Hazing Prevention Resources

Bystander Intervention

Bystander intervention is the act of assisting someone in an emergency or non-emergency situation, which ranges from talking to a friend who appears to be depressed to helping someone who is being abused in some way. You never know when you may find yourself in need of assistance, so why not pay it forward and become an active bystander!

Hazing Prevention.Org

A national leader in hazing prevention, HazingPrevention.Org teaches colleges, universities, schools, clubs, teams, and other groups to move beyond punishment to create a culture that stops hazing before it starts.

Stop Hazing.Org

StopHazing is a trailblazer in hazing research and the leader in data-driven strategies that support safe and welcoming school, campus, and organizational climates.

Additional Resources

Updated: 01/18/2024 03:40PM