Our graduate students and faculty regularly collaborate on research and coauthor and present papers and posters, addressing specific topics related to the study of human behavior, at national conferences, workshops and professional meetings.

National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) 2020 Virtual Conference

NCFR is the premier professional association for understanding families through interdisciplinary research, theory, and practice.

November 11 - 13
Virtual Format

BGSU students' names appear in bold text.
  • Eric E. Sevareid, Paul Hemez (PhD '20), Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Susan L. Brown, and Krista K. Payne

Population Association of America #2020

Population Association of America (PAA) is a non-profit, scientific, professional organization that promotes research on population issues.

April 22-25
Washington, DC

BGSU students' names appear in bold text.

orange horizontal line 

Archived Conference Papers and Posters

Updated: 02/09/2021 02:14PM