Mail Preparation Requirements
BGSU Postal Services is committed to meeting all your postal needs while providing the best possible level of service. Following these measures should help to ensure that all mailings are properly processed and delivered as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Campus mail consists of any item to be moved from one department to another. Campus mail can include most items, including single sheets of papers, postcards, letters, large envelopes, and boxes.
- Mark campus mail pieces in the corner with CM or use pre-printed Campus Mail envelopes. Pre-printed envelopes are not required.
- Campus mail for residential students must include the student’s name and residence hall.
- Please keep campus mail separated from all outgoing USPS mail, including mail to be metered and stamped mail.
Outgoing mail is picked up daily from departments for processing. Outgoing mail may consist of letters and packages needing postage, and stamped mail.
- A fully completed Mail Service Request Card (mail barcode slip) must be included with all mail to be metered (only one slip per stack or tray is needed).
- A master mail barcode sheet is supplied to each department for each established account and can be photocopied as needed.
- When creating a new account/program code, contact the Campus Post Office to request new/additional mail barcode slips for the new account.
- All mail pieces should contain a full return address, including department name and address.
- Guidelines for preparing outgoing mail:
- Separate International mail from domestic mail.
- Separate stamped mail from mail needing postage.
- Separate sealed mail from unsealed mail.
- Only letter-sized pieces can be left unsealed. Unsealed mail must have the flaps down (not overlapping).
- Designate the class of mail to be used on the mail barcode slip.
- Domestically mailed books being sent to another library, school, or museum should be stamped "library rate" on the mail piece in order to achieve the discounted rate; any other domestically mailed books should be sent "media mail".
- All international mail weighing 1lb or more requires a signed customs form filled out by the sender. Customs forms may be obtained by calling the Campus Post Office or Stampers Mail and Copy Center. Be sure to specify the weight of the mail piece when requesting customs forms as a different form is needed for items weighing over 4lbs.
- If paper clips or staples are enclosed in envelopes, they must be at the return address (left side) of the envelope.
- The upper right hand corner of the mail piece must be free of all printing, emblems, etc. before it can be metered.
- As our metering ink is red, we strongly advise against using red or dark colored envelopes.
Updated: 01/26/2018 09:44AM