Ryan Patrick
I discovered a passion and love for service, re-sparking that lost identity and the missing piece that one feels after leaving the military.
Coming from a military family heritage, joining the military was always a lifetime dream of mine. At seventeen, I raised my right hand to serve, and after four deployments, six detachments, and more than nine operations around the world, I then faced the most difficult challenge in my career, transition. I sought higher education so that doors could be opened by expanding on learning capabilities, networking, and gaining a college degree. The Thompson scholarship was an answer to my prayers. During the Fall semester of 2018, my wife gave birth to our daughter Ava Grace. The Thompson scholarship allowed me to focus entirely on my caring for my newborn daughter while upholding a full-time course load. The opportunity came with a requirement for service, a virtue that I align with whole-heartedly. I used my service hours to help other veterans and non-traditional students at BGSU.

Through this experience, I discovered a passion and love for service, re-sparking that lost identity and the missing piece that one feels after leaving the military. The Thompsons are not just great people that talk about helping others; they act on it and prove it every day. They reinforced the idea Zig Ziglar frequently spoke of "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." Bob and Ellen are great servant leaders, and their incredible support and dedication to students' lives have made impacts that will genuinely last generations. Being a Thompson scholar, I felt valued and empowered through your scholarship to go out and make a difference in this world. The world needs that, and we need more selfless leaders like you. Thank you for setting the standard for others to follow and believing in us when it matters the most!
May you continue to be blessed in all you do!
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Updated: 05/01/2024 08:01PM