Study Abroad

BGSU Featured Program: AYA Austria

Other study abroad options

Fulbright fellowships & Fulbright teaching fellowship

The Fulbright Commission takes applications to study at a German university or teach English at a secondary school in Germany or Austria for one academic year. Contact the graduate studies coordinator, Dr.Edward Landgraf, for information.

Also visit U.S. Government and Institute of International Education (IIE) web sites for information on this opportunity.

DAAD Fellowships: (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)

Grants for one year of study in Germany for students interested in subjects other than specifically German literature. Language instruction is provided by the fellowship.

Additional information is available on the DAAD website.

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program for Young Professionals:

Participants in this government-sponsored exchange program receive two months of intensive German language training, four months of study at a German technical institution or university and have an internship with a German organization or business for approximately six months.

The CDS Internship Program:

The program provides six months of practical training for college seniors or recent graduates who are interested in gaining valuable work experience in Germany. Applicants should possess a good knowledge of German and work experience in a business or technical field.

The CDS Summer Internship Program:

The Summer Internship Program is a three-month program for college students to gain practical work experience. Applicants must know German, have confirmed a job, and arranged for accommodations.

For further information contact:

Dr. Edgar Landgraff in the Department of German, Russian & East Asian Languages.

The CDS international website has further information on both internships and the Congress-Bundestag exchange.

Updated: 07/16/2021 09:04AM