Attention 7th-12th Grade Science/STEM Teachers: Would you like to get your students involved in an authentic research project focused on environmental health issues locally in Toledo?
Consider participating in BGSU’s GP-EXTRA (Geoscience Education through Authentic Research) Project. This three-session program can take place with students right in your classroom facilitated by BGSU scientists. Each session will be one class period in length.
GP-EXTRA seeks to directly involve northwest Ohio area junior high and high school students in determining heavy metals contents of soils they and their families may come into contact with in their daily lives and to inform them on how to minimize their exposure.
Session 1: Hazards of Lead (risks/health issues of contaminated soils) CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Session 2: Lead Around YOU! (students bring in soil samples for analyzing) CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Session 3: “Lead-ing” to Conclusions CLICK HERE FOR MORE
*NOTE* If teachers desire additional sessions and guidance with student research project facilitation, this is available upon request.
Ohio Science Standards Applicable to GP-EXTRA
Biology: B.DI.2 Ecosystems
Chemistry: C.PM.1 Atomic Structure & C.PM.3 Chemical Bonding
Physical Science: PS.M.2 Atoms & PS.M.4 Bonding and Compounds
Environmental Science: ENV.ER.4 Soil and Land & ENV.ER.5 Wildlife and wilderness
Physical Geology: PG.ER.1 Energy Resources & PG.ER.4 Soil and Sediment
Human Anatomy and Physiology: AP.T.1 blood
Grade 7: 7.ESS.1 Hydrological cycle & 7.LS.2 Organisms within biomes depend on biotic and abiotic factors
Grade 8: 8.ESS.4 Evidence of dynamic changes of Earth's surface through time is found in the geologic record
"I would like to give a shout-out to the BGSU Science Department for inviting our seventh-grade students at Jefferson Junior High to be a part of the GP-Extra project. The lessons were thoroughly prepared and enriched the content we had been learning about in class. It is always a “win” when you are able to provide additional educational experiences for your students! Please keep us in mind for future projects!"
-Michelle Hunter, 7th-grade science teacher
Are you interested? Then please contact us for more details at:
John Farver, Professor,, (419) 372-7203
Jenna Pollock, Program Manager,, (419) 372-2739
Lauren Huhn, Graduate Assistant,
This project is funded through the National Science Foundation and Bowling Green State University

Updated: 12/18/2023 08:46AM