Decennial Census

Incarceration Snapshot

The Decennial Census, 2010 is a count of every resident in the United States as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. Seven questions were asked of everyone in the household; name, gender, race, ethnicity, and whether they sometimes lived somewhere else. Additionally, the household head was asked how many people lived in the residence and what type of residence it was (e.g., house, apartment). Specific to incarceration, individuals living in group quarters are identified (distinguishing between the institutionalized and non-institutionalized) as well as the type of group quarters (e.g., correctional facilities for adults, juvenile facilities).

Suggested Citation:
National Center for Family & Marriage Research. Measures Snapshots: Name of Data Set.
Retrieved from /content/bgsu/en/ncfmr.htmlpage88507.html

Updated: 12/12/2017 08:54AM