Financial Support
The Department offers approximately 55 teaching assistantships. Assistantships for Masters students are currently $14,000 for the nine month academic year, and they are $18,000 for Ph.D. students for the nine month academic year. Summer support ranging from $1,000-$2,000 is also available. New and incoming students are encouraged to participate in our Summer Head Start Program which begins the last week of June and carries a stipend of $1,000 for the six week session. In most circumstances, a tuition scholarship is given to students receiving a stipend from the department.
The majority of our full-time students are fully funded as teaching assistants within our department. Additional graduate assistantships may also be available outside of the mathematics and statistics department. See for more information. Additional financial support in the form of fellowships, scholarships and awards is also available, see
All classes taught by the Department are small individual sections of 30 or fewer students -- we offer no large lecture classes. Teaching assistants are assigned small individual classes in calculus, pre-calculus, or statistics (MATH 1310 and below). This involves five to six contact hours per week with undergraduate students.
Updated: 09/24/2023 10:26PM