Director, if the documentation provided is not sufficient or available in the faculty member folder. For instance, the Tested Experience Qualification FORM, supporting documentation, and/or transcript(s) indicating 18 graduate credit hours in the appropriate discipline.
Monitor faculty members within the final stages of completing their required degrees, (i.e., ABD) to ensure that the official transcripts with an earned terminal degree are entered into the Human Resources database (HCM).
Conduct audit of faculty credentials every two (2) years to maintain quality and make improvements to the infrastructure, data, personnel, business processes and workflow associated with ensuring all faculty have the appropriate credentials commensurate with their classification.
Ensure that the TI/TA has direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline.
Ensure the TI/TA has an approved contract.
Provide/approve graduate faculty status when teaching graduate level courses.

Updated: 03/25/2022 05:02PM