Scott Highhouse
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Psychology
B.A., University of Akron, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Phone: (419) 372-8078
Office: Room 234, Psychology Building
Lab Page: N/A
Taking Graduate Students? Yes
Sponsoring Undergraduate Research? N/A
Research Interests:
- Assessment of Individual Differences
- User Resistance to Hiring Decision Aids
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Working Importance and Meaning
Scott is interested in judgment and decision making in the workplace. He has recently examined dispositional risk taking and its relation to deviant workplace behavior. He also examines employer resistance to decision aids in the hiring process.
Selected Publications:
Highhouse, S., Zickar, M., & Melick, S. (2020). Prestige and relevance of the scholarly journals: Impressions of SIOP members. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Min, H., Howald, N.R., Pavisic, I., Highhouse, S., & Zickar, M. (2019). A systematic comparison of three sadism measures and their ability to explain workplace mistreatment over and above the dark triad. Journal of Research in Personality, 82, 103862.
Highhouse, S., Nye, C. D., & Zhang, D. C. (2019). Dark motives and elective use of brainteaser interview questions. Applied Psychology, 68(2), 311-340.
Zhang, D., Highhouse, S., & Nye, C.D. (2018). Development and validation of a brief General Risk Propensity Scale (GRiPS). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32, 152-167.
Courses Taught:
- Human Judgment and Decision Making
- Organizational Staffing
- Research Methods in I-O Psychology
Updated: 09/13/2023 09:44AM