Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

Incarceration Snapshot

The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) is composed of a series of panels that are nationally representative of non-institutional civilian households in the U.S. The main goal of SIPP is to measure the economic well-being of the adult civilian population and gauge the effectiveness of government programs. In an effort to provide social and economic context to the survey’s main objectives, rotating “topical modules” are used to collect information on various subjects including demographics, marriage, and fertility, among others. Specific questions related to incarceration are limited to two, which ask about reasons for non-payment of child support.

Suggested Citation:
National Center for Family & Marriage Research. Measures Snapshots: Name of Data Set.
Retrieved from /content/bgsu/en/ncfmr.htmlpage88507.html

Updated: 12/11/2017 02:53PM