In Brief: September 25

Safe Communities grant to support traffic safety

The BGSU Department of Recreation and Wellness has been awarded $50,000 for the continuation of the Safe Communities Grant for Wood County for the upcoming year, Oct. 1, 2014, through Sept. 30, 2015.

Safe Communities was created in 2012 to establish a partnership of individuals from law enforcement, local governments, schools, businesses, health departments and community organizations to collaborate, creating awareness and prevention of death and injuries caused by traffic crashes.

The grant will allow for the continuation of education and awareness of traffic safety issues in the county. The main focus is the reduction of fatal traffic crashes due to the issues of impaired driving, distracted driving, seat belt usage and motorcycle safety.

Planetarium show features the power of the telescope

The BGSU Planetarium presents “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” a show about the telescope and the cosmos it is revealing. Presentations continue though Oct. 26 and again Nov. 2-23.

Show times are at 7:30 p.m. Sundays, 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays, and 2 p.m. Saturdays. A $1 donation is suggested.

Pro Musica hosts Celebrity Server Night

Pro Musica will host its fourth annual “Celebrity Server Night” from 5-7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom of the Bowen-Thompson Student Union.

The event raises additional money for travel grants and scholarships for students at the College of Musical Arts.

The program will include an hors d’oeuvres hour; wine tasting with Norm Heineman, owner of Bowling Green Beverage Inc. (17744 N. Dixie Hwy.); performances by students from the college; a silent auction, and a meal served by a local celebrity.

This year, 25 people from the Bowling Green community and University have volunteered to be “celebrity servers.”

Dinner is $40 per person. To attend, make online reservations or call the Office of the Dean at 419-372-2188. Reservations will be accepted until Oct. 15.

Those who wish to donate items for the silent auction should also contact the Office of the Dean.

Pro Musica is a “one-of-a-kind” organization as all funds generated are offered to College of Musical Arts students in the form of travel grants and scholarships. Every donated dollar is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and goes directly back to students.

For over 30 years Pro Musica, funded by over 300 dedicated alumni, friends, parents and members of the Bowling Green community, has sponsored a wide variety of musical events and provided financial support to music students for educational travel projects. In addition, the organization provides funding for scholarships and various awards at the college.

Updated: 12/02/2017 12:52AM