Heather Jordan


Teaching Professor

Office: 318 East Hall

Email: hljorda@bgsu.edu

Phone: 419-372-4657

Zoom Virtual Office: https://bgsu-edu.zoom.us/j/8148256766?pwd=bmVHWEhJdDNTQS9GUWxOQWFvcXZDdz09

Meeting ID: 814 825 6766

Passcode: 301797

Degrees and Institutions

Ph.D. Rhetoric and Technical Communication, Michigan Technological University
M.A. English Literature, The University of Akron
B.A. English, The University of Florida

Areas: General Studies Writing, Technical Communication, Rhetoric & Writing

Research Interests: Rhetoric, First-Year Writing, Technical Communication, Multimodal Composition, Writing Pedagogy, Multiliteracies, Community-Based Learning, Threshold Concepts, Teaching for Transfer

Courses Taught

Undergraduate courses

GSW 1100: Intensive Introduction to Academic Writing
GSW 1110: Introduction to Academic Writing
GSW 1120: Academic Writing
HNRS 2010: Introduction to Critical Thinking
ENG 2070: Intermediate Writing
ENG3880: Introduction to Technical Communication

Graduate courses

ENG 6020: Composition Instructor’s Workshop (Teaching of Writing Practicum)
ENG 6200: Teaching of Writing Seminar

Online courses

GSW 1120: Academic Writing
ENG 6020: Composition Instructor’s Workshop (Teaching of Writing Practicum)
ENG 6200: Teaching of Writing Seminar

Select Presentations

“’All Writers Have More to Learn’: Encountering Resistance to Threshold Concepts.” 7th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, June 2018.

“Community-Based Mentorship in/as Graduate Education.” Co-presented with Lee Nickoson, Sue Carter Wood, Caleb James, Soha Youssef, Kelly Moreland, and Marshall Saenz. CCCC, March 2018.


BGSU’s Center for Faculty Excellence Advisory Board Member



Updated: 07/18/2024 11:05AM