Reference Materials

Reference materials to be used in the development of animal use protocols by Animal Users at BGSU:

BGSU's PI Handbook - (Word Document)

IACUC Guidance - The Importance of Self-Reporting - (PDF Document)

2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia - (PDF Document)

Aseptic Surgical TechniquesGuidelines for the Use of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Tranquilizers (includes descriptions of basic anesthetics, analgesics and tranquilizers) - (Word Document)

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals - (Online Document)

Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research - (Online Document)

Guidelines for the Determination of Morbidity - (Word Document)

Guidelines for the Use of Fish in Research - (PDF Document)

Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research - (Online Document)

American Society of Mammalogists Guidelines for the Use of Wild Mammals in Research - (PDF Document)

Injection Sites, Maximum Volumes, and Needle Size - (Word Document)

 Recognizing Animal Pain - (Word Document)

Standards for Experimental Animal Surgery - (Word Document)

Guidance on Prompt Reporting to OLAW - (Online Document)

Reporting Concerns Regarding the Care and Use of Animals (PDF Document)

Forms Used for Record Keeping

Food Restriction Log (Required) - (Word Document)

Fluid Restriction Log (Required) - (PDF Document)

Procedure Log (Example) - (Word Document)

Recovery Log (Example) - (Word Document)

The 3 R's

Reduction - (PDF Document)

Refinement - (PDF Document)

Replacement - (PDF Document)

Supplemental References - (PDF Document)

Updated: 02/20/2020 01:05PM