Study Abroad
Upcoming Info Sessions:
Monday, Sept. 23rd 10:30-11:30am
Zoom (passcode: 535822)
Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 5:30-6:30pm
Shatzel Hall 217
Come learn more!
*Fees include room, board, cultural excursions as well as tuition & are subject to change by the BGSU Board of Trustees.
June 1 - July 27, 2024
Session 1: June 1- June 29
Session 2: June 30 - July 27
September 1 - December 14, 2024
On-Campus Coordinator for BGSU’s program in Spain: Carles Ferrando Valero
On-site Director in Spain: Susana Juarez
Program Information
GPA | 2.5 for undergraduates |
Class Eligibility | Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors & Graduate Students |
Language of Instruction | Spanish |
Open to | BGSU and non-BGSU Students |
Housing - undergraduates | Homestays |
Housing - graduates | Homestays or self-arranged |
Credit type | BGSU direct credit (i.e. courses count toward your minor/major in Spanish) |
Program Type | Led by BGSU faculty |
Discipline Eligibility | Open to all - majors, minors and non-majors/minors |
Program Overview
Bowling Green State University’s longstanding commitment to cultural and language study is evident in the fact that our Academic Programs Abroad in Spain celebrate over five decades in the greater Madrid area. Over the course of those decades, the program has grown to include a wide range of opportunities not just for BGSU students or Spanish majors, but also for all interested students.
The program is located in the city of Alcalá de Henares, on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain's capital. Students attend classes at the Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros which is affiliated with the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, an artistically, historically, and educationally rich institution founded in the late 15th century. Besides being itself a growing and flourishing center of culture and activity, Alcalá is also within easy reach of Madrid, a lively, cosmopolitan city of 4.5 million people.
During the Academic Year you'll find all the courses you need to complete your Spanish major or minor.
Academic Year Abroad Course offerings (undergraduate)
Fall Semester and Spring Semester:
- SPAN 3950 Oral Proficiency Workshop (1 credit hour, required for all students)
- SPAN 3510 Spanish Composition and Conversation I (3 credit hours)*
- SPAN 3520 Spanish Composition and Conversation II (3 credit hours)*
- SPAN 3660 Foundations in Hispanic Literature (3 credit hours)*
- SPAN 3760 Foundations in Hispanic Civilization (3 credit hours)*
- SPAN 4500 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 credit hours)**
Offered on basis of demand and enrollment:
- SPAN 3820 Topics in Hispanic Literature and Culture (3 credit hours, course title varies)**
- SPAN 3830 Topics in Hispanic Film and Culture (3 credit hours, course title varies)**
- SPAN 3840 Topics in Hispanic Culture (3 credit hours, course title varies)**
- SPAN 3850 Topics in Hispanic Language and Culture (3 credit hours, course title varies)**
- INST 4890 Internship (3 credit hours, cross-listed with SPAN 3950)**
- SPAN 4700 Readings in Hispanic Literature (1 to 3 credit hours; course title varies)**
- SPAN 4890 Hispanic Studies (3 credit hours; course title varies)**
*required for Spanish major and minor
**fulfills requirements towards Spanish major and minor
Summer Course Offerings (undergraduate)
Standard Courses:
- SPAN 3510 (3 credit hours) Spanish Composition and Conversation I*
- SPAN 3520 (3 credit hours) Spanish Composition and Conversation II*
- SPAN 3660 (3 credit hours) Foundations in Hispanic Literature
- SPAN 3760 (3 credit hours) Foundations of Hispanic Culture: Spanish Civilization*
- SPAN 3950 (1 credit hour) Oral Proficiency Workshop (required for all students)
Offered on basis of demand and enrollment:
- SPAN 3820, 3830 (3 credit hours) Topics (Topics vary)**
- SPAN 3840 (3 credit hours) Topics* in Hispanic Culture: Spanish Art**
- SPAN 4500 (3 credit hours) Advanced Grammar and Composition**
- SPAN 4700 (1 to 3 credit hours) Readings in Hispanic Literature (Topics vary)**
- SPAN 4890 (3 credit hours) Hispanic Studies (Topics vary)**
*required for Spanish major and minor
** satisfies requirements for Spanish major or minor
Summer Cluster Offerings (undergraduate, novice/beginning level Spanish)
- SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
- ROCS 2950 Field Experience: Spain
Graduate Course Offerings *
- SPAN 5500 Advanced Grammar
- SPAN 5700 Hispanic Studies
- SPAN 6200 Contemporary Spanish Civilization
- SPAN 6420 Cervantes
- SPAN 6550 Hispanic Linguistics
- SPAN 6560 Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
- SPAN 6980 Readings
*Subject to change depending on faculty expertise and on student interest. Consult with the Spanish M.A. Coordinator for details.
In one academic year abroad you can complete a Spanish minor! In fact just one semester will almost get you there.
The following courses offered in Spain during the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters count toward a minor in Spanish
- SPAN 3510, 3520, 3660, 3760, 3820, 3840, 4500, 4890
Contact the Spain study abroad advisor for more details to see how you can quickly and easily complete your Spanish minor in one or two short semesters in sunny Spain.
To make the experience of living abroad complete through immersion in the language and culture, students are housed with carefully selected families in Alcalá, many of whom have been working with our students for 20 years or more. While enjoying personal freedom, students are able to discover a new culture by joining the customs and meal hours of the host family. All host families are conveniently located either within walking distance of the school or within an easy bus ride to classes. The host family experience includes not only full room and board, but also the invaluable opportunity to interact in Spanish on a daily basis.
Because the culture of Spain is so rich and varied, the program organizes special educational excursions several times each semester to places of cultural importance throughout the country. The entire cost of these excursions – including all lodging, meals, group transportation, and admissions – is included in the overall cost of the program. Recent excursions have included trips to:
- Madrid
- Madrid, walking tour
- El Museo Nacional del Prado
- El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
- Optional Excursions
- Palacio Real
- Real Madrid futbol matches
- Bull fights
- Theatre
- And other cultural events
- Palacio Real
- Weekend excursions
- Toledo
- Segovia
- Granada
- Asturias
- Please note, trips vary from semester to semester, this is just a sample list. Please see your study abroad advisor for details.
- Tourism in Alcalá:
- Video of Alcalá
- Benefits of language proficiency
- Benefits of studying abroad
Updated: 08/29/2024 08:47AM