Resources & Reporting
Bowling Green State University recognizes the seriousness of sexual offenses and commits itself to preventing such offenses. Students who report the occurrence of a sexual offense are treated with dignity, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. The University Policy on Violence outlines, in full, the University's commitment to a safe environment in which acts of violence are not tolerated.
Take Action
Reporting Sexual Assaults
Sexual assaults that occur on campus can be reported to the BGSU Police at 419.372.2346. Sexual assaults that occur off campus can be reported to Bowling Green City Police or the jurisdiction in which the assault took place. Even if the victim does not want to report the assault, many campus officials have a responsibility to anonymously report the crime. Anonymous reports do not contain the name of the victim and will not be followed by an investigation. Instead, only statistical information is forwarded to campus police for use in the University's annual report.
Resources for Assistance
Academic Issues
Sexual assaults can also affect a victim's academic performance. Students may seek assistance with academic issues through the Office of the Dean of Students at 419.372.2843. The Office of the Dean of Students will work collaboratively with the student's college office.
The Cocoon provides emergency and comprehensive support services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Advocates are available to listen and provide options, empowering survivors from crisis through their journey of healing. Services are available at any time – hours, days, or even years after being victimized. Cocoon advocates can meet survivors at any safe location to offer assistance, and contact can be by phone only if that is preferred. All services are provided at no cost and are completely confidential.
Alcohol and Other Substances
Often times, victims, knowingly or unknowingly, ingest alcohol and other substances prior to being sexually assaulted. In either case, a victim of sexual assault will not be penalized for underage consumption if an assault is reported to the police or the Office of the Dean of Students.
BGSU Student Conduct Program
If the perpetrator is a student, a victim may utilize the student conduct process, which is the University's system of accountability for students. This course of action is an option even if the victim is not a student and is not choosing to prosecute. The student conduct process can be initiated through the Office of the Dean of Students at 419.372.2843.
Counseling can be an integral part of recovery from a sexual assault. The referral sources listed below include on- and off-campus counseling and advocacy services, as well as The Cocoon Hotline at 419-373-1730.
Housing Issues
When a sexual assault takes place in a residence hall, a victim may choose or need to relocate. This option can be made available through the Office of Residence Life at 419.372.2011.
Medical Care
Medical care is recommended after any sexual offense. At a minimum, such care allows for treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In addition, if the assault has taken place within the last 96 hours, an exam can be conducted (known as a rape kit exam) for the purpose of collecting evidence for prosecution. Students and non-students may visit Wood County Hospital's 24-hour emergency room for a rape exam with certified SANE nurses. This must be done within 96 hours of the assault. If the patient does not want a rape kit completed, the Falcon Health Center, 419.372.2271, can still treat for STIs and provide emergency contraception.
A victim has a choice about whether to prosecute or not. Even if a victim initially chooses not to prosecute, it can be helpful to report an assault so that prosecution can be pursued at a later date if the victim chooses to do so. This allows for timely evidence collection and early interviews with the victim and witnesses, and gives more credibility if prosecution is pursued at a later date.
Victim's Compensation
Sexual assault victims may be eligible for victim's compensation for costs incurred as a result of the crime. More information is available about such compensation through The Cocoon at 419.352.1545.
The University acknowledges the support services of the following organizations:
If there is an emergency, please call 911 for immediate attention.
Local Resources
Phone: 419.372.2271
Website: Falcon Health Center
Phone: 419.372.2346
Website: BGSU Police
Phone: 419.372.2081
Website: Counseling Center
The Cocoon provides emergency and comprehensive support services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Advocates are available to listen and provide options, empowering survivors from crisis through their journey of healing. Services are available at any time– hours, days, or even years after being victimized. Cocoon advocates can meet survivors at any safe location to offer assistance, and contact can be by phone only if that is preferred. All services are provided at no cost and are completely confidential.
Phone: 419.373.1730
Phone: 419.372.2011
Website: Office of Residence Life
Phone: 419.372.2540
Website: Psychological Services Center
Phone: 419.372.2951
Website: Student Legal Services
Phone: 419.372.9355
Website: Wellness Connection
Phone: 419.372.9140
Website: LGBTQ+ Resource Center
Phone: 419.372.7227
Website: Center for Women and Gender Equity
Phone: 419.372.7227
Website: Center for Violence Prevention and Education
Phone: 419.372.2843
Website: Office of the Dean of Students
Phone: 419.372.8476
Website: Office of Title IX
Phone: 419.372.2147
Website: Division of Student Affairs
Phone: 419.352.5387
Phone: 419.352.2571
Website: Bowling Green Police Department
State and National Resources
Website: Know Your IX
Website: Love Is Respect
Phone: 1-844-OHIO-HELP
24-Hour Confidential Support
Website: Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline
Updated: 02/03/2025 04:51PM