Cheryl Bracken, PH.D.


  • Position: Professor and Director
  • Phone: 419-372-8349
  • Email:
  • Address: 306 Kuhlin Center


Cheryl Campanella Bracken is a scholar–administrator whose research focuses on individuals’ psychological and physiological processing of media content and form. Much of her work has focused on the role of telepresence in popular media and, more recently, binge-watching. She has published three academic books, numerous peer-reviewed articles, and three books.

Her research interests are broad and interdisciplinary, encompassing educational leadership, STEM faculty diversity, telepresence, media effects, and communication methodology. She has been involved in numerous research projects funded by prestigious organizations such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), focusing on advancing excellence and equity in academia, particularly in STEM (including social science) fields.

As a principal investigator and co-investigator on several NSF-funded projects, Dr. Bracken has been pivotal in shaping initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. She is committed to fostering equity in academic environments through faculty development, which includes leadership development and mentoring programs.


B.A. Broadcasting – SUNY Buffalo State University
M.A. Mass Media and Communication – Temple University
Ph.D. Mass Media and Communication – Temple University

Updated: 03/13/2024 02:08PM