Office of Institutional Effectiveness Strategic Plan

3-Year Strategic Initiatives
3-Year Activities to Accomplish Initiatives
Measures of Success (*Developed in an ongoing manner)
1. Champion the use of data to improve student outcomes: learning, retention, graduation, employment, program analytics.

a. Understand current institutional data stakeholders

b. Develop training in the use of data and data analysis with attention to data accuracy, integrity, reliability, validity and interpretation

c. Develop regular data-informed, multiple data points reports for Provost office

d. Develop and monitor strategic plan metrics

e. Establish processes or criteria/guidelines to ensure reliability of data

Increased cooperation and discussion with data stakeholders; Actual metrics documenting data use in support of student learning; Actual reports
2.       Develop  and monitor assessment processes for co-curricular activities leading to data-informed improvement toward goals.

a. Articulate an institutionalized definition of "Co-curricular"

b. Keep track of existing co-curricular assessments

c. Develop and disseminate benchmarked co-curricular assessment forms and processes

d. Form a co-curricular assessment committee and articulate its charge

Actual publication of institutionalized definition; Actual logs (nature and effectiveness of co-curricular activities are being documented in an ongoing manner); Actual committee membership, articulated charge and committee minutes
3.       Develop formalized institutional effectiveness processes  for non-academic/non-co-curricular in order to promote data-informed improvements and efficiencies. 

a. Develop IE forms/processes

b. Use IE processes for evaluation of unit effectiveness as a blueprint (or exemplar) for campuswide generation of similar efficiencies

c. Develop IE review Committee

d. Inventory what  is already happening on campus

Documentation of Gaps, Weaknesses, Strengths; Actual Inventory; Actual committee membership, articulated charge and committee minutes; Actual documentation of implementation of effectiveness assessment mechanisms in non-academic/administrative units across campus
4.       Support culture change through an institutionalized, systematic, data-driven Program Review process that promotes the consistent use of data for program continuous improvement, including action plans for growth and strategic planning

a. Develop and/or refine program review processes and infrastructure, including forms, templates and other support resources

b. Monitor program review progress and status for impacted programs

c. Facilitate upward and downward communication relative to program review

d. Develop annual reporting processes

e. Benchmark PR models

f. Evaluate Cluster Model

Creation of a systematic, up-dated program review repository; Completion rate/percentage of program reviews; Communication documenting advocacy and deployment of institutionalized program review mechanisms; Actual program review infrastructure
5.       Strive for continuous improvement and standards of excellence within OIE and OAA.

a. Develop Annual IE/OAA Calendar

b. Work to ensure that institutional initiatives/partnerships are vetted for HLC accreditation

c. Use of IE data reports to inform continuous improvements or the development of metrics of effectiveness

d. Complete and submit Excellence and Assessment Narrative for continued EIA designation

Actual OIE vetted Annual Calendar; Documentation of accreditation initiatives and/or compliance requirements follow-up, completion or submission; Actual IE data reports; Renewal of EIA designation
6.       Maintain vigilant oversight of HLC Accreditation and Department of Education criteria, policies, and processes and their impact on BGSU so as to exceed compliance requirements

a. Link IE into broader institutional decision making processes

b. Guide work of HLC Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC)

c. Make the Assurance Report a Living Document for ongoing updates

d. Inform Deans/Chairs/Upper Administration of HLC requirements and updates

Documentation of IE's contribution to institutional decision-making processes; Output from ASC; Updated publication of Assurance Report; IE website makeover; Actual HLC communications (Teams Portal, Campus Updates, Videos/Newsletter, Emails, etc…); Fall 2022 Accreditation Process Flow and Progress Documentation; External accreditation outcomes
7.       Promote broad-based campus data access and literacy to support informed and meaningful decision-making at pertinent institutional levels

a. Develop mapping of data points and when to use them

b. Develop a Data Glossary for different areas

c. Develop and disseminate regular OIE/OAA data briefs

d. Provide Executive Summaries of surveys/data (COACHE, NSSE, Course Evals, etc.)

e. Provide data-based analysis in support of institutional planning and budgeting decisions

Actual data points; Actual esecutive summaries, briefs and reports; actual glossary; Exhibits an understanding of the implications of assessment findings; Work with stakeholders to identify areas of needs to be monitored, remediated, or enhanced and define logical, data-informed "next steps"; Documentation that impacted institutional units systematically gather, analyze, and interpret data/evidence to determine how well programs and practices are working at meeting their expected outcomes and using the resulting information to understand and improve institutional effectiveness against published Strategic Plan (i.e., Forward)

Updated: 01/27/2023 02:41PM