Phil Dickinson

Phil Dickinson 

Senior Lecturer

425 East Hall

Degrees and Institutions

Ph.D. American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University, 2000
M.A. American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University, 1989
B.A. American Literature, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 1985

Area: American Literature/Critical Theory

Research Interests: Marxisms, American Literature, Psychogeography and the Spatial Turn, US and UK countercultures and minor literatures. 1945-present.

Originally from the UK, Phil Dickinson moved to Ohio in 1988, a reinvention he’s been wrestling with for thirty+ years. Sometime collage artist, ambivalent academic, and self-taught devotee of local musiks, histories, and mysteries, his writing has appeared in HyperhizJournal of Beat StudiesThe Beat ReviewBlack Camera: An International Film JournalBritish Writers Supplement, and With The Eyes of The Angels. His four-year recurring autofiction project, Mere Pseud: The Secret 1980s Journal of a Teenage Modernist, concluded in 2018 after its second cycle and appeared in 2021 as Seeds and Symptoms, #34 in the Colossive Cartographies zine series . 

Courses Taught

Countering the Counterculture: Methodologies, Practices, Poetics, Teaching Literature, Postmodern Fiction, Senior Thesis Workshop, Nation, Class, and Identity in British Film and Literature From Bond to Blair ,Postmodern Fiction, Writing in a Postmodern Age: Contemporary American Literature 1945-2000, The San Francisco Renaissance and the Birth of Counterculture, 1955-68, Contemporary Multiethnic American Literature, Introduction to Literary and Critical Theory, Literature of the Beat Generation, Terrorism and the Media, The Literatures of Trauma, American Literature Survey 1865-1945, American Literature Survey 1600-1945, Introduction to Literature, Literature of the Iraq War

ENG1500; ENG2000; ENG2750; ENG3000; ENG3020; ENG 4800; ENG6070; ENG6090; ENG6800

Select Publications

“Nicholas Papadimitriou.” British Writers, Supplement XXIV (British Writers and Classics). NY: Charles Scribner’s and Sons, 2017 (forthcoming in September).

Review of Erik R. Mortensen, Capturing the Beat Moment: Cultural Politics and the Poetics of Presence. Invited. The Beat Review. 5.1 (April 2011)

Review of Todd F. Tietchen, The Cubalogues: Beat Writers in Revolutionary Havana. Invited. The Beat Review. 4.4 (December 2010).

Review of Adilifu Nama, Black Space: Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film. Invited. Black Camera: An International Film Journal. 1.2 (Summer 2010). 161-164.

Works in Progress

          Mere Pseud: The Secret 1980s Journal of a Teenage Modernist (writing/digital art project).

Updated: 07/18/2024 11:06AM