Tuition and Fees 2016-2017
Financial Responsibility, Student Bills, Payments
Each student is financially responsible for payment of fees and charges assessed to his/her student account. Students receive bill notifications electronically via their Bowling Green State University e ‐ mail address. Payment of fees is due by the specified published due dates. Accounts must be kept current in order to maintain enrollment eligibility and receipt of official University documents and services (i.e. transcripts).
The student’s University e ‐ mail address is the official means of communication with the students. Students may grant parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. access to their on ‐ line bills through CashNet (third party payment servicer). Students must log on to MyBGSU> Navigate to Students>Select Financials>Select View Bill & Make Payment>Parent PINs.
The University accepts certified check, personal check, money orders, and electronic payment (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover cards, and debits to checking or savings accounts). A convenience fee is assessed on all credit/debit card transactions. It is recommended to convert cash to a bank check or pay on line via MyBGSU. Payments will be applied to the oldest balance first. Scholarships, waivers and third ‐ party contracts will apply each semester to designated fees per the terms of the award.
Students’ accounts are reviewed frequently. The University has no limitation on how many semesters it may go back for additional fees.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to make adjustments in fees without advanced notice.
All tuition and fees are approved by Bowling Green State University’s Board of Trustees and are subject to change, without notice, by action of the Board of Trustees. Per credit hour rates (tuition and fees) are assessed based upon the student's residence classification, campus of program, and class standing. Non‐resident fees equal the instructional fee plus the out‐of‐state surcharge.
Tuition Rates by Campus
Bowling Green State University offers programs from four “campuses:” Main campus, Firelands campus, eCampus, and Distance Learning campus. Each campus has unique tuition and fee rates.
Beginning spring 2011, and forward, students are assessed tuition and fees based on the campus rate associated with the program where the student is enrolled
1.) Students seeking an associate degree, or who have been admitted into one of the baccalaureate programs at the Firelands Campus, will have FIRE attached to their student record and will be assessed the Firelands tuition rates. Students taking all courses at the Firelands Campus, but who are not enrolled in one of Firelands’ programs, will be assessed tuition and fees based upon the campus rates associated with their program.
2.) Distance Learning (billed by the semester) and eCampus (billed by 8 week sessions) refers to programs that are offered entirely on‐line. Students enrolled in one of these on‐line programs will be assessed at either the Distance Learning tuition rates or the eCampus tuition rates. Students taking all distance learning courses, but who are not in one of the approved distance learning programs, will be assessed tuition and fees based upon the campus rates associated with their approved program (Main Campus or Firelands Campus).
Note: Students within the Community College of the Air Force pursuing the LDT degree, students in the teacher cohorts, and students in the joint Nursing Program with the University of Toledo will continue to be assessed at the approved tuition rate for each of these groups.
All tuition and fees are approved by the University’s Board of Trustees. Any questions regarding these rates may be
directed to the Office of the Bursar at 419-372-2815.
Fall 2016/Spring 2017/Summer2017 Tuition Rates
(All courses taken for audit are charged the same rates as those taken for credit.)
(All students are assessed the Instructional Fee and Non‐Residents are assessed an additional Non‐Resident Fee)
Main Campus
Undergraduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$4,548.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $379.00/credit hour |
$8,316.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $693.00/credit hour |
Graduate | Instructional Fee |
Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$8,852.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $738.00/credit hour |
Firelands Campus/Firelands Pathway (Undergraduate Only)
Undergraduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$2,353.20/semester $150.00/credit hour $196.10/credit hour |
$6,121.20/semester $150.00/credit hour $510.10/credit hour |
Graduate | Instructional Fee |
Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $150.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$8,852.00/semester $150.00/credit hour $738.00/credit hour |
The following Four Year programs at Firelands are also billed at the undergraduate Firelands rate:
- Bachelor of Liberal Studies (F200)
- Bachelor of Science in:
o Applied Health Science, Allied Health Track (F201)
o Applied Health Science, Respiratory Care Specialization (F206)
o Business Administration, General Business/Individualized Business (F202)
o Criminal Justice (F203)
o Education, Early Childhood Education (F204)
o Nursing (RN/BSN Completion of Program in consortium with University of Toledo Health Science Campus) (F205)
o Technology, Visual Communication Technology (F208)
o Social Work
Distance Learning
Undergraduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$4,548.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $379.00/credit hour |
$4,680.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $390.00/credit hour |
Graduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$5,216.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $435.00/credit hour |
Undergraduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
Charged by credit hour | $379.00 | $11.00 |
Graduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
Charged by credit hour | $424.00 | $11.00 |
Teacher Cohort Programs
Instructional Fee | Non-Resident | |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$8,852.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $738.00/credit hour |
CCAF Programs
Instructional Fee | Non-Resident | |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$3,000.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $250.00/credit hour |
$3,000.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $250.00/credit hour |
Undergraduate Nursing Program Bowling Green Campus
The Undergraduate Nursing Program is a contracted program between Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo.
Undergraduate | Instructional Fee |
Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$4,025.88/semester $200.00/credit hour $335.49/credit hour |
$7,793.88/semester $200.00/credit hour $649.49/credit hour |
Graduate | Instructional Fee | Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$8,852.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $738.00/credit hour |
MBA course fees are assessed at 35% of in-state tuition and general fees.
Graduate | Instructional Fee |
Non-Resident |
12-18 credit hours Credit hours above 18 Fewer than 12 credit hours |
$5,084.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $424.00/credit hour |
$8,852.00/semester $200.00/credit hour $738.00/credit hour |
EMBA course fees are assessed at 150% of in-state tuition and general fees.
EMOD course fees are assessed at 150% of in-state tuition and general fees.
Any questions regarding these rates may be directed to the Office of the Bursar at or 419.372.2815
Fall 2016/Spring 2017/Summer 2017 General Fee Rates
The general fee is a mandatory fee assessed to all Main campus and Firelands campus students. Students paying the maximum are entitled to attend free, or at a reduced admission fee, most campus activities and athletic activities (student section – subject to seating limitations). Students paying less than the maximum are entitled to attend a limited number of activities.
These fees also support the Bowen‐Thompson Student Union, intramural sports, and other student services, activities and related capital projects.
Students registered for full time hours are also entitled to full use privileges at the Rec Center and Perry Field House. Part time students must pay the difference between the general fee rate assessed and the full time rate in order to qualify for full use privileges. This is paid directly to the Rec Center. For more information, please contact the Rec Center at (419)372‐2711.
Undergraduate/Graduate (Main Campus)
Firelands Pathway
Teacher Cohort Program
Undergraduate/Graduate (Firelands)
Undergraduate Nursing Program
Distance Learning Undergraduate/Graduate eCampus Undergraduate/Graduate
$62.25/credit hour
$62.25/credit hour
$62.25/credit hour
$9.35/credit hour
$49.60/credit hour
$15.00/credit hour
$15.00/credit hour
$747.00/semester maximum charge
$747.00/semester maximum charge
$747.00/semester maximum charge
$112.20/semester maximum charge
$595.20/semester maximum charge
$180.00/semester maximum charge
Other Fees
ACT Test – American College Testing Program‐$26.50
Admission Fee – Graduate ‐ $15.00 (assessed to all first time graduate students)
AERT Hourly Instructional Fee
PC ATD Simulator-$111.00 per credit hour
Private, Commercial & Instrument Flight$66.00 per credit hour
Private, Commercial & Instrument Ground-$66.00 per credit hour
Multiengine Flight-$66.00 per credit hour
Simulator Instruction-$66.00 per credit hour
Aircraft/Simulator Hourly Rates
Piper Warrior/Archer (single engine aircraft)-$200.00 per credit hour
Multiengine Aircraft-$353.00 per credit hour
Cessna 152-$125.00 per credit hour
Application Fee – Graduate ‐‐ $45.00 Domestic and $75.00 International (non‐refundable) to be paid when application for admission to grad school is submitted.
Application Fee – Undergraduate ‐‐ $45.00 Domestic and $75.00 International (non‐refundable) to be paid when application for admission is submitted.
BG1 Card –New/Replacements (Students/Faculty/Staff) ‐ $25.00 per card
Career Services Fee – Supports the operations/utilization of the Career Development Center for all students. Fees are assessed as follows:
Freshmen/Sophomores – $3.50 per credit hour
Juniors/Seniors ‐ $5.60 per credit hour
Graduate - $3.00 Per credit hour
Firelands Freshmen/Sophomores – $2.50 per credit hour
Firelands Juniors/Seniors ‐ $3.50 per credit hour
CLEP Program (College Level Examination Program) ‐ $90.00
Course Fees – vary by course. Any international course fees for Study Abroad Programs, please check with International Programs and Partnerships.
Course Revalidation ‐ $25.00 for each course revalidation. Courses older than seven years (at the master’s level) and ten years (at the doctoral level) may not be revalidated. Revalidation forms are available in the Graduate College office or on their website at
Counseling Center Fee – Supports the operations/utilization of the Counseling Center for all students. Fees are assessed as follows:
Freshmen ‐ $.67 per credit hour
Sophomores ‐ $1.08 per credit hour
Juniors ‐ $1.00 per credit hour
Seniors ‐ $.83 per credit hour
Graduate ‐ $.89 per credit hour
Credit by Examination ‐ $80.00 per special examination
Dissertation Fee (ProQuest) ‐ $25.00 for registration of a claim for U.S. copyright for a dissertation/thesis
Duplicate Diploma ‐ $30.00
EDHD Program GoReact Software Fee - $46.00/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.
EDHD Program Live Text Fee - This fee will grant access to the Live Text portal, an assessment and portfolio management system that will be used throughout your career. This is a one-time fee based on academic level:
Freshman - $133.00
Sophomore - $133.00
Junior - $115.00
Senior - $90.00
Graduate - $90.00
Employer Reimbursement Application Fee ‐ $75.00/semester
Extended Payment Plan Enrollment Fee – $100.00 (10 Monthly Installments)
FLY Program Fee ‐ $2,500.00/semester – An intensive, individualized academic support program for students with various levels of learning differences tailored to the needs of each student.
Graduation Fee ‐ $35.00
Graduate Services Fee (Main Campus Only) – $16.00 per credit hour. Assessed up to 9 hours. Supports the operations of the Graduate College.
Green Fee (optional fee) ‐ $5.00/semester ‐The Student Green Fund is a pool of money which is available to fund BGSU students on green and environmental projects on campus. Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
HDFS Child Development (Enrollment Fee) – Fall/Spring ‐ $720.00/semester –Summer ‐ $320.00
HHS-Graduate Clinical Mental Health & School Counseling Programs GoReact Software Fee - $46.99/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.
HHS-Graduate Curriculum & Teaching Program GoReact Software Fee - $46.99/Academic Year-Allows remote authentic experiences through video for performance assessment and feedback for teacher candidates.Independent Study Fee ‐ $15.00
Installment Payment Plan Enrollment Fee ‐ $35.00/semester for Fall/Spring (4 monthly installments) and $25.00/semester for Summer (3 monthly installments). Enrollment is completed on line each semester. Installment Payment Plan Late Fee ‐ A 1.5% of the unpaid balance will be assessed for each partial or full payment made after the due date of each installment payment and every subsequent month in which the account remains delinquent.
International Student Orientation Fee ‐ $100.00/semester
International Student Service Fee ‐ $50.00/semester
Late Payment Fee ‐ $100.00 may be assessed to those students who have not paid their student account balance in full or are not current on an installment payment plan by the first day of each semester.
Late Registration Fee – a late registration fee may be assessed to any student who registers after the first day of the semester as follows: $25.00 from the 8th day of the semester through the 14th $50.00 from the 15th day of the semester through the 44th $75.00 from the 45th day of the semester and thereafter.
Legal Fee‐ (optional fee) ‐ A $13.00/semester fee assessed to all main campus students. Payment of this fee gives students access to legal counsel. Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
Library Courtesy Card ‐ $25.00 – Any Ohio resident may apply for a courtesy card for borrowing privileges at the University Libraries. Please ask at the circulation desk of Jerome or Fireland’s Libraries for an application.
Library Processing Fee (Lost Book) ‐ $36.00
Master of Athletic Training Program Fee - $675.00
Matriculation Fee ‐ $100.00 onetime fee assessed to all first time, Main/Distance/eCampus, undergraduate, degree seeking students.
Miller Analogies Test ‐ $50.00 this exam tests ability through 100 analogies. Administered for entrance into Graduate School.
Music Fees ‐ College of Musical Arts also has special fees for certain types of instruction. These fees include:
Advanced Audio Recording Techniques (MUCT 437) – $30.00
Applied Music Fee ‐ $150.00 per credit hour for 15, half hour lessons ‐ $300.00 per credit hour for 15, one hour lessons
Audio Recording Techniques (MUCT 436) ‐ $30.00
Class Harp ‐ $22.50 per credit hour
Class Piano (MuED 150, 151, 154) ‐ $22.50 per credit hour
Instrument Repair Class (MuED 402) ‐ $20.00
Music Equipment Usage Fee ‐ $75.00 per semester (fall/spring); $50.00 per semester (summer)
Music Technology Lab Fee ‐ $30.00 per semester
Para Voice ‐ $45.00 for two credit hours
Student Teaching (MuED 497) ‐ $5.00 per credit hour
Nursing Program Fee - $200.00/semester - Covers books, supplies, licensing fees and proctoring software for secure quizzes and testing.
Electronic Text-Nurse Think - $233.00/semester
Electronic Text-Think Life and Nurse Think - $219.00/semester
Parking Permits – Students must register their vehicles and purchase a permit through the MyBGSU portal. For additional information, please visit or contact Parking Services at (419)372‐2776, or email to
Main Campus: Annual permit ‐ $130.00
Semester permit ‐ $78.00
Firelands Campus (Full Time)
Fall semester ‐ $30.00
Spring semester ‐ $20.00
Summer semester ‐ $8.00
Firelands Campus (Part Time)
Fall semester ‐ $18.00
Spring semester ‐ $12.00
Summer semester ‐ $8.00
Faculty/Staff: Annual permit ‐ $135.00
Academic year permit (August‐May) ‐ $112.00
Fall/Spring permit ‐ $61.00/semester
Summer permit ‐ $61.00/semester
Temporary permit ‐ $10.00/week
Payroll Withholding by Court Order ‐ .75% or $2.00 minimum – Transactions mandated by the courts.
Perkins Late Fees – 1st and 2nd month delinquent – 15% of installment ‐ 3rd month delinquent until AG placement ‐$20.00
Registration Fee ‐ $8.00 assessed each semester when registered for classes
Return Check Fee ‐ $30.00 assessed per check returned item.
School of Art Usage Fee – Fall/Spring semesters ‐ $110.00/semester Summer semester ‐ $30.00/semester
Service Charges ‐ Service charges will be assessed at 1.5% of the past due balance, and each month thereafter, until the account is brought current.
Short Term Extension Plans (STEP) Application Fee ‐ $75.00 per extension. Military no charge.
Special Student Facility Fee (Stroh Fee) ‐ $5.00 a credit hour with a maximum of $60.00/semester. Supports the new Convocation Center. This fee was approved by the student body through a campus‐wide vote. This fee is assessed in the fall and spring semesters only.
Stop Payment – $25.00 Bank Charge.
Student Health Insurance – Mandatory for all domestic students (undergrad and grad) taking eight or more credit hours on main campus, and all international students, taking one or more credit hours. Students must provide proof of health insurance coverage by completing an on‐line waiver. This waiver must be completed by the 15th day of the month prior to the start of the semester. Failure to complete this, or not meeting the minimum basic coverage, will result in the enrollment into the University’s sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan. All international students must come into the Student Insurance Office to complete a waiver or enroll in the plan. Emails from the Student Insurance Office are sent to all students until this requirement is complete.
Plan 1 (Annual $500.00 Deductible Individual)
Fall Semester ‐ $907.00
Spring Semester ‐ $1,457.00
Student Media Fee (optional fee) ‐ A $9.00/semester fee assessed to all main campus students. Supports student media operations at BGSU (BG News, BG 24, and Other Web Based Outlets). Students may opt out of this fee each semester through MyBGSU. All students must opt out by the 1st day of the semester.
Tech/Materials Fee EDHD ‐ $15.00/semester for all Education and Human Development Majors
Technology Fee‐Supports the academic and personal use of technology on campus – including software, hardware, and infrastructure. Assessed per credit hour by College Office as follows:
Main Campus/eCampus/Distance Campus
Academic Enhancement/Undecided ‐ $8.50
Arts and Sciences ‐ $11.00
Business Administration ‐ $13.50
Education and Human Development ‐ $13.50
Guest Student ‐ $8.50
Health and Human Services ‐ $9.00
Musical Arts ‐ $9.50
Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering ‐ $13.50
Graduate ‐ $13.00
Firelands Campus
Freshman & Sophomore – $4.50
Junior & Senior ‐ $5.00
Theater/Film Usage Fee – Fall/Spring semesters ‐ $60.00/semester
Summer semester ‐ $15.00
Thesis Fee‐Binding/Microfilming ‐ $20.00
Upper Division Class Fee – Assessed at $12.50 per credit hour for any 3000‐4999 course level taken within the Schmidthorst College of Business and the College of Technology
Residence Hall Rates
Residence Unit |
Multiple | ||
Occupancy per Semester | Single Occupancy per Semester |
Super Single per Semester |
Centennial Hall | $3,225.00 | $3,775.00 | |
Conklin Hall | $3,025.00 | $3,550.00 | $2,690.00 |
Falcon Heights |
$3,225.00 | $3775.00 | |
Founders Suites |
$3,025.00 | $3550.00 | $3,690.00 |
Harshman Quadrangle: |
$2,725.00 | $3,275.00 | $3,455.00 |
Kohl Hall | $2,725.00 | $3,275.00 | $3,455.00 |
Kreischer Quadrangle: | $2,725.00 | $3,275.00 | $3,455.00 |
McDonald | $2,725.00 | $3,275.00 | $3,455.00 |
Offenhauer East & West Halls |
$3,025.00 | $3,550.00 | $3,690.00 |
Anticipated Parlor Fees |
Small Group (Fraternities, Sororities) 4 Bed Townhouse |
$3,775.00 | $1,200.00 | |
12 Bed Townhouse |
$3,225.00 | $3,775.00 | $6,000.00 |
18 Bed Townhouse |
$3,225.00 | $3,775.00 | $9,000.00 |
A housing pre‐payment of $200 is required and applied toward the first semester of occupancy. Room and meal plan fees will be placed on the student's account. Payments are due by the date on the eBill. Acceptance of the housing and dining service application‐contract offered by the University automatically binds the student to the University's residence hall rules and regulations.
Learning Communities
Arts Village Learning Community (Fall/Spring Only) |
$225.00/semester (1st year students) $190.00/semester (2nd year students) $125.00/semester (3rd & 4th year students) |
Open to students in any major, the Arts Village involves exploring all aspects of the arts and sharing views with one another and faculty of various disciplines. The community offers on‐site classes specifically geared toward art students, collaborative projects, activities and social events.
Chapman Learning @ Kohl (Fall/Spring Only) The Chapman Community in Kohl Hall is designed to academically ambitious and highly motivated students in any academic major. It makes learning really by linking coursework to community service and other activities.
1st Year Chapman Learning Community | $300.00/semester |
2nd Year Chapman Learning Community |
$175.00/semester |
3rd Year Chapman Learning Community |
$175.00/semester |
4th Year Chapman Learning Community |
$175.00/semester |
French House (Fall/Spring Only) |
$100.00/semester |
La Maison Francaise is a residential learning community where students interested in French can experience the language and cultures of the Francophone world. |
Global Village (Fall/Spring Only) | $180.00/semester |
Global Villagers consists of over 30 International and American students, from all majors and all class-standings. These residents are paired with those of a different cultural background, sharing a common living space. This unique and dynamic community is fueled by cross-cultural conversation, fun times, friendships, and by those moments of intrigue and discovery. |
Natural and Health Sciences Residential Community (Fall/Spring Only) |
The Natural & Health Sciences Residential Community is a living-learning community for students majoring in one of the sciences or a health related field. |
1st Year Health Science Residential Community Fee |
$200.00/semester |
2nd Year Health Science Residential Community Fee |
$150.00/semester |
3rd Year Healthy Science Residential Community Fee |
$150.00/semester |
Healthy Science Residential Community Fee |
$125.00 for summer semester |
Hispanic Living/Learning Community - La Comunidad (Fall/Spring Only) |
$100.00/semester |
La Comunidad is a living-learning residential community created to encourage students in their Spanish communication outside the classroom. |
Honors Learning Community (Fall/Spring Only) |
$150.00/Semester |
The mission of the HLC is to create a seamless educational environment that supports the goals of the University Honors College. Membership in the Honors Learning Community allows students to attend and participate in fully-funded local and regional overnight trips to plays, museums, musicals, and community events. |
Honors Scholars (Fall/Spring Only) |
$300.00/semester |
Honors Scholars is a select group of students who seek a community of learners that tries to wrestle with the meaning of life and sees reading, listening, and discussion as the best avenue for achieving that purpose. The central focus of this nonresidential community is to struggle with the interaction between ethics and rationality in shaping our lives and society. |
Partners in Context and Community (Fall/ Spring Only) |
The Partners in Context and Community Residential Learning Community program is a unique creation for education majors, interested in teaching. |
1st Year (Any new member, independent of year) |
$275.00/semester |
2nd + Years (taking bus) |
$200.00/semester |
2nd + Years (own transportation) |
$100.00/semester |
Students in Methods or Student Teaching |
$50.00/semester |
SEARCH Learning Community (Fall/Spring) | $60.00/semester |
FORFEITURE SCHEDULE for Full Academic Year Agreement, (Fall Only Agreement‐ if approved), Full Academic Year Agreement with breaks and 12 Month Agreement (after initial 2016‐2017 occupancy): | |
Fall Semester The University will retain a forfeiture according to the following schedule: |
On or before June 1, 2016 | No Forfeiture |
June 2, 2016-August 23, 2016 | $200.00 |
August 24, 2016-August 30, 2016 | 10% of Housing Rate |
August 31, 2016-September 6, 2016 | 20% of Housing Rate |
September 7, 2016-September 13, 2016 | 40% of Housing Rate |
September 14, 2016-September 20, 2016 | 60% Housing Rate |
On or after September 21, 2016 |
Full Forfeiture of Housing Rate |
Spring Semester |
On or before December 1, 2016 |
No Forfeiture |
December 2, 2016-January 10, 2017 | $200.00 |
January 11, 2017-January 17, 2017 | 10% of Housing Rate |
January 18, 2017-January 24, 2017 |
20% of Housing Rate |
January 25, 2017-January 31, 2017 | 40% of Housing Rate |
February 1, 2017-February 7, 2017 | 60% of Housing Rate |
On or after February 8, 2017 |
Full Forfeitrue of Housing Rate |
NOTE: Students arriving for Spring semester are not required to submit an Initial Housing Payment since they are required to complete payment in full in order to receive a housing assignment. Students who have not completed payment and cancel on or after November 30, 2016 are subject to fee assessments to their student account pursuant to the Forfeiture Schedule. |
Meal Plan Options
2016-2017 Meal Plans and Rates |
Meal Plans | Rate per semester |
Bronze | $1,620.00 |
Silver | $1,928.00 |
Gold | $2,093.00 |
To choose the right plan for you, please visit the BGSU Dining web page for more information. |
Bowling Green State University does not bill for the purchase of textbooks and supplies. The estimated cost for textbooks and supplies for the 2016‐2017 academic year are:
Undergraduate Students both campuses ‐ $1,050.00
Graduate Students ‐ $804.00
Estimated costs are determined based on average student expenses. Students may find their own textbook costs vary depending on their major and the classes they are enrolled in each semester.
If a student leaves the University without proper notice and permission, a mark of "WF" is recorded in all courses for which the student is currently enrolled. Such a student is not entitled to any refund of fees.
A student who wishes to withdraw from the University in good standing must obtain the permission of the dean (or dean's designee) of the college in which the student is enrolled. Please refer to for further information.
Students withdrawing from any or all courses, and receiving any sort of financial aid, should consult with the Financial Aid Office regarding the effect on financial obligations.
Medical Withdrawals
Request for medical withdrawals are submitted to the Bursar's Office for review. A tuition appeal form should be completed along with all necessary documentation. All approvals of medical withdrawals may result in a tuition credit voucher awarded for a future semester of enrollment.
Dropped Courses
Instructional, General, Out of State Surcharge, and Course and Class Fees - Students who drop from classes shall receive a credit of these fees based upon the following schedules. |
Fall and Spring Semesters (Courses offered over the full semester) |
Prior to the first day of the semester through the 7th calendar day |
100% |
8th through 14th calendar day |
80% |
15th through 21st calendar day |
60% |
22nd through 28th calendar day | 40% |
Summer Semester and Special Sessions - The time period for special session and Summer semester course schedule changes and registration is proportional to the length of the special session or Summer session courses. |
Examples: | |
Six Week Course |
Prior to the first day of the semester through the 2nd calendar day |
100% |
3rd through 4th calendar day |
80% |
5th through 7th calendar day |
60% |
8th through 9th calendar day | 40% |
Eight Week Course | |
Prior to the first day of the semester through the 3rd calendar day |
100% |
4th through 6th calendar day |
80% |
7th though 9th calendar day |
60% |
10th though 12th calendar day |
40% |
Refund Policy
Issuance of Refunds
All university refunds will be issued to the student as the account holder via authorized direct deposit to the bank account of the student’s choice (checking or savings) or university check. PLUS loan (parent loan) refunds are issued via university check to the parent who holds the loan account. Students are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit. It is the safest, fastest, and most efficient method for students to receive their refund. Students can enroll and update their direct deposit information via MyBGSU.
Financial aid refunds may be available after financial aid processing is completed and enrollment status can be confirmed. Students enrolled in various sessions within a semester may receive refunds in installments after attendance in a registered course has been confirmed.
Title IV Federal Aid recipients who drop below half‐time enrollment or withdraw completely from the university may not be entitled to a loan disbursement or a refund of loan funds.
If a Federal Direct Loan recipient drops below half‐time enrollment during the expense period covered by the loan, ALL remaining disbursements will be cancelled for that expense period.
Refunds – Higher Education Reauthorization Act Public Law 102‐325
The university’s refund policy includes provisions to conform to the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and the “return of Title IV Funds” regulations published on November 1, 1999. If a student receives federal aid or loans and completely withdraws from school during the first 60% of the semester, the portion of a refund allowable to Title IV, HEA programs will be refunded to the Title IV programs based on the percentage of enrollment period at the
Tuition Grid by Campus
Undergraduate FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees |
Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 379.00 | 62.25 | 441.25 | 314 | 755.25 |
2 | 758 | 124.5 | 882.5 | 628 | 1,510.50 |
3 | 1,137.00 | 186.75 | 1,323.75 | 942 | 2,265.75 |
4 | 1,516.00 | 249 | 1,765.00 | 1,256.00 | 3,021.00 |
5 | 1,895.00 | 311.25 | 2,206.25 | 1,570.00 | 3,776.25 |
6 | 2,274.00 | 373.5 | 2,647.50 | 1,884.00 | 4,531.50 |
7 | 2,653.00 | 435.75 | 3,088.75 | 2,198.00 | 5,286.75 |
8 | 3,032.00 | 498 | 3,530.00 | 2,512.00 | 6,042.00 |
9 | 3,411.00 | 560.25 | 3,971.25 | 2,826.00 | 6,797.25 |
10 | 3,790.00 | 622.5 | 4,412.50 | 3,140.00 | 7,552.50 |
11 | 4,169.00 | 684.75 | 4,853.75 | 3,454.00 | 8,307.75 |
12 | 4,548.00 | 747 | 5,295.00 | 3,768.00 | 9,063.00 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + |
Graduate/Teacher Cohort FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 424 | 62.25 | 486.25 | 314 | 800.25 |
2 | 848 | 124.5 | 972.5 | 628 | 1,600.50 |
3 | 1,272.00 | 186.75 | 1,458.75 | 942 | 2,400.75 |
4 | 1,696.00 | 249 | 1,945.00 | 1,256.00 | 3,201.00 |
5 | 2,120.00 | 311.25 | 2,431.25 | 1,570.00 | 4,001.25 |
6 | 2,544.00 | 373.5 | 2,917.50 | 1,884.00 | 4,801.50 |
7 | 2,968.00 | 435.75 | 3,403.75 | 2,198.00 | 5,601.75 |
8 | 3,392.00 | 498 | 3,890.00 | 2,512.00 | 6,402.00 |
9 | 3,816.00 | 560.25 | 4,376.25 | 2,826.00 | 7,202.25 |
10 | 4,240.00 | 622.5 | 4,862.50 | 3,140.00 | 8,002.50 |
11 | 4,664.00 | 684.75 | 5,348.75 | 3,454.00 | 8,802.75 |
12 | 5,084.00 | 747 | 5,831.00 | 3,768.00 | 9,599.00 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + |
Undergraduate Distance Learning FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 379 | 15 | 394 | 11 | 405 |
2 | 758 | 30 | 788 | 22 | 810 |
3 | 1,137.00 | 45 | 1,182.00 | 33 | 1,215.00 |
4 | 1,516.00 | 60 | 1,576.00 | 44 | 1,620.00 |
5 | 1,895.00 | 75 | 1,970.00 | 55 | 2,025.00 |
6 | 2,274.00 | 90 | 2,364.00 | 66 | 2,430.00 |
7 | 2,653.00 | 105 | 2,758.00 | 77 | 2,835.00 |
8 | 3,032.00 | 120 | 3,152.00 | 88 | 3,240.00 |
9 | 3,411.00 | 135 | 3,546.00 | 99 | 3,645.00 |
10 | 3,790.00 | 150 | 3,940.00 | 110 | 4,050.00 |
11 | 4,169.00 | 165 | 4,334.00 | 121 | 4,455.00 |
12 | 4,548.00 | 180 | 4,728.00 | 132 | 4,860.00 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + |
Graduate Distance Learning FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees< | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 424 | 15 | 439 | 11 | 450 |
2 | 848 | 30 | 878 | 22 | 900 |
3 | 1,272.00 | 45 | 1,317.00 | 33 | 1,350.00 |
4 | 1,696.00 | 60 | 1,756.00 | 44 | 1,800.00 |
5 | 2,120.00 | 75 | 2,195.00 | 55 | 2,250.00 |
6 | 2,544.00 | 90 | 2,634.00 | 66 | 2,700.00 |
7 | 2,968.00 | 105 | 3,073.00 | 77 | 3,150.00 |
8 | 3,392.00 | 120 | 3,512.00 | 88 | 3,600.00 |
9 | 3,816.00 | 135 | 3,951.00 | 99 | 4,050.00 |
10 | 4,240.00 | 150 | 4,390.00 | 110 | 4,500.00 |
11 | 4,664.00 | 165 | 4,829.00 | 121 | 4,950.00 |
12 | 5,084.00 | 180 | 5,264.00 | 132 | 5,396.00 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + |
eCampus Undergraduate FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 379 | 15 | 394 | 11 | 405 |
2 | 758 | 30 | 788 | 22 | 810 |
3 | 1,137.00 | 45 | 1,182.00 | 33 | 1,215.00 |
4 | 1,516.00 | 60 | 1,576.00 | 44 | 1,620.00 |
5 | 1,895.00 | 75 | 1,970.00 | 55 | 2,025.00 |
6 | 2,274.00 | 90 | 2,364.00 | 66 | 2,430.00 |
7 | 2,653.00 | 105 | 2,758.00 | 77 | 2,835.00 |
8 | 3,032.00 | 120 | 3,152.00 | 88 | 3,240.00 |
9 | 3,411.00 | 135 | 3,546.00 | 99 | 3,645.00 |
10 | 3,790.00 | 150 | 3,940.00 | 110 | 4,050.00 |
11 | 4,169.00 | 165 | 4,334.00 | 121 | 4,455.00 |
12 | 4,548.00 | 180 | 4,728.00 | 132 | 4,860.00 |
Fees are for each 8 week session (students may attend up to (6) sessions per year) |
eCampus Graduate FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 424 | 15 | 439 | 11 | 450 |
2 | 848 | 30 | 878 | 22 | 900 |
3 | 1,272.00 | 45 | 1,317.00 | 33 | 1,350.00 |
4 | 1,696.00 | 60 | 1,756.00 | 44 | 1,800.00 |
5 | 2,120.00 | 75 | 2,195.00 | 55 | 2,250.00 |
6 | 2,544.00 | 90 | 2,634.00 | 66 | 2,700.00 |
7 | 2,968.00 | 105 | 3,073.00 | 77 | 3,150.00 |
8 | 3,392.00 | 120 | 3,512.00 | 88 | 3,600.00 |
9 | 3,816.00 | 135 | 3,951.00 | 99 | 4,050.00 |
10 | 4,240.00 | 150 | 4,390.00 | 110 | 4,500.00 |
11 | 4,664.00 | 165 | 4,829.00 | 121 | 4,950.00 |
12 | 5,088.00 | 180 | 5,268.00 | 132 | 5,400.00 |
Fees are for each 8 week session (students may attend up to (6) sessions per year) |
CCAF Programs FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 250 | 0 | 250 | 0 | 250 |
2 | 500 | 0 | 500 | 0 | 500 |
3 | 750 | 0 | 750 | 0 | 750 |
4 | 1,000.00 | 0 | 1,000.00 | 0 | 1,000.00 |
5 | 1,250.00 | 0 | 1,250.00 | 0 | 1,250.00 |
6 | 1,500.00 | 0 | 1,500.00 | 0 | 1,500.00 |
7 | 1,750.00 | 0 | 1,750.00 | 0 | 1,750.00 |
8 | 2,000.00 | 0 | 2,000.00 | 0 | 2,000.00 |
9 | 2,250.00 | 0 | 2,250.00 | 0 | 2,250.00 |
10 | 2,500.00 | 0 | 2,500.00 | 0 | 2,500.00 |
11 | 2,750.00 | 0 | 2,750.00 | 0 | 2,750.00 |
12 | 3,000.00 | 0 | 3,000.00 | 0 | 3,000.00 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + |
Undergraduate Nursing Program* FY 2017 Bowling Green Campus Tuition/Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 335.49 | 49.6 | 385.09 | 314 | 699.09 |
2 | 670.98 | 99.2 | 770.18 | 628 | 1,398.18 |
3 | 1,006.47 | 148.8 | 1,155.27 | 942 | 2,097.27 |
4 | 1,341.96 | 198.4 | 1,540.36 | 1,256.00 | 2,796.36 |
5 | 1,677.45 | 248 | 1,925.45 | 1,570.00 | 3,495.45 |
6 | 2,012.94 | 297.6 | 2,310.54 | 1,884.00 | 4,194.54 |
7 | 2,348.43 | 347.2 | 2,695.63 | 2,198.00 | 4,893.63 |
8 | 2,683.92 | 396.8 | 3,080.72 | 2,512.00 | 5,592.72 |
9 | 3,019.41 | 446.4 | 3,465.81 | 2,826.00 | 6,291.81 |
10 | 3,354.90 | 496 | 3,850.90 | 3,140.00 | 6,990.90 |
11 | 3,690.39 | 545.6 | 4,235.99 | 3,454.00 | 7,689.99 |
12 | 4,025.88 | 595.2 | 4,621.08 | 3,768.00 | 8,389.08 |
Excess Credit Fee $200 per hour 19 + | |||||
*Fees as provided for per agreement with the University of Toledo |
Firelands Campus Undergraduate Tuition / Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 196.1 | 9.35 | 205.45 | 314 | 519.45 |
2 | 392.2 | 18.7 | 410.9 | 628 | 1,038.90 |
3 | 588.3 | 28.05 | 616.35 | 942 | 1,558.35 |
4 | 784.4 | 37.4 | 821.8 | 1,256.00 | 2,077.80 |
5 | 980.5 | 46.75 | 1,027.25 | 1,570.00 | 2,597.25 |
6 | 1,176.60 | 56.1 | 1,232.70 | 1,884.00 | 3,116.70 |
7 | 1,372.70 | 65.45 | 1,438.15 | 2,198.00 | 3,636.15 |
8 | 1,568.80 | 74.8 | 1,643.60 | 2,512.00 | 4,155.60 |
9 | 1,764.90 | 84.15 | 1,849.05 | 2,826.00 | 4,675.05 |
10 | 1,961.00 | 93.5 | 2,054.50 | 3,140.00 | 5,194.50 |
11 | 2,157.10 | 102.85 | 2,259.95 | 3,454.00 | 5,713.95 |
12 | 2,353.20 | 112.2 | 2,465.40 | 3,768.00 | 6,233.40 |
Excess Credit Fee $150 per hour 19 + |
Firelands Campus Graduate Tuition / Fees | Revised 5/10/16 | ||||
Credit Hours | Instructional Fee | General Fee | Total Fees Ohio Resident | Non Resident Fee | Total Fees Non Resident |
1 | 424 | 9.35 | 433.35 | 314 | 747.35 |
2 | 848 | 18.7 | 866.7 | 628 | 1,494.70 |
3 | 1,272.00 | 28.05 | 1,300.05 | 942 | 2,242.05 |
4 | 1,696.00 | 37.4 | 1,733.40 | 1,256.00 | 2,989.40 |
5 | 2,120.00 | 46.75 | 2,166.75 | 1,570.00 | 3,736.75 |
6 | 2,544.00 | 56.1 | 2,600.10 | 1,884.00 | 4,484.10 |
7 | 2,968.00 | 65.45 | 3,033.45 | 2,198.00 | 5,231.45 |
8 | 3,392.00 | 74.8 | 3,466.80 | 2,512.00 | 5,978.80 |
9 | 3,816.00 | 84.15 | 3,900.15 | 2,826.00 | 6,726.15 |
10 | 4,240.00 | 93.5 | 4,333.50 | 3,140.00 | 7,473.50 |
11 | 4,664.00 | 102.85 | 4,766.85 | 3,454.00 | 8,220.85 |
12 | 5,084.00 | 112.2 | 5,196.20 | 3,768.00 | 8,964.20 |
Excess Credit Fee $150 per hour 19 + |
Course and Class Fees
College of Arts and Science | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
A&S | ABR | 4200 | $5.00/CrHr |
A&S | ABR | 4280 | $5.00/CrHr |
A&S | ABR | 4360 | $850.00 |
A&S | AS | 3000X | $10.00 |
A&S | AS | 3950X | $25.00 |
A&S | AS | 5860X | $25.00 |
A&S | ART | 1010 | $10.00 |
A&S | ART | 1020 | $15.00 |
A&S | ART | 1030 | $15.00 |
A&S | ART | 1030A | $15.00 |
A&S | ART | 1120 | $25.00 |
A&S | ART | 1120A | $25.00 |
A&S | ART | 4000 | $23.00 |
A&S | ART | 6930 | $15.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 2450 | $15.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 2520 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 3520 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 3820 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 4070 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 4520 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 4920 | $40.00 |
A&S | ARTE | 4970 | $40.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 2900 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3170 | $27.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3190 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3630 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3650 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3670 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3710 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3730 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 3750 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 4150 | $35.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 4350 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 4750 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 4800 | $3,800.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 4900 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTH | 5150 | $35.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2110 | $35.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2210 | $20.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2310 | $53.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2410 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2610 | $250.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2710 | $65.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2810 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 2910 | $150.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3130 | $20.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3240 | $35.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3320 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3330 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3340 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3350 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3420 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3430 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3620 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3630 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3720 | $65.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3730 | $65.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3820 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3830 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3931 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 3920 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4000 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTS | 4010 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTS | 4240 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4280 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4350 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4360 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4380 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4440 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4480 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4630 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4640 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4680 | $200.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4740 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4750 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4760 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4780 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4800 | $975.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4800A | $975.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4840 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4850 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4880 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4940 | $75.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4950 | $150.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 4980 | $150.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5110 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5310 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5410 | $65.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5610 | $175.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5710 | $25.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTS | 5810 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 5910 | $125.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6120 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6320 | $100.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6420 | $65.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6620 | $175.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6720 | $25.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTS | 6820 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTS | 6920 | $125.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 2210 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3000 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3100 | $80.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3110 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3120 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3310 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 3440 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4000 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 4090 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4130 | $25.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4140 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4180 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4230 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4240 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4250 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4330 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4410 | $50.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4420 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4430 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4440 | $60.00 |
A&S | ARTC | 4700 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5030 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5130 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5230 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5330 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5000 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 5860 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 6130 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 6230 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTC | 6330 | $20.00/CrHr |
A&S | ARTD | 2010 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 2020 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 3010 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 3040 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 3050 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 3060 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 4030 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 4050 | $30.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 4060 | $45.00 |
A&S | ARTD | 4080 | $30.00 |
A&S | ART | 4700 | $20-$100 varies |
A&S | ART | 5860 | $20-$100 varies |
A&S | ART | 6860 | $20-$100 varies |
A&S | BIOL | 1010 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 1040 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 2040 | $30.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 2050 | $30.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3130 | $25.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3150 | $25.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3310 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3320 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3430 | $25.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3520 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 3700 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4010 | $15.00/CrHr |
A&S | BIOL | 4050 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4060 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4070 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4110 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4140 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4200 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4220 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4250 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4270 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4350 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4370 | $65.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4380 | $60.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4460 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4720 | $50.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4730 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4750 | $650.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4760 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 4770 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5030 | $25.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5080 | $30.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5150 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5170 | $60.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5190 | $30.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5210 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5310 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5390 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5410 | $20.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5430 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5460 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5510 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5530 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5270 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5570 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5590 | $50.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5610 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5630 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5650 | $35.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5670 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 5690 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 6030 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 6110 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 6430 | $15.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 6450 | $75.00 |
A&S | BIOL | 7450 | $15.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 1100 | $30.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 1240 | $30.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 1280 | $30.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 1350 | $30.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 1380 | $30.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 2010 | $35.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3060 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3090 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3410 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3450 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3460 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 4070 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 4080 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 4460 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 5460 | $45.00 |
A&S | CHEM | 3630 | $50.00 |
A&S | ENG | 6330 | $3.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 1010 | $10.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 3100 | $30.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 4020 | $10.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 4120 | $10.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 4150 | $15.00 |
A&S | ENVS | 4930 | $1,400.00 |
A&S | GEOG | 2130 | $10.00 |
A&S | GEOG | 3210 | $15.00 |
A&S | GEOG | 4220 | $15.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 1040 | $15.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 1050 | $15.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 2150 | $6.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 2500 | $4,500.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 4930 | $1,250.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 4940 | $1,250.00 |
A&S | GEOL | 6930 | $1,250.00 |
A&S | COMM | 1990 | $100.00 |
A&S | COMM | 3990 | $100.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 2000 | $6.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 2010 | $6.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 2500 | $25.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 2550 | $25.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 3100 | $20.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 3150 | $30.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 3200 | $16.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 3250 | $25.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 3300 | $20.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 3450 | $10.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 3550 | $25.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 4100 | $20.00 |
A&S | JOUR | 4200 | $25.50 |
A&S | JOUR | 4300 | $20.00 |
A&S | MATH | 0900X | $140.00 |
A&S | MATH | 0950X | $140.00 |
A&S | MATH | 0990X | $140.00 |
A&S | MATH | 1210 | $140.00 |
A&S | MATH | 1220 | $140.00 |
A&S | MATS | 1000 | $5.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 1991 | $15.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 1992 | $10.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 1993 | $10.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 4640 | $40.00 |
A&S | MC | 5640 | $40.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 1010 | $5.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 2010 | $10.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 2020 | $10.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 2110 | $8.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 2120 | $8.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 3110 | $8.00 |
A&S | PHYS | 3120 | $8.00 |
A&S | ASTR | 2010 | $3.00 |
A&S | ASTR | 2120 | $3.00 |
A&S | ASTR | 3090 | $5.00 |
A&S | POLS | 3700 | $650.00 |
A&S | POPC | 2500 | $10.00 |
A&S | POPC | 3500 | $10.00 |
A&S | POPC | 3900 | $5.00 |
A&S | PSYC | 3280 | $15.00 |
A&S | PSYC | 3330 | $15.00 |
A&S | FREN | 4440 | $15.00 |
A&S | ITAL | 2610 | $15.00 |
A&S | ROCS | 2000 | $15.00 |
A&S | SPAN | 4890X | $15.00 |
A&S | SPAN | 6270 | $15.00 |
A&S | TCOM | 2500 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 2610 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 2620 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 3630 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 3640 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 3680 | $15.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 4680 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 4912 | $30.00 |
A&S | MDIA | 4913 | $30.00 |
A&S | THFM | 1610 | $10.00 |
A&S | THFM | 2550 | $125.00 |
A&S | THFM | 2560 | $105.00 |
A&S | THFM | 3550 | $125.00 |
A&S | DANC | 1150 | $9.00 |
A&S | DANC | 1200 | $9.00 |
A&S | DANC | 2150 | $9.00 |
A&S | DANC | 2200 | $9.00 |
A&S | DANC | 3160 | $9.00 |
A&S | ENVH | 1050 | $10.00 |
A&S | ART | 1010R | $25.00 |
A&S | AS | 1050M | $250 / Summer |
College of Academic Enhancement | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
ACAD PRGM | ACEN | 1000 | $10.00 |
ACAD PRGM | UNIV | 1310 | $30.00 |
College of Musical Arts | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
CMA | MUCT | 4360 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 4370 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 4440 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 4450 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 4460 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 4470 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5360 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5370 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5440 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5450 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5460 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUCT | 5470 | $30.00 |
CMA | MUED | 1500 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 1510 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 1540 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 1560 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 1570 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 2500 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 2510 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 2520 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 2560 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 2570 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUED | 4020 | $20.00 |
CMA | MUED | 5020 | $20.00 |
CMA | MUSP | 1950 | $22.50/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2210 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2310 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2320 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2330 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2340 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2350 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2410 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2420 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2430 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2440 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2450 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2460 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2470 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2480 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2490 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2550 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2560 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2600 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2610 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2620 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2630 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2690 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2720 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2810 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2820 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2830 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2840 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2850 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 2860 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4210 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4310 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4320 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4330 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4340 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4350 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4410 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4420 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4430 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4440 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4450 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4460 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4470 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4480 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4490 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4550 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4560 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4600 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4610 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4620 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4630 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4690 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4700X | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4720 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4810 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4820 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4830 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4840 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4850 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 4860 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5210 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5230 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5240 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5250 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5260 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5270 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5280 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5310 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5320 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5330 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5350 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5360 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5410 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5420 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5430 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5440 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5450 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5460 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5470 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5480 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5550 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5560 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5600 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5610 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5620 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5630 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5670* | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5690 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5720 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 5730 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6210 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6230 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6240 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6250 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6260 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6270 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6280 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6310 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6320 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6330 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6350 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6360 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6730 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6410 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6420 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6430 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6440 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6450 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6460 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6470 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6480 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6550 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6560 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6600 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6610 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6620 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6630 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6690 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6720 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUSP | 6860X | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
CMA | MUS | 7000 | $150.00/$300.00/CrHr |
College of Education and Human Development | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
EDHD | FMPD | 2510 | $25.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 2810 | $10.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 3120 | $15.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 3130 | $25.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 3510 | $30.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 4020 | $15.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 4140 | $30.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 2400 | $40.00 |
EDHD | FMPD | 4510 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDWF | 4220 | $40.00 |
EDHD | EDFI | 6890 | $100.00 |
EDHD | ID | 1170 | $25.00 |
EDHD | ID | 2190 | $50.00 |
EDHD | ID | 3030 | $10.00 |
EDHD | ID | 3190 | $50.00 |
EDHD | ID | 3290 | $50.00 |
EDHD | ID | 3450 | $25.00 |
EDHD | ID | 3800 | $50.00 |
EDHD | ID | 4060 | $10.00 |
EDHD | ID | 4170 | $50.00 |
EDHD | ID | 4190 | $50.00 |
EDHD | COUN | 6740 | $36.00 |
EDHD | COUN | 6855 | $40.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 3050 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 4730 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 3040 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 4420 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 4450 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 6890 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2010 | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2010C | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2300 | $10.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2502 | $38.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2503 | $38.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2504 | $38.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2505 | $38.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2710 | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2740 | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2750 | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 2760 | $75.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3020 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3021 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3030 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3150 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3100 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3130 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3200 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3300 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3220 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3310 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3230 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3320 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3240 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3340 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3250 | $0.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3330 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3400 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 3421 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4460 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4470 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4480 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4490 | $5.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4670 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4710 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4740 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4750 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4760 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4810 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4840 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4850 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4860 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 4890 | $15.00 |
EDHD | EDTL | 6240 | $50.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 3100 | $25.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 4800 | $25.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 4900 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EXSC | 2030 | $50.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 2100 | $40.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3120 | $40.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 4140 | $40.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 4160 | $40.00 |
EDHD | HMSL | 6160 | $50.00 |
EDHD | HMSL | 6170 | $7.00 |
EDHD | HMSL | 6180 | $35.00 |
EDHD | HMSL | 6190 | $15.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 2040 | $25.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 2070 | $8.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 2090 | $37.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 2180 | $5.00 |
EDHD | PEHE | 2240 | $92.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 2300 | $10.00 |
EDHD | PEHE | 2420 | $6.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 3130 | $10.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 3140 | $5.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 3150 | $5.00 |
EDHD | KNS | 3220 | $10.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3450 | $20.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3600 | $35.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3610 | $50.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3700 | $25.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 3870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | PEHE | 4020 | $10.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 4230 | $25.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 4290 | $15.00 |
EDHD | PEHE | 4320 | $22.00 |
EDHD | EXSC | 4870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EXSC | 4890 | $45.00 |
EDHD | THEM | 3870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | THEM | 4870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | THEM | 4880 | $45.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2110 | $50.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2180 | $15.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2460 | $22.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2470 | $37.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2480 | $42.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2530 | $20.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2780 | $10.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2800 | $5.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2810 | $5.00 |
EDHD | PEG | 2820 | $5.00 |
EDHD | SM | 3870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | SM | 4870 | $3.00/CrHr |
EDHD | SM | 4890 | $45.00 |
EDHD | ARTE | 4920 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | ARTE | 4970 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | BUSE | 4970 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDIS | 4920 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDTL | 4910 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDTL | 4920 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDTL | 4970 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDTL | 6890 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | HDFS | 4910 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | PEHE | 4920 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | PEHE | 4921 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | KNS | 4970 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | MUED | 4970 | $5.00/CrHr |
EDHD | EDTL | 6890 | $300.00 |
EDHD | EIEC | 4900 | $300.00 |
EDHD | PEHE | 4920 | $300.00 |
EDHD | PEHE | 4921 | $300.00 |
EDHD | BUSE | 4970 | $300.00 |
EDHD | EDIS | 6890 | $300.00 |
Firelands Campus | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
Fire | AHTH-FIRE | 0950 | $10.00 |
Fire | AHTH-FIRE | 1300 | $25.00 |
Fire | AHTH-FIRE | 1310 | $5.00 |
Fire | ARTS-FIRE | 2110 | $30.00 |
Fire | ARTS-FIRE | 2310 | $10.00 |
Fire | ARTS-FIRE | 3130 | $30.00 |
Fire | ARTS-FIRE | 3820 | $40.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 1010 | $10.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 1040 | $15.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 2040 | $20.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 2050 | $20.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 3130 | $25.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 3150 | $20.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 3310 | $20.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 3320 | $20.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 3520 | $25.00 |
Fire | BIOL-FIRE | 4070 | $75.00 |
Fire | BUSE-FIRE | 2610 | $5.00 |
Fire | EDWF-FIRE | 2620 | $5.00 |
Fire | CHEM-FIRE | 1100 | $30.00 |
Fire | CHEM-FIRE | 1240 | $30.00 |
Fire | CHEM-FIRE | 1280 | $30.00 |
Fire | CHEM-FIRE | 3410 | $45.00 |
Fire | CHEM-FIRE | 3460 | $45.00 |
Fire | DESN-FIRE | 2050 | $15.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 2400 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 2410 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 2490 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 3000 | $22.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 3100 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 3490 | $25.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 1910 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECT-FIRE | 2440 | $5.00 |
Fire | ECT-FIRE | 2450 | $5.00 |
Fire | ECET-FIRE | 2470 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECT-FIRE | 2480 | $10.00 |
Fire | ECT-FIRE | 2500 | $10.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 1100 | $5.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 2100 | $5.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 2200 | $40.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 2300 | $34.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 2400 | $30.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 3000 | $40.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 3200 | $60.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 3400 | $30.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 3450 | $35.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 4280 | $16.00 |
Fire | ENGT-FIRE | 4380 | $40.00 |
Fire | GEOL-FIRE | 1040 | $6.00 |
Fire | GEOL-FIRE | 1050 | $6.00 |
Fire | GEOL-FIRE | 2150 | $6.00 |
Fire | HDFS-FIRE | 4910 | $5.00/CrHr |
Fire | PEG-FIRE | 2110 | $60.00 |
Fire | MATH-FIRE | 1190 | $140.00 |
Fire | MATH-FIRE | 1220 | $140.00 |
Fire | IS-FIRE | 2000 | $10.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4010 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4120 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4200 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4230 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4510 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4270 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4330 | $30.00 |
Fire | NURS-FIRE | 4340 | $30.00 |
Fire | PHYS-FIRE | 1010 | $5.00 |
Fire | PHYS-FIRE | 2010 | $8.00 |
Fire | PHYS-FIRE | 2020 | $8.00 |
Fire | PHYS-FIRE | 2110 | $8.00 |
Fire | PHYS-FIRE | 2120 | $8.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 1810 | $52.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 1820 | $52.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 1830 | $52.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 2810 | $52.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 2820 | $52.00 |
Fire | RADT-FIRE | 2830 | $52.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 1200 | $9.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 1210 | $8.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 2030 | $80.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 2210 | $8.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 2810 | $172.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 3400 | $120.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 3510 | $10.00 |
Fire | RESP-FIRE | 4800 | $52.00 |
Fire | UNIV-FIRE | 1290 | $9.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 1030 | $15.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 1040 | $26.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 2080 | $50.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 2680 | $21.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 2820 | $21.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3040 | $26.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3080 | $31.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3090 | $34.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3100 | $56.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3660 | $26.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3820 | $28.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 3860 | $56.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4560 | $31.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4600 | $56.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4650 | $28.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4670 | $26.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4690 | $16.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 4820 | $26.00 |
Fire | VCT-FIRE | 5660 | $26.00 |
Fire | EDTL | 6890 | $300.00 |
Fire | EIEC | 4900 | $300.00 |
Fire | PEHE | 4920 | $300.00 |
Fire | PEHE | 4921 | $300.00 |
Fire | EIEC | 3100 | $25.00 |
Fire | EIEC | 3300 | $25.00 |
College of Health and Human Services | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
HHS | CDIS | 4210 | $30.00 |
HHS | CDIS | 6970 | $300.00 |
HHS | FN | 2100 | $50.00 |
HHS | FN | 2120 | $60.00 |
HHS | FN | 3100 | $10.00 |
HHS | FN | 3260 | $50.00 |
HHS | FN | 4310 | $50.00 |
HHS | FN | 4420 | $45.00 |
HHS | FN | 5310 | $50.00 |
HHS | FN | 6200 | $1,000.00 |
HHS | FN | 6210 | $500.00 |
HHS | FN | 6220 | $500.00 |
HHS | GERO | 4930 | $135.00 |
HHS | GERO | 6860 | $135.00 |
HHS | MLS | 3100 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4120 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4140 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4220 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4230 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4320 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4340 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4350 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4420 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4510 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4800 | $50.00 |
HHS | MLS | 4920 | $250.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4080 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4160 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4600 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4720 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3040 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3080 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3280 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3300 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3400 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4130 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4240 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4270 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4330 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4340 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4510 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 4620 | $30.00 |
HHS | NURS | 3017 | $250.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3117 | $250.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3417 | $250.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 4017 | $250.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 4317 | $250.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3127 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3437 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3617 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 4027 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 4217 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 4327 | $150.00 / |
HHS | NURS | 3060 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 3070 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 3190 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 3290 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4050 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4080 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4170 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4180 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4280 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4290 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4350 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4390 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4600 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4700 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 4720 | $50.00/Credit Hour |
HHS | NURS | 3060 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3070 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3190 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3290 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4290 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4350 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4390 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3040 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3080 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3150 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3280 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3300 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3400 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 3540 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4130 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4240 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4260 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4270 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4310 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4320 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4330 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4340 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4360 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4510 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4620 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4710 | $13.00/CrHr |
HHS | NURS | 4760 | $13.00/CrHr |
Schmidthort College of Business | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
SCOB | ORGD | 6010X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6015X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6020X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6030X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6040X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6050X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6060X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6065X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6070X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6080X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6090X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6320X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6860X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6870X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6910X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ORGD | 6990X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | STAT | 6050X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | GBA | 6720X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | GBA | 6820X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | GBA | 6860X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | GBA | 6910X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6050X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6060X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6070X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6200X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6510X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6520X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6540X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6580X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6590X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6620X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6100X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6800X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6860X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6910X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | STAT | 6000X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | STAT | 6010X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ECON | 6000X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ECON | 6010X | 150% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6000P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6010P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6020P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6030P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6040P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6050P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6060P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6070P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6080P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | MBA | 6090P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | STAT | 6010P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | ECON | 6000P | 35% of in-state fees |
SCOB | GBA | 6910 | $20.00 |
SCOB | MBA | 5050 | $12.00 |
SCOB | MBA | 6010 | $21.00 |
SCOB | MBA | 6020 | $21.00 |
SCOB | IS | 2000 | $15.00 |
SCOB | IS | 4050 | $12.00 |
SCOB | BA | 3800 | $15.00 |
SCOB | BA | 2030 | $15.00 |
SCOB | BIZX | 1100 | $15.00 |
SCOB | BIZX | 2200 | $15.00 |
SCOB | BIZX | 3300 | $15.00 |
SCOB | MKT | 3000 | $15.00 |
SCOB | MKT | 2010 | $15.00 |
College of Technology | |||
College | Subject | Course Number | Fee |
TECH | AERT | 099 | $1,030.00 |
TECH | AERT | 2220 | $8,140.00 |
TECH | AERT | 2230 | $8,300.00 |
TECH | AERT | 2810 | $14,060.00 |
TECH | AERT | 2820 | $13,950.00 |
TECH | AERT | 3220 | $8,790.00 |
TECH | AERT | 3230 | $14,650.00 |
TECH | AERT | 3240 | $9,950.00 |
TECH | AERT | 3250 | $15,220.00 |
TECH | AERT | 3300 | $2,650.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4070 | $9,550.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4420 | $9,510.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4430 | $7,650.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4440 | $5,400.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4450 | $4,500.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4460 | $5,000.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4470 | $6,180.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4820 | $3,050.00 |
TECH | AERT | 4690 | $4,000.00 |
TECH | ROBO | 1010 | $63.00 |
TECH | ROBO | 4500 | $14.00 |
TECH | CONS | 1010 | $46.00 |
TECH | CONS | 2350 | $35.00 |
TECH | CONS | 2590 | $36.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3060 | $10.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3180 | $14.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3350 | $30.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3360 | $10.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3370 | $30.00 |
TECH | CONS | 3590 | $36.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4110 | $15.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4350 | $10.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4370 | $10.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4420 | $17.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4470 | $30.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4590 | $10.00 |
TECH | CONS | 4700 | $205.00 |
TECH | CONS | 5470 | $30.00 |
TECH | CONS | 6420 | $17.00 |
TECH | ECET | 1960 | $35.00 |
TECH | ECET | 2400 | $70.00 |
TECH | ECET | 2410 | $15.00 |
TECH | ECET | 2490 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3000 | $15.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3100 | $11.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3410 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3440 | $15.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3490 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3570 | $11.00 |
TECH | ECET | 3860 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 4410 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 4450 | $15.00 |
TECH | ECET | 4530 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECET | 4860 | $15.00 |
TECH | ECET | 4950 | $14.00 |
TECH | ECT | 1910 | $45.00 |
TECH | ECT | 5410 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECT | 5430 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECT | 5530 | $25.00 |
TECH | ECT | 5860 | $15.00 |
TECH | TECH | 2230 | $60.00 |
TECH | TECH | 6020 | $27.00 |
TECH | TECH | 6040 | $100.00 |
TECH | TECH | 6280 | $16.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 1050 | $18.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 2050 | $15.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 2220 | $78.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 3210 | $96.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 3220 | $96.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 3360 | $36.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 3370 | $15.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 3720 | $35.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 4210 | $96.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 4220 | $96.00 |
TECH | ARCH | 6210 | $303.75 |
TECH | ARCH | 6220 | $303.75 |
TECH | ARCH | 6310 | $303.75 |
TECH | ARCH | 6320 | $303.75 |
TECH | DESN | 5040 | $14.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 1010 | $11.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 1020 | $50.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 2150 | $20.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 2200 | $175.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 2300 | $100.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 2500 | $40.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 3200 | $150.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 3400 | $40.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 3450 | $90.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 3500 | $30.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 4000 | $100.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 4280 | $16.00 |
TECH | ENGT | 4500 | $14.00 |
TECH | TE | 4470 | $36.00 |
TECH | TE | 4530 | $45.00 |
TECH | TE | 4620 | $10.00 |
TECH | VCT | 1030 | $25.00 |
TECH | VCT | 1040 | $26.00 |
TECH | VCT | 2040 | $16.00 |
TECH | VCT | 2080 | $55.00 |
TECH | VCT | 2680 | $21.00 |
TECH | VCT | 2820 | $46.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3040 | $26.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3080 | $31.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3090 | $34.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3100 | $61.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3660 | $16.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3690 | $21.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3820 | $46.00 |
TECH | VCT | 3860 | $56.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4560 | $41.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4600 | $20.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4650 | $46.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4670 | $26.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4690 | $16.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4820 | $16.00 |
TECH | VCT | 4840 | $35.00 |
TECH | VCT | 5660 | $26.00 |
Updated: 01/02/2025 10:27AM