Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Seven electric vehicle charging stations are now up and running around Bowling Green State University’s campus. Click here to view the map.

Parking Lot A
Two new Chargepoint EV charging stations next to The Maurer Center. Both Chargepoint stations have the capacity to charge two cars simultaneously.

Parking Lot E
Next to the BGSU Heat Plant and railroad tracks, across the street from Bowen-Thompson Student Union on Thurstin St.

Parking Lot 8
Behind the Falcon Heights residence hall, on the corner of East Merry and Thurstin St.

Parking Lot 20
Just south of the BGSU Welcome Center.
Clean Fuels Ohio EV Promotional Video
Check out the video Clean Fuels Ohio created to highlight our community's EV stations!
By providing these seven charging stations on campus, in addition to the three stations in downtown BG, BGSU is supporting the electric vehicle (EV) market. Having seven available locations in BG to charge an EV will hopefully attract more to the area.
“If we want to encourage a green revolution, we need to give people easy ways to reduce their carbon footprint" Tony Palumbo, director of the BGSU Electric Vehicle Institute. “By strategically placing charging stations throughout campus for easy, free access to the entire Bowling Green community, we are providing ‘opportunity charging’ so people can charge their cars while they conduct other University or community business.”
Quick Facts:
- Parking is reserved for drivers who are actively charging their electric vehicles.
- No special permits are required to park and charge regardless of the parking lot.
- Drivers only need to pay for the meter ($1.00 for one hour, for a max of up to two hours).
- Parking space/meter is enforced 24/7 (including weekends and holidays).
EV Charging Station Users

Darlene Petkwitz, a certified public accountant in Bowling Green, purchased a Think North America electric car. “It’s designed to be an urban car for short commutes, so it’s been great for zipping around the community,” she said.
Petkwitz loves the convenience of new charging stations around BGSU.“I not only have meetings on campus, but also enjoy events at the Stroh Center. I look forward to plugging in my car at the station by the Visitor’s Center, enjoying a great game, and then coming out to my car being fully charged.”

Collaborative Funding
The stations were paid for through a grant from Clean Fuels Ohio and the U.S. Department of Energy; the BGSU Student Green Initiatives Fund matched the amount of the grant, providing enough funding for the stations.
Updated: 12/08/2023 04:14PM