BGSU awarded $814,000 federal grant to support students who are parents
Funding will support childcare costs, programming and student success initiatives over a four-year period
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Bowling Green State University a $814,000 grant to support students who are parents and seeking either an undergraduate or graduate degree, including those enrolled in eCampus.
Available to Pell Grant-eligible students at the Bowling Green and Huron campuses through the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program, funding will support childcare costs, programming and student success initiatives over a four-year period.
“As a public university for the public good, BGSU prioritizes increased access to post-secondary education,” said Joe B. Whitehead, Jr., provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs. “Through this grant, barriers such as childcare costs and availability will be removed for students who are parents. By securing reliable childcare and connecting with resources that support their success, students who are parents will be able to obtain a BGSU degree that will help them lead meaningful and productive lives.”
BGSU Firelands helped secure the grant, which builds on existing gifts from private donors to create public good and support student-parents in need.
“As the University’s regional campus, BGSU Firelands extends the University’s access mission to the residents of north-central Ohio,” said Andy Kurtz, dean of BGSU Firelands. “Students who are parents are an important part of our campus community, and this funding will be a vital resource in our toolkit to support them in their lives in and out of the classroom.”
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Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349
Updated: 11/18/2021 09:53AM